1Password button disappearing from Firefox toolbar after restart


Since a few weeks now the 1Password toolbar button disappears whenever my iMac is restarted. The extension is still in my extension list, the enable\disable button showing enabled. The keyboard shortcut however does not bring up the 1Password window. Disabling and subsequently enabling restores the 1Password toolbar button. When restarting only Firefox everything is fine.

I am on OSX 10.8.3 and currently using Firefox version 20 and extension version 3.9.12. The same thing however happens when using a combination of Firefox version 21 beta and extension 3.9.12, and Firefox version 21 beta and extension beta 3.9.13b2. Has anyone else seen this behavior?

Wil Dieteren



  • MichaelDurio
    Community Member
    edited March 2013

    Anyone playing with the Firefox Aurora browser? 1Password's Firefox extension installs and works without issues, as far as I can tell.


    I am doing the daily updates with Aurora. Each day for the last coupla weeks, each time I download and install the daily update and restart Aurora, 1Password disappears from the navigation bar as well as the extensions bar. The 1Password extension is still installed, but I have to go to the browser's Tools menu, open extensions, then disable and re-enable 1Password to get the buttons back.

    It's nothing but an annoyance, really, but it's really annoying. I've sent a "Firefox made me sad" feedback message every day that this has happened. . .no response or issue resolution from Mozilla so far.

    AgileBits, are you working on Aurora? Have you heard of this issue? I'm using 1Password extension 3.9.10.b3 and Aurora 21.0a2 (2013-03-20).


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    We'll keep an eye on this, especially as Firefox 21 moves from alpha to beta (and eventually to stable). It can be hard to hit a moving target, so we don't always take issues like this too seriously when they are pre-beta. It could easily resolve itself in the next browser build, so it's best not to expend a lot of energy on it at this stage.

    In general, prerelease browser versions are only for testing purposes and should not be used under normal circumstances. We only guarantee compatibility in stable channels of the supported browsers. You can read more about this here:

    Support for Prerelease Browser Versions

    If we can be of further assistance in the meantime, please let us know. We are always here to help!

  • MichaelDurio
    Community Member

    Hello, and thanks for the response. I understand your position on the browser. I have to say that Aurora in its alpha staging is more stable than most beta products, and even some golden release applications (I'm thinking Apple here!). It takes a lot for me to be impressed these days, and Aurora continues to impress me. Cheers!

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    I'm glad it is working so well for you. :)

    Please let me know if you have any trouble with the stable build.


  • gtbiii
    Community Member

    Interestingly, I am having the same problen w/ the beta version of Firefox, not the daily build but the beta channel, FF20.0 Beta 7. I have the 1password extension 3.9.11.b1 installed. The extension "fails to stick" to the menu bar & I have to go through several restarts & re-installation of the extension for it to come back. This only recently has been a problem. Does your answer above apply to this situation as well? I'm referring to beta, not alpha channel. I last encountered this over a year ago & it was resolved until very recently.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Yes, as I mentioned above, prerelease browser versions are generally only provided for testing purposes. We only guarantee compatibility in stable channels of the supported browsers. You can read more about this here:

    Support for Prerelease Browser Versions

    Please let me know if you have any trouble with the stable build. That will help us narrow down the issue if there is one that we need to address before Firefox 20 hits the stable channel. :)

  • yoav
    Community Member

    Ok, so Firefox 20 is out, so it is no longer "beta" or prerelease or whatever. The bug is still there. The Addon needs to be disabled and then re-enabled for the button to show up in firefox.

    I have tried using the beta addon to see if it has been fixed, but it looks like no... (as of 3.9.13b3)

  • yoav
    Community Member

    (although it seems as though once it's disabled and re-enabled once, the button is there through restarts... so it's a one-off at least for me)

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for following up. I'm glad things are working well. Please keep me posted. So far we haven't received any other reports of this, but I'm glad a simple re-enable of the extension has resolved the issue you had.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Wil,

    Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'm sorry that you are having some trouble.

    1. Can you confirm for me that everything is working well in Firefox 20 after disabling/reenabling the extension? It sounds like that's what you are saying, but I just want to to be sure.

    2. You are only still seeing the issue in the Firefox 21 beta. Is that correct?

    3. Does the issue persist in a new Firefox profile?

    Please let me know. Cheers!

  • WilDieteren
    Community Member


    Maybe I have not been clear, I am seeing the issue both in Firefox 20 and Firefox 21 beta, and both with the "mainstream" extension and the beta extension. Also, disabling/reenabling the extension works for both Firefox versions and both extension versions. A new Firefox profile solves the issue, so it must be a profile issue going to look into it. Thanks for your help.


