1Password button disappearing from Firefox toolbar after restart



  • dcsilva
    Community Member

    Oops I spoke too soon, @FlyingB and @khad. My 1password toolbar button was absent on launching Firefox this morning. Tried the about:config trick; same result as before. Only things that work are disabling or removing other add-ons and restarting Firefox, and disabling/reenabling 1password. I'll check later today to see if the first trick continues to work after restarting computer.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    @dcsilva, what are the other add-ons?

  • sadyhr
    Community Member

    Ok, might be, I've found a solution.

    I did as described above, which did not work across reboots ,(

    BUT, then I searched for "1pass" instead og "onepass" in the about config AND did reset the three, I found there. I found three lines stating extension version 3, 4, and 5 installed/fired - now they are totally gone, so can't tell precisely ,-()

    Right now, I do have my key and 1P in the menu/buttom line in Firefox after a computer logout/login, so fingers crossed, they will still be there after restart.

  • dcsilva
    Community Member

    @khad, I uninstalled all RealPlayer garbage (why does it need to install a dozen browser plugins?), a bunch of other useless plugins; and two extensions I never used: MapIt and Dictionary. That fix did not persist upon reboot; back to missing toolbar button. So now I tried @sadyhr's fix; I reset the two hits I got in browser config when I searched for agile. Worked upon restarting browser; I'll let you know tomorrow if it also works upon reboot.

  • tuni12
    Community Member
    edited May 2013

    Just updated to latest version of FF (20.0.1) the little icon (key) from the top of my upper tabs is no longer there,nor is the icon showing 1PW icon at the bottom of my screen either....thoughts? remedies? Help!

  • tuni12
    Community Member

    Just downgraded to FF 19.0 and the icons are there, but not in FF 20.0.1 - forgot to mention am on Mac store version, all OS & Apps up-to-date. Anyone else reporting this? thx

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for following up, @sadyhr and @dcsilva. Please keep me posted.

    @tuni12, I merged your posts with this existing thread. Please be sure you are using the current version of Firefox which is 20. The simple solution may be removing and reinstalling the extension, but if it disappears when you restart it may be this issue that we are trying to track down.

    There are a few shots in the dark, but no solid fix right now.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    If any of you are feeling adventurous, I've got some things you can try. We're still trying to narrow it down, and this could help us do that. :)

    1. If you are able and willing, could you try disabling all other extensions completely and only using 1Password? This can tell us if there is a conflict with another extension. I know it is a pain, but it would be very helpful if you are willing. :)
    2. Could you also let me know all the other extensions you have been using? Perhaps we can cross-reference everyone's and see if there is one that is common to all of your situations.
    3. Another thing to try would be to do what @tuni20 did and install Firefox 19.

    Disclaimer: Although Mozilla has a website with old versions of Firefox for testing purposes, it is not recommended that you use anything but the latest version. Using old versions of Firefox poses a significant security risk. This is only for advanced users who want to try to troubleshoot this issue. If you are not sure if you should do this, you probably shouldn't.

    Be sure to disable autoupdates so you don't accidentally update back to version 20 when you are trying to test version 19. So far from this thread it seems like the issue is only in Firefox 20, but we want to see if the problem lies within Firefox or the 1Password extension.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

  • tuni12
    Community Member

    the problem exists when using FF 20.0 and also FF 20.0.1. the only solution for me was to downgrade to FF 19.0 - 1PW works fine there. will not try upgrading FF again til this issue is solved. thx for any help.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for following up, @tuni12. It sounds like the issue may indeed be with Firefox rather than the 1Password extension. Could you tell me what other extensions you have installed?

