Set default collection/vault for saving in 1Password 8



  • ajford
    Community Member

    Tossing in my support for this feature. I'm using the Family Plan, and regularly make use of a "Household" vault where shared household items and general shared things go, and the "Shared" vault where things we share with the kids go. However, the desktop app (where I routinely add notes, devices, insurance cards, etc) all require an extra step to put these items into the Household vault instead of the Private vault.

    Given the fact that this exists in the browser extension it seems like something you should be able to backport to the desktop app, and it's clearly desired by at least a subset of users. For functionality that USED TO BE IN THE DESKTOP APP to be dropped and entirely ignored when you have customers requesting it.

  • DMcWetty
    Community Member

    @PeterG_1P Can you elaborate on why this critical feature was even removed in the first place? Was there some motive to kneecap the app for families? I don't mind keeping my family on 1P7 for the time being, but that's not a permanent solution.

  • 1Password 8 is a new app, built from the ground up. There are a lot of reasons for that, but tl;dr v8 isn't an update on top of the existing v7 code. Everything we wanted to include had to be built essentially from scratch. I wish I had more encouraging news to share here, but what I can say is that I've been advocating for this feature on your behalf to our product team. They have the challenge of weighing all of the various requests and ideas and deciding which will be the most impactful and what we have the engineering and design resources to accomplish. We continue to iterate on 1Password 8 and are building cool new things that customers are asking for all the time. Hopefully this, or something that addresses this use case, will bubble to the surface.


  • jbg232
    Community Member

    I would say that it's great to be "building cool new things" but without taking the prior "things" away. To me, that seems like an essential part of building a product, ie not taking away features of that product that customers were using (and I would add are the reason they are even using the product to begin with...)

  • jms_1p
    Community Member

    With regards to the missing default vault setting (in 1Password 8), it's been reported above that the community feedback has been heard and reported to the development group. But unless I've missed it, we've not heard if the developers plan to add it back and, if so, is there a timetable that can be shared. Also we've not heard if 1Password 7 will be fully supported until this feature is added to 1Password 8.

    As a person that supports other mac users professionally and personally, I've recommended 1Password to many. If there are no plans to add this feature back, then I need to change future recommendations and help former users migrate to another password strategy,

    This timing is particularly troublesome as I'm getting more questions regarding the advantages of 1Password as iOS and macOS improve native support of passwords (e.g. 2FA).

  • Hi folks,

    As a company we tend to hold future plans pretty close to the chest. Good, bad, or indifferent, that's how we've chosen to operate. That said, I'll do the best I can to be transparent.

    But unless I've missed it, we've not heard if the developers plan to add it back

    There are no plans for this to return as it was in 1Password 7. We do have some changes we're planning that we hope will address the use cases outlined here, but it won't be a 1:1 with what existed previously.

    and, if so, is there a timetable that can be shared.

    I'm afraid not. The changes I mentioned above are part of a much larger effort, and so it will be a while before we see them in-app.

    Also we've not heard if 1Password 7 will be fully supported until this feature is added to 1Password 8.

    With the launch of 1Password 8, 1Password 7 is no longer supported and will only receive important security updates. Although you can continue to use 1Password 7, it’s best to use the latest version of 1Password that includes all the latest features and security updates. For now, my recommendation for folks who want this would be to use the setting in the 1Password browser extension to set the vault to save new items in. To access those settings: right click on the 1Password icon in your browser's toolbar, then select settings from the menu that appears.


  • jms_1p
    Community Member

    Ben, thank you for the quick and mostly transparent reply. With that said, I don't understand this comment:

    We do have some changes we're planning that we hope will address the use cases outlined here, but it won't be a 1:1 with what existed previously.

    One could speculate. Maybe users will be able to change the displayed order of the vaults and new entries will be entered in the top vault. Obviously this is only a guess.

    With the launch of 1Password 8, 1Password 7 is no longer supported and will only receive important security updates.

    Important? Does that mean that some of the security updates to v8 will not be rolled into v7?

    it’s best to use the latest version of 1Password that includes all the latest features and security updates.

    This is a blanket statement that frankly deserves more nuance. It's certainly not best for me, many of my users, and others in this thread; that is, unless security or functionality of v7 becomes a problem. I hope developers at 1Password understand the latest features are not necessarily more important than formerly available features.

    use the setting in the 1Password browser extension to set the vault to save new items in.

    If changing this setting in the extension also changed the behavior in the v8 Electron app, then it would be clumsy but a suitable stopgap until the feature was added to the app. But my guess is that this change in the browser has no effect on the v8 app.

