Support for Orion Browser



  • EobardThawne
    Community Member

    Lack of transparency from a security company, ironic 🤣

  • cmer
    Community Member

    I'm the OP. I'll +10 this again.

  • CharlieCortial
    Community Member

    I'm also bumping, still no answer.

  • wesen
    Community Member

    Adding my voice to the choir, this just doesn't work well at all right now, and orion is fantastic.

  • marclafountain
    Community Member

    Hi, I’ve been using 1Password since 2007 and have my whole family on it these days. I would like to echo the many requests above. Please support the Orion browser as soon as possible. Thanks for listening.

  • DJFriar
    Community Member

    Firstly, here is +7 more for Orion support, one for each of the suibscriptions I directly control.

    Secondly, In reading this thread, I admit I feel shame in having been such an ardent supporter of 1PW for so long. That no one from the dev team or leadership team (@roustem & @dteare to the red phone please) can take the time to post a simple explanation for why suporting Orion has taken a year is insulting.

    I guess with $920M in VC money in the bank, the 150 or so people in here don't really matter anymore? Are the Bits no longer Agile?

    We deserve better, now is your chance to show us you are that better or we can take your silence as an invitation to go research your competitors. Your move 1PW.

  • BrynB
    Community Member

    It would be nice if this can be sorted out by 1Password. I value Orion more than I value 1Password. I can switch to Keychain easily enough if 1P is only going to support mainstream browsers.

  • CharlieCortial
    Community Member

    Hi @BrynB , if only that was the case!
    No, they support very niche browsers, they just don't want to support Orion.

  • ianbogue
    Community Member

    +1. The Orion devs have shown interest in supporting 1Password on their end. We now have seven pages of people requesting that Orion be supported from 1Password's side.

  • FredericC
    Community Member

    +1 I'm also very interested in Orion support from 1password !

  • ajg23
    Community Member

    Hey 1Password guys, Orion could be a game changer. It will be a platform that will support extensions on both desktop and mobile, but unlike Safari, it will have the much more robust collection of extensions for Chrome. It also has an amazing implementation of vertical tabs: it INDENTS tabs opened from given page under the tab for that page, so you end up with a heirarchical outline of tabs organized by which tabs came from which pages. This not only organizes a sea of tabs into something that makes sense, but lets you see how many pages are left to go through for a given search if you've Cmd+clicked a bunch of links! It's pretty great seeing progress and knowing how many results are left as you Cmd+W (close) one tab after another...rather than having to wait for the search page to show again to find out!

    1Password can function on Orion but it's glitchy. A bit of checking it out would make a lot of very enthusiastic users happy 😉

  • scooby2
    Community Member

    Having moved to Orion as well recently (for home use), I would like to stress that 1P please please please add support or at least put it on the roadmap.

  • steve28
    Community Member

    Adding to the chorus. Orion support please.

  • sankara
    Community Member


  • gravelc
    Community Member

    I tried out Orion and really like it. Can't believe the dismissive attitude from 1Password. If the browser continues to hold up to day-to-day use, it'll be 1Password that's going if they don't work on the compatibility issue. There's a few good password managers out there but there's been no good WebKit-based browsers until now.

  • TBiMYR
    Community Member


  • cmer
    Community Member

    +1 again.

  • Hi I also would love support for Orion ! At the moment Quick Access via the desktop app does a decent job but it's still not the same

  • Clares
    Community Member

    I love using both 1Password and Orion, but if this issue isn't resolved in the near future, I'm finding another password manager for my browser, not another browser for my password manager.

  • John Young
    John Young
    Community Member

    I just went ahead and cancelled my 1Password subscription. It runs through May so in the meantime, I'm going to make sure everything is moved to Apple Keychain. If 1password is working with Orion by May, then I'll resubscribe.

  • Hazealign
    Community Member

    +1 I don't want to leave 1Password.

  • ryan5453
    Community Member

    It's quite ridiculous it's taking this long to add support for Orion. I'm planning to switch to Orion, and if 1Password doesn't add support, I'll simply just have to cancel my subscription and move somewhere else.

  • jeidd
    Community Member

    I guess there’s nothing else one can do except +1 this thread. Is it really seen as a niche browser by you?

  • erlendhm
    Community Member

    Come on, 1Password - at least give a proper answer.
    Many people have asked «What’s the hold up?» - which would at least give a direction and help to do something about it.
    Also very telling that you keep ignoring the valid questions about Arc. I mean, I (for one) think Arc looks cool, but that’s not the point. Cause it sure as h*** is niche!
    (Also, goes without saying, +1 from me.)

  • CharlieCortial
    Community Member
    edited September 2022

    I’m the same. Orion is great, and it’s fixing many of the problems I had in the past, on the desktop and on mobile.
    I’m tired of waiting for 1Password to react and care about its customers.
    I'm tired to wait, I want a product I can trust. I cancelled my subscription (for a family of 5).
    If 1Password starts to treat us correctly, I’ll consider staying and renew my subscription.

    Below is a screenshot of Orion last update changelog, to put some oil on the fire.
    As you can see, they are able to support extensions of other password managers.

    As someone said above, you are not irreplacable, 1Password. Time to act.

  • kelchm
    Community Member

    I'm frustrated with the lack of support for Orion as well. I've been a loyal user of 1Password for around a decade now, but this combined with some of the other changes in 1Password8 definitely has me considering alternatives.

  • timothymh
    Community Member

    1Password was working pretty decently in Orion until the most recent update, and now it either takes 10+ seconds to work, or doesn't work at all. This thread has eight pages of replies, and Orion is getting a larger user base by the day — most of whom are just the sort of privacy- and security-conscious users who are your subscribers! Please listen to us, and fix (and maintain!) your Orion integration as soon as possible.

  • RetroAvenger
    Community Member

    +10 again on this thread, not letting it die down. PLEASE SUPPORT ORION. It makes no sense why 1P wouldn't.

  • coalition
    Community Member

    We need more transparency here. @ag_tommy, tell your colleagues to write an in-depth statement on the status of this situation.

  • coalition
    Community Member

    Calling upon @PeterG_1P.

This discussion has been closed.