  • tuni12
    Community Member
    edited May 2013

    khad, do you mean what add-ons I have installed or do you mean the tabs (for different apps) I show in FF? i.e., the tabs I have running are my yahoo mail, gmail, CNNnews, SuperDuper, TMF (the Motley fool) favorite boards. Have been running all these forever. The add-ons I have are:

    • AddBlock+2.2.3
    • colorful tabs 18.5
    • coolpreviews3.9
    • donot trackme 307
    • download helper 4.9.14
    • faster fox 5.1.3
    • fox clocks 3.1.26
    • liquid word 9.11
    • no script
    • manage folders 1.05
    • WOT 20130402
    • x-notifier 3.3
    • xmarks 4.1.3

    whew!!!! Again, none of these are newly added, have been using them all for a very long time. Any thoughts?...thx

  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2013

    Thanks! I meant the latter: extensions. It probably won't help until we can gather some more data and cross-reference it. If anyone else in this thread can share their list of extensions that would be much appreciated. :)

    Thanks again for sharing your list. It could prove helpful.

  • sadyhr
    Community Member

    OK - 1password is deactivated across reboots, but if sitting active in my FF menu, it will be there across quitting and opening FF again.
    FF 20.0 (why not .1?) - 1P seems to be active in add-on list but has to be deactivated/activated to be it for real after reboot.
    I'm using the other same plug-ins as have been for months ;-)

    But here's the list as a screendump ,-)

    mm - might that be to many? ;-)

    I can do a test in a dummy-user-account if you like me to without other extensions.

  • dcsilva
    Community Member

    Hi, @khad, I took your challenge! When I disabled my only other extensions (Diigo and Evernote web clipper) and rebooted, it solved the problem. Then when I reenabled Diigo and rebooted, problem recurred. Same story with Diigo disabled but Evernote enabled. It appears that if I reboot with any extension enabled other than 1password, then the 1password extension fails to load properly. Hope that helps.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    I can do a test in a dummy-user-account if you like me to without other extensions.

    That could help if you don't mind trying. I have a feeling you already know how, but here are our own instructions for creating a fresh Firefox profile:


    It appears that if I reboot with any extension enabled other than 1password, then the 1password extension fails to load properly.

    Very interesting. We'll do some testing. Thank you!

  • sadyhr
    Community Member

    Oh -. I could do a FF-profile - I thought of a test USER account ,-)
    Guess I better do both ;-)

  • sadyhr
    Community Member

    So changed to test-user and made a new FF-profile. Installed 1P-plugin from your homepage.
    1) Quit FF - and reopned with that profile - icons still there
    2) Logged out and back in on that user opened FF with that profile - icons still there.
    3) Will reboot Mac and test again.

  • sadyhr
    Community Member

    OK - THIS is strange.

    Did a reboot.
    Logged in as new user, used new FF profile
    icons ok in the cormer

    Logged in as y self using my usual profile
    Icons STILL there!!!

    Only thing I can think of is, that Flash Player has been updated twice for the last couple of days - could that make any difference?

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Only thing I can think of is, that Flash Player has been updated twice for the last couple of days - could that make any difference?

    I can't see how it would make a difference, but anything is possible at this point. Sounds a bit like voodoo to me, though. :)

  • AGKyle
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2013

    Hey guys. Many of you probably won't know me unless you've been in the support system before. I've decided to venture out into the wild blue of social for this particular issue since it seems to be causing issues for you all :)

    I have several questions for everyone and things to try. I would LOVE getting feedback from anyone here who has done the following. It'll hopefully help us narrow things down.

    1. Try disabling all extensions except for 1Password.

      This will help us determine if another extension is possibly conflicting with 1Password. I've seen stranger things. Unfortunately, extensions can interfere with each other and it's entirely possible a recent update in 1Password or another extension is causing this.

    2. If disabling all extensions except 1Password causes the issue you're experiencing to stop please list all extensions you had installed and the versions.

      I'll toss all of this information into a spreadsheet or something to help us find repeat extensions and maybe we can narrow it down to a single extension. Wishful thinking but there's a small chance :)

    3. Try setting up a new Firefox profile. Then install 1Password by itself. Does the issue persist? If it does we've got a great bit of information. If the issue does not persist try adding in your other extensions. Does the issue happen now?