  • johnbr7
    Community Member

    This absolutely needs to be added back, I'm consistently at risk of losing accounts as I save them on my work machine then can't access them on my personal machine. If I ever leave the company, I'm sure I'll lose access to something along the way due to this. Is there even a work around? This is my number 1 complaint with 1password today, and I'll likely have to move to another service for personal passwords until this is fixed.

  • johnbr7
    Community Member

    To make it even more comical, I had to create an account to to post the above message, which saved to the wrong vault due to this open bug / vulnerability.

  • Hi, folks. Sorry for the delay here.

    Important? Does that mean that some of the security updates to v8 will not be rolled into v7?

    @jms_1p in general, yes. We are constantly improving the security posture of our products in mostly small ways and these efforts are focused on the latest versions of the apps. But if we were to discover an issue in version 7 that would put our customers at real risk, we would take the needed steps to resolve that.

    This is a blanket statement that frankly deserves more nuance.

    That's fair. By "best" here, I think Ben is referring to the general recommendation to keep your software up to date as good security hygiene.

    I'm consistently at risk of losing accounts as I save them on my work machine then can't access them on my personal machine.

    @johnbr7 to be clear, are you saying that when you are on your work machine, you want to be saving items that you create within the desktop app into your personal account by default?

    Remember that for items saved in the browser, you can set the default vault as Ben described above. And in the desktop app, you can select the vault from the menu right next to the Save button before saving the item. Also, if you've selected an account instead of "All Accounts", items will be created in that account by default.

  • johnbr7
    Community Member

    @rob it appears the browser change has solved my problem, I thought this was controlled by the desktop app and just broken - thank you!

  • Glad to hear it! Thanks for the update, @johnbr7.

  • hichrisbell
    Community Member

    With 1Password 8 hitting iOS, this feature is even more necessary for those of us who install the app for our family members and rely upon a shared vault.

  • esquared
    Community Member

    Agree with @rocketcloudchris - I'm really disappointed that ABits didn't take the clear feedback from the desktop app and ensure that there was a way to do this in the iOS app. Now I have to make sure that my employees and my family both don't upgrade either client to version 8 since they still lack many of the necessary features that were present in version 7 of the apps.

  • OAW
    Community Member

    Indeed. The recommendation that @Ben gave on June 30 to set a default vault in the 1Password in the Browser settings is no longer applicable as that feature has been removed in 1PW8 for iOS. Given the firestorm that erupted when 1PW8 for Mac was released without this capability among those of us who rely upon the feature for elderly family members … to flat out not listen and then remove it from 1PW8 for iOS anyway is just inexplicable.

  • signe
    Community Member

    Yet another comment stating that Default Vault is incredibly important for me and always has been. I've found that no matter where I am when I create a new item, it always selects my work account's personal vault.

    If someone has a Default Vault set that is currently unavailable due to not being unlocked, either prompt them to unlock or warn them. Right now, things are always getting saved in the wrong location, and it's impossible to know without double-checking every single time that something is going to go where you want it to.

    This is probably compounded by/related to the fact that the sidebar keeps my accounts out of order. They're in neither "Added" nor "Alphabetical" order. The "D" account was added second and is clearly after C in the alphabet.

  • NRR
    Community Member

    I'm adding to this, because now version 8 is up and running and out of beta... I've been searching to set the default vault for my parents, but I can't find it... Was this implemented?

  • DMcWetty
    Community Member

    I'm baffled the team didn't take our feedback to heart for the iOS 1P8 release. There is a lot to like about 1P8, but I have to tell my family members not to upgrade from 1P7.

    I understand if the work was already done at release (a la the Mac beta) and they had a deadline to meet for launch. It's hard to go back to the drawing board. But if the change wasn't already implemented, and they went ahead and removed the default vault option against our feedback... that's different.

    I'm going to give the team a chance to fix this, but I'll be headed back to Bitwarden if this is how development is moving forward.

  • kdb
    Community Member

    I had really hoped the number of posts on this thread would help 1Password realize the importance of having the ability to select the default vault in version 8 on all platforms. Around 10 months have passed since the release of version 8 for Windows, and now I am regularly being prompted by 1Password 7 for Windows to upgrade to version 8. As a technology professional, I have encouraged and subsequently helped family, friends, and business customers adopt 1Password with the default vault option being a key feature that prompted me to advocate for 1Password. The product already effectively supports the ability to have a default vault, given the Private vault is the default. Obviously, it is just lacking the ability to change the default, like the browser extensions do. Adding this feature should not take a lot of development resources. Please listen to your customers and prioritize this feature. There are no new features that I want over having the ability to select a default vault. In my opinion, this should be prioritized second only to security patches and broken functionality. I have already stopped recommending 1Password to potential new customers all because you apparently are struggling to acknowledge how critical this feature is for at least a subset of your customer base. Please, please, please close this gap!

