Support for Orion Browser



  • nospam
    Community Member


    I understand that it's extra work for you guys, but help would be appreciated. Of course full support would be welcomed, but at least add it to the browser whitelist of the extension.

  • 1Vincent
    Community Member

    Please add 1Password to Orion, it's a great browser and is only going to gain in popularity.

  • pirijan
    Community Member

    Please add this functionality. Supporting browsers made by not just big tech companies is good for 1password and good for the web at large

  • FDM
    Community Member

    I too vote for Orion browser support!

  • idawood
    Community Member

    +1 for Orion support

  • natebeaty
    Community Member
    edited April 2022

    Another looong-time 1pwd user trying to adopt Orion as a primary browser. Because of the lack of support, it's prompted me to finally explore migrating all my logins to iCloud Keychain ¯_(ツ)_/¯ ... so far it's definitely not as smooth of an experience as 1pwd, but I could get used to it. (I had a very similar push to migrate from Dropbox -> iCloud a few years ago, and it's worked well enough to stick with it.)

  • bjornlll
    Community Member

    Nate, any obvious downsides with iCloud Keychain (apart from being less secure)? Was in similar thoughts - perhaps it’s time to migrate across.

  • Natha
    Community Member

    1+ on this. Big time.

  • kishanpatel
    Community Member

    @bjornlll I think the biggest thing preventing me from going with iCloud keychain is lack of compatibility with Firefox on Windows. I frequently use my desktop PC and not having a good app is just a mess to work with.

  • farmerje
    Community Member


    I've been a 1Password customer for close to 10 year and would love support for Orion.

  • deviantintegral
    Community Member

    I'm quite happy with Orion on iOS, but haven't been able to give the macOS version a fair shake due to the 1Password gap. On iOS, 1Password works perfectly fine due to the system-wide integration.

    On macOS, it appears 1Password X doesn't work either as reported at That could very well be an Orion issue.

    Are there developer-oriented builds of 1Password available that disable signature verification? Or allow users to add an additional signature? If not, perhaps a build could be supplied that that did nothing but add the signature, we could at least provide feedback of "works fine, no real need for additional engineering time" or "that's horribly broken, we can try again in a few months as Orion matures".

    Also, I noticed that SigmaOS (another very-niche browser) supports 1Password. That surprised me given the comments here. I noticed their "privacy bundle" includes a 1Password subscription! From the outside, it seems like 1Password will support niche browsers as long as there's a business relationship feeding subscriptions back to 1Password.

  • fmartingr
    Community Member

    Also interested in 1Password support for Orion.

  • danielhigham
    Community Member

    1Password user since 2016, love the service. Wish I could use it with Orion!

  • kishanpatel
    Community Member

    @deviantintegral and there it is! If that’s truly the case that is such a joke.

  • natebeaty
    Community Member

    @bjornlll So far the downsides are having to use touchID repeatedly on multi-step logins, the lack of a "stay unlocked for a few minutes" feature, awkwardness with selecting from multiple logins and/or multiple subdomains, lack of a system-wide shortcut to open up passwords for use outside a browser (I use cmd-alt-\ a lot apparently), not being able to store auxiliary info inside a login entry (I like to keep extra server info in a single webhost login entry, like mysql, ssh port, api keys, smtp, etc). That's just off the top of my head.

    I have 1,800+ entries in various vaults, so I think I'll be sticking with 1pwd for some time! Here's hoping the electron future isn't that awful. I avoid electron apps for several reasons, but maybe this 700mb application will be worth running?

  • Chris White
    Chris White
    Community Member

    I miss when 1Password cared about Mac users.

  • bjornlll
    Community Member

    @natebeaty thanks, that's super helpful! Based on what you wrote, I think I'll stick with 1pwd for the time being.

  • Hi folks,

    We wouldn't be here without your passion for 1Password. While I'm not in a position to promise anything, we continue to advocate for Orion support.


  • tenfourty
    Community Member

    Hi Folks, another request for support for Orion browser from a longtime 1Password user. I am strongly considering switching to Dashlane which works out of the box with Orion.

  • erikmh
    Community Member

    I’m not sure what good yet-another “+1” for full Orion support will do, but I’ll take the time anyway. I’ve been using Orion for several months and am thoroughly committed to it at this point as my “Forever Browser.”

    I’ve used 1Password for more than 11 years; dozens of 1Password licenses (and, later, subscriptions) are due directly to my constant advocacy.

    That these two excellent applications cannot work together properly has been a point of friction for me dozens of times daily for several months now — and is the only reason that I am not recommending Orion and that I have (regretfully) ceased championing 1Password to my clients and colleagues.

    Please, please do what you have to do to get this working for us!

  • Thanks everyone. @erikmh It's always good to let us know the user pulse. Thank you for sharing this is an important option for you.

  • jdenredden
    Community Member

    Why can I used 1password on SigmaOS and not Orion?

    This seems trivial to fix, like others have mentioned please give us an option to add signature certification or turn it off entirely if you're not going put in the effort to support Orion.

    This is getting a bit ridiculous now, if this isnt resolved in the next month I'm letting my 1Password subscription expire.

  • farmerje
    Community Member

    I've been a 1Password customer since 2013 and think it's one of the best-designed pieces of software out there. That said, I'm going to try BitWarden w/ Orion and will likely cancel my 1Password subscription if it works well.

  • Hi @farmerje, @jdenredden and everyone who roots for Orion and 1Password.

    I apologize again for the long process of supporting the Orion browser. Happily, I'd like to present a workaround with 1Password 8 for Mac and its wonderful Universal Autofill. Yes, we are breaking walls of the ability only to autofill within supported browsers.

    No need to install anything in the Orion browser. Unlock 1Password 8 for Mac, head to the website you want to log in to, simply press "cmd + \", and let the magic begin.

    I created a demo GIF on Orion and used the Universal Autofill to sign in to my Google account:

    I understand the workaround may not be ideal, but I'm excited to see 1Password can actually autofill in Orion.

    In case anyone didn't update to 1Password 8 yet. Here's the link to get the 1Password 8 for Mac.

  • 1PWguy
    Community Member

    Universal Autofill solved this problem. It's better than a browser extension. Props to 1P.

  • natevancouver
    Community Member

    I am able to fill passwords now in Orion using 1Password 8 -- no browser extension required. Thanks 1Password!

  • ++ @Skatelite

    We'll be sure to add your voice to this one as well. 😊

  • kishanpatel
    Community Member thank you! This is great news!

  • petermm
    Community Member It indeed works, and is a great workaround, but it's still a workaround. No account creation, no password change, and most important to me - no masked emails. I'll still be waiting for full support that is on par with Firefox and Safari

  • gnamu
    Community Member

    Yes, 1Password 8 is a workaround for autofill. But it is not a full solution.
    I use the extension a lot to create new passwords and count on it to offer me creation of new logins when I sign up to a new service.

    I would still love to see official support for a Orion browser extension.

    I think support for the 1Password Extension is crucial for many people and can hold back people to use more independent browser that are not controlled by Apple, Microsoft and Google. I know it is more work for you to support more browsers. But it's also a contribution to the free and open web.

    In fact, the Firefox extension works quite well for me in Orion. The only issue is, that it keeps locking itself after only a few minutes (independent of the settings) and Touch ID is not supported.
    The Chrome extension, however, does not work at all.

This discussion has been closed.