      This will help in determining if the default Firefox profile is corrupt or has a weird setting in it. If a new profile fixes it then we have narrowed it down to a profile being the issue. If it happens regardless of profile it's not the profile and is something bigger (app, extension conflict, etc)

      How To: Create a New Firefox Profile

      Don't delete your previous profile, just create a new one in addition to what you already have.

    4. If you're brave (ok, you don't have to be brave) you can try updating to Firefox Beta (21.0) to see if the issue persists there. Note that this goes against what we ask normally and that is "don't use non-stable versions of browsers." But, in this case, you bunch are the only people who can recreate this issue (I can't, typical, right?)

      If the issue happens in Firefox 21 (Beta right now) then hopefully the bug will be fixed in Firefox. It's possible the bug is in Firefox and not the extensions. Firefox is a very complex application with a very extensive developer API and when things go wrong it's usually felt in weird ways like this.

      Firefox Beta is available here: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/beta/

    5. If the issue does in fact continue to happen in Firefox 21, this doesn't mean the issue isn't still in Firefox. Another test is to go back to Firefox 19. This is a tricky one because you don't want the auto-update mechanism to automatically move you back to Firefox 20. This question is for Windows, but the same applies to OS X: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/753852 You'll find it in Preferences > Advanced > Updates.

      Firefox 19 is available here: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/install-older-version-of-firefox

      This can tell us a bit more about possibly there still being a bug in Firefox 20+ (including the beta). Sadly, none of this is definitive. But, every bit we get does help us narrow down what the possibilities are and how we can proceed.

    I know Khad has asked many of you to do a variety of these things. But if you can follow along with me here and get me the answers to the above we'll be able to narrow things down greatly. Right now we really need to find out (generally) where the issue is so we can start giving you all more pointed suggestions for how to figure out what is happening.

    Sorry for the wall of text :) Odds are I will have a lot more questions for you once we see the results of this. Thanks for sticking with us!

  • sadyhr
    Community Member

    And so, since I have been through several reboots, still using my regular ff-profile and the icons are still there, and I haven't been disabling any extensions; I guess, I can't be to any more help right now ,-( - bt something might have made it for me. Whatever that is.
    Really hope you find out.

  • sadyhr
    Community Member

    Sorry to confuse everybody - including myself - today I had to disable/reenable 1P in FF extension to have it work ;-(

    I'll try some more systematic error-testing.

  • AGKyle
    1Password Alumni

    sadyhr if you can follow through the list above and report back that would be very helpful.

    We need to narrow down what is causing it, or where it is happening so we can better look into it. That long list I had above will help us figure out where and what.


  • tuni12
    Community Member

    am trying the FF beta now, so far icon still there (as it is in FF 19.0) will shut down and try again later to let you know. thx

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    am trying the FF beta now, so far icon still there (as it is in FF 19.0) will shut down and try again later to let you know. thx

    Nice! Thanks for trying that. It may be a bug in Firefox 20 that is resolved in 21.

  • tuni12
    Community Member

    so far, the icon is still there (as above comment states)Using the FF beta now....have tried for 2 days, so far so good. a;though I try to stay away from beta, no prob. yet! thx

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Great news! Thanks for letting us know that everything is working well. :)

    If anyone else in the thread could try Firefox 21 and let us know if that resolves it for you as well, it would be much appreciated.


  • ciara
    Community Member

    another +1 --- this has been happening for weeks to me - its really frustrating to have it just disappear -- ff 20 on mac os x (no beta)

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    @ciara, Firefox 21 was just released in the stable channel. Please update and let me know how it goes. In case you missed them, the posts above yours indicate that the issue should be resolved in Firefox 21. :)

  • JeromeC
    Community Member
    edited May 2013

    Hi all, happy that I found the support forum and this topic quickly, I was starting to think "another badly tested browser evolution", but I'm quite happy to see that I was wrong, just disabling and enabling the extension again in my freshly installed (and restarted) Mac OS X FireFox 21 (without restarting it again during the process) made the button reappear !

    Note that it has never happened to me with FF 20, and I didn't test the FF 21 betas.

This discussion has been closed.