  • mikeormerod
    Community Member

    Adding my $0.02 here as I agree it seems crazy that this feature has been removed. As someone with a Family Account and a Teams account, the number of times I've noticed personal items being put into the Teams account by accident is frustrating to say the least.

  • PaulBoucher
    Community Member

    I want to add to what seems to be the chorus of voices in this thread of experienced 1Password users. We need the power as users to set our default vault. Period. I also don't see the logic behind the decision to remove that option, and despite the welcome input from 1Password team members, there has been no explanation offered as to what that decision was based on.

    Also, while many of us can appreciate the intellectual property and competitive threats that divulging features can make, I fail to understand the team's logic for not committing to returning this feature and explicitly giving us a timeline. In case it wasn't clear, all of us have other things on our hands besides writing in community threads and hoping for what should be a speedy resolution of this issue.

    I support 3 reluctant family members in the use of a password manager. ANYTHING that makes it more difficult for those users compromises our security.

    I'm quite sure the intent of the 1Password team is NOT to lessen/compromise the use of their own software and possibly compromise security among family users as a result.

    As a long-time user (close to the beginning), and a huge advocate and referrer of your software, I want this option back, and I'd like it back before October. I specified the time simply because throwing a please behind a request seems to leave the item as a wish list rather than a must-have. It might also help in the specificity of the team's response rather than a simple "we've heard you."

  • MarioMan83
    Community Member

    @PaulBoucher I agree with everything you've said, and I'm in the same situation, long time user, with supporting many family members, and they are not as savvy, hence we set the default vault for them, and can help manage their accounts and details. Looking forward to having this feature added back. The family members will have to stay on 1Password 7 for the time being :(

  • acm347
    Community Member

    I couldn't figure out why none of my passwords were in the right vault and why the 1Password app kept only showing search results for my family vault from my work computer. I finally realized it always switches to my family vault at every login, even if I just changed it to All Accounts. With all due respect to the brilliant minds at 1Password, this is stupid. The only thing dumber than this decision is the lack of commitment to improve what is obviously a usability nightmare and security liability. If you're going to add the feature to the browser extension (historically a hobbled version of the app) then commit to parity and bring it to the app or abandon the app and push everyone to the extension. The fact that 1Password has not yet corrected this clear deficiency, and have gone so far as to say they likely never will, is appalling.

    @rob & @Ben - I find it amazing that the 500+ employees at 1Password do not find this maddening and have not yet banned together to fix it. Do you not experience this same frustration in your own use of 1Password? Do you not use the app? I assume you also have a work vault and a home vault and that you too assist family members, some far less technical than others, with these same challenges. Or have you also told them not to upgrade yet to v8? Of all the things I can think that I might want to have in 1Password, this would be at the top of my current list. I have read dozens of threads on the topic in the beta forum, and while I understand the technical challenges, it is a UI/UX problem and not a technical problem.

    Eternally Yours, A former 1Password for Life enthusiast who is now defeated knowing the biggest frustration in 1Password was intentional.

    P.S. For those of you who want to know WHY this is a problem, please see this comment. Evidently it was the byproduct of a architecture change. There are other ways to solve this problem so I truly hope someone will spend the time to make it right.

    • end of rant
  • Hey, folks. 👋 Just checking in with a few notes:

    • There's no need to disparage individuals, imply we don't use or care about our product, etc. Passion is great, though, and we're so fortunate to have so many passionate customers who also care about our product. 😍
    • 1Password 7 is still supported, and it's perfectly fine if your use case requires you to keep using that version for now. 👍
    • 1Password 8 is a brand new app on all platforms. ✨ I know regulars here have heard this a lot, but it bears repeating for others. We didn't actively "remove" the default vault feature; we've simply not reimplemented it, thus far for reasons that @acm347 linked above, and because there are lots of other features in 1Password 7 that we've been adding to 1Password 8.
    • None of this means we aren't listening to your feedback. This topic is actually under active discussion, in large part because of your feedback. ❤️ We can't succeed by ignoring our customers, and we don't try to. OTOH, to butcher a famous Lincoln quote, we can address some of the feedback first, and we can address all of the feedback eventually, but we can't address all of the feedback first.

    To answer your questions, specifically, @acm347, I have multiple accounts, usually four on each of my devices, including a family and work account. I don't experience this frustration, though. I'm in the habit of picking the vault every time I create an item because there's no one vault I want all my items to go into. That said, most of the items I create are through the browser extension, which, as we've established, has this feature. I actually don't know how many of my family members are on v8, lol. I should probably check in with them, but no, I've not heard any complaints on this front.