    P.S. Something completely unrelated, any news about when to expect 1Password 4?

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    I'm glad that a new profile resolves the matter. Thank you for following up. Please let me know if it happens again and if you discover what was added or changed in the new profile that preceded its recurrence in the new profile. It would be great to track the cause down.

    P.S. Something completely unrelated, any news about when to expect 1Password 4?

    I can't leak any information or I'll be demoted from Social Choreographer to Social Pariah. Please keep an eye on our blog for news and updates. You might also want to subscribe to our email newsletter. :)

  • ndsizemore
    Community Member

    Firefox auto-updated to 20.0 for me yesterday, and I experienced the same issues on restart as yoav -- the 1Password extension toolbar button did not display as expected, but did so after I disabled and then re-enabled it. Working as expected since then. Firefox 20.0 on Mac OS X 10.8.3, using 1Password 3.9.12 extension. If any other data would be helpful, just let me know.

  • elnjensen
    Community Member

    +1 on this bug for me. Firefox auto-updated to 20.0, and the 1Password extension disappeared. Had to disable and re-enable to get it back (so I could sign in to post this comment!) Hopefully this won't prompt another "I'm glad things are working" response... Firefox 20.0, 1Password extension 3.9.12, Mac OS X 10.7.5.

  • elnjensen
    Community Member

    P.S. Sorry, didn't mean to be too snarky in my comment. But this is pretty clearly a bug, now - also a related thread here.

    Thanks to the 1Password team for their work!

  • Hi guys,

    Just to be clear, we're not trying to say this couldn't be a bug in our extension but rather that we don't directly control the way the extension is loaded into the Firefox, this is all done by Firefox itself. If there was an issue with it, we'd have to contact Mozilla to fix it, not something we can fix in our code unless Mozilla specifically changed the APIs.

    As far as we know, they haven't done so for the next few versions. They usually announce such a change in advance to avoid breaking all extensions at once.

    The only thing I could think of is that they added a feature a few versions ago where if they believe an extension to be incompatible, they'll automatically disable it and prompt you about updating it or re-enabling it. This could be a bug in that feature but it seems that not everybody got affected and you guys didn't mention anything about incompatibility message, so it might not be it.

    Hopefully, this doesn't happen again. If it does, we'll let Mozilla know what's going on.

  • WilDieteren
    Community Member


    The new Firefox profile only worked for a day or so, and the problem is back. I have seen there is another thread with people having the same problem, and it is possibly an issue Mozilla has to fix. Gone wait and see.


  • dcsilva
    Community Member

    This behavior is still happening to me. Windows XP Pro, Firefox 20.0.1, 1Password for Windows 3.9.14. Whenever I restart my computer, the 1Password toolbar button is missing. Going to Firefox Add-ons Manager and Disabling/Reenabling restores toolbar button. Nothing in last Firefox update caused problems for my other Add-ons (Evernote web clipper, Diigo). Thanks for looking into it!

    PS - 1Password rocks.

  • Hi @Wil,

    I'm sorry to hear that, we were hoping that it was fixed for good. Do you know if you saw any errors in the Error Console when you saw this issue? To get to the console, open Firefox, go to the Tools Menu > Web Developer > Error Console. See if there are any errors in the Errors tab related to the 1Password extension. Ignore the ones about sjcl, that'll be fixed in a future version of the extension.

    If you do see one, right-click on the error message and select Copy. Paste it here, so we can see it.

    In addition, can you tell me if you bought anything back into the new Firefox Profile before the problem came back? Like restoring some of the history, settings, and/or extension data from the old Firefox profile or reinstalling some extensions?

  • Hi @dcsilva,

    Can you reproduce that missing issue and then open up the Error Console to see if there are any errors for the 1Password extension?

    To get to the console, open Firefox, go to the Firefox Menu on top left > Web Developer > Error Console. See if there are any errors in the Errors tab related to the 1Password extension. Ignore the ones about sjcl, that'll be fixed in a future version of the extension.

    If you do see an error, right-click on the error message and select Copy. Paste it here, so we can see it.


  • dcsilva
    Community Member

    Good morning. Thanks for the quick response, Mike T. The issue happened again this morning, but no 1Password-related errors in the Firefox error console (although there were a hundred errors relating to the CSS used by Salesforce.com, a site that I have loading automatically when Firefox launches).