    That said, all of that is just my experience. That's why we host this community, run user testing, and recently introduced the 1Password Research Community, which you all are welcome to join! 🤝

  • jms_1p
    Community Member

    This topic is actually under active discussion, in large part because of your feedback.

    @rob, thanks for the update. Glad to hear that this topic is under active discussion; certainly not as good as active development, but much better than shelved.

    1Password 7 is still supported, and it's perfectly fine if your use case requires you to keep using that version for now.

    Will v7 be supported until this feature is available in v8? Without that commitment, those of us that support many family and friends need to start investigating alternatives. A few I help have unwittingly installed v8 and the confusion has been frustrating for them—and me. The new interface was unsettling, but the biggest problem was when new entries weren't available to others as they were unknowingly saved to Private.

    1Password 8 is a brand new app on all platforms...

    Platform details mean nothing to the vast majority. Three or four new, whiz-bang features are significantly less valuable than one core feature that is missing. Particularly for subscribers of 1Password Families, I'm confident saying that v8 has been a net loss. That's how important default vaults are to that sector of your customers.

  • jbg232
    Community Member
    edited October 2022

    Particularly for subscribers of 1Password Families, I'm confident saying that v8 has been a net loss. That's how important default vaults are to that sector of your customers.

    My thoughts exactly, I think for tech-savvy folks changing the default vault is something we can train ourselves to do (although we shouldn't). Asking non-tech savvy family members to do this is not a viable proposition. That's why 1password families has been so helpful, it was just difficult enough (but not too difficult) to get my non-techy family members to make new passwords and store them in the family vault. Asking them to choose the vault is a huge undoable chore for them. Both my father and father-in-law who are mildly tech savvy and use 1password families upgraded to v8 not knowing about this and I had to point this out to them. Each one of them thought this was ridiculous. My wife can't remember to do it and I have to regularly go into her vaults and reorganize her passwords for her (work, home, personal, etc).

  • esquared
    Community Member
    edited October 2022

    Totally agree with @jms_1p and many of the other posters on this topic. Which then begs the question, in response to @rob:

    That's why we host this community, run user testing, ...

    While I'm not doubting the efforts of the user testing, from the outside it feels as if the user testing, or at least beta-testing feedback if that is different, was largely ignored. This issue, and others like rearranging fields, unlocking multiple accounts, changing field types, and other general UI/UX downgrades, were all reported during beta testing. And yet, the product was released anyway. It's been over a year since then and we the users have not seen anything in the way of the return of those sorely needed features. Lots of "we hear you and recorded your input", but the change logs show a very different story of focus on trivial cosmetic fixes and improvements. So, again, from the outside, it looks as if the company doesn't care about the existing user base. You can't fix that by placating comments in these forums, coupled with no observable action on these missing features nor public comments about what the intended direction of development will be (aka a roadmap for features).

    Also, regarding:

    ... and recently introduced the 1Password Research Community, which you all are welcome to join!

    I signed up weeks ago and have heard nothing. Did my application get lost? Is the research community even up and running? What are the results thus far? Again, action with no observable output looks like inaction from the outside.

  • Samaher_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @esquared 👋

    Thank you for asking about the 1Password Research Community, I'm Samaher from our Research Community team. We will be sending out a welcome survey soon to everyone who has signed up so definitely look forward to that in the next week or so, if not earlier.

    We've had over 1000 members who have signed up which is really exciting. We have lots of content planned for the community and cannot wait to get going and learn from all of you.

    Right now we are ironing out some of our processes including sending out monthly newsletters and what we will be including in them which is taking up a bit of time, apologies for the slowness here, we just want to make sure we do things right :)

    If you or anyone ever has any questions, feedback, comments, ideas about the 1Password Research Community feel free to reach out directly at and myself or another member of our research team will be sure to get back to you asap!

  • david82
    Community Member

    Just wanted to add my 2c as a 1Password user missing this feature (default Vault) and long-time observer of and investor in tech companies --

    To be blunt, this is either bad corporate management or lack of developer talent.

    This can't actually be difficult to implement from a software perspective -- and if it is, then 1Password 8 has been built on a shaky foundation. So either it was built on a shaky foundation (which speaks to a lack of developer talent), or you lack the developer talent to implement such a trivial feature.

    If it's not that, and management is simply failing to prioritize a basic feature that your software used to have that users are complaining about now not having -- well, that's poor management.

    Please fix this so we can all move on with our lives; the amount of time your users are spending complaining about it and you must be spending dealing with those complaints must be greater than the actual amount of time required to just fix the damn thing.

  • esquared
    Community Member

    @Samaher_1P - it's been another two weeks since you last indicated that the research community would be up and running. I've still seen nothing. What's up?

This discussion has been closed.