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    I think we may be at a loss for the moment. This is a very strange issue that is obviously affecting a small number of folks, but we have thus far been unable to reproduce it ourselves which makes it very difficult to figure out a solution. We'll continue to monitor the issue and post back if we have any more information gather from other support channels or our own testing. Thanks for your patience. It would be great if it was just a Firefox bug that Mozilla had already fixed for the next update. :)

  • PeterInWiesbaden
    Community Member

    Looks like I have the same problem (MacOSX 10.8.3, FireFox 20.0.1, 1PW 3.9.6 build 39600.038) - the "Key" icon is just gone after a restart. So far, I re-installed it each time, next time I try this disable/enable trick.
    I've seen a lot of strange behaviour lately on Macs, looks like the good old DLL-hell on Windows. :)

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Please keep us posted, Peter. We are still investigating this.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2013

    Interesting, @FLyingB. Does that help anyone else? @PeterInWiesbaden? @dcsilva? @WilDieteren? others?

  • dcsilva
    Community Member

    Thanks for the suggestion, @FlyingB and @khad. Only got two results when I searched my browser config for agile and 1password:

    {"onepassword@agilebits.com":{"version":"3.9.14","type":"extension","descriptor":"C:\Documents and Settings\dsilva\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\nlz2co90.default\extensions\onepassword@agilebits.com.xpi"}}

    [{"name":"winreg-app-global","addons":{"{20a82645-c095-46ed-80e3-08825760534b}":{"descriptor":"c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Windows Presentation Foundation\DotNetAssistantExtension","mtime":1247526376000},"{ABDE892B-13A8-4d1b-88E6-365A6E755758}":{"descriptor":"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RealNetworks\RealDownloader\BrowserPlugins\Firefox\Ext","mtime":1366039250386}}},{"name":"app-global","addons":{"{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}":{"descriptor":"C:\PROGRA~1\MOZILL~1\extensions\{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}","mtime":1365779311008}}},{"name":"app-profile","addons":{"info@recapthelaw.org":{"descriptor":"C:\Documents and Settings\dsilva\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\nlz2co90.default\extensions\info@recapthelaw.org.xpi","mtime":1366123293746},"onepassword@agilebits.com":{"descriptor":"C:\Documents and Settings\dsilva\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\nlz2co90.default\extensions\onepassword@agilebits.com.xpi","mtime":1366809461312},"{05f6a7ea-896b-11da-8bde-f66bad1e3f3a}":{"descriptor":"C:\Documents and Settings\dsilva\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\nlz2co90.default\extensions\{05f6a7ea-896b-11da-8bde-f66bad1e3f3a}","mtime":1260462272007},"{E0B8C461-F8FB-49b4-8373-FE32E9252800}":{"descriptor":"C:\Documents and Settings\dsilva\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\nlz2co90.default\extensions\{E0B8C461-F8FB-49b4-8373-FE32E9252800}","mtime":1365776695024},"{f01f4cbe-b8a8-4c37-94b3-119d8779e7e0}":{"descriptor":"C:\Documents and Settings\dsilva\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\nlz2co90.default\extensions\{f01f4cbe-b8a8-4c37-94b3-119d8779e7e0}","mtime":1303911406134},"{fc2b8f80-d9a5-4f51-8076-7c7ce3c67ee3}":{"descriptor":"C:\Documents and Settings\dsilva\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\nlz2co90.default\extensions\{fc2b8f80-d9a5-4f51-8076-7c7ce3c67ee3}","mtime":1363121156912}}}]

    Any other ideas? Thanks!

  • dcsilva
    Community Member

    Hi again. Just disabled some other extensions and plugins, then restarted and now 1password loads fine. Even after reenabling the disabled extensions, 1password continues to load properly. So that fixes it for now. Thanks!

  • olix
    Community Member

    Well, this is still a plague.
    once you launch Mozilla, the addon do not appear.
    then you have to "disable" the addon and then "enable" it again,
    and then after the "key" button appears in the menubar.

  • dcsilva
    Community Member

    Yes, @FlyingB, I searched "agile" and "1password" separately, not in one search string. But disabling/reenabling other extensions fixed it for me. http://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/70881/#Comment_70881

  • sadyhr
    Community Member

    For the last days/weeks? I've had the same problem: my key and 1P-icons dissapears from FF across restarts (of my Mac - not shure of restarting FF);

    In the list of extensions 1p is enabled. - Disenabling and reenabling makes it work.

    FF is verison 20.0
    1P extension is the newest version downloaded from your website
    Mac is OS X 10.6.8

    I will now try to do as FlyingB suggested in #26

    I suffered from the disappearing extension a while ago. In the browser config (type "about:config" in the location bar), I searched for "agile", and found the entry "extensions.onepassword@agilebits.com.install-event-fired". Right-clicked, chose "Reset", and shazam! Problem solved. I hope it works for you.


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