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1Password 8 Printing

Community Member
edited March 2023 in Mac

Hello I used to be able to print a hard copy of my passwords. How do I print with the new version on the Mac?

1Password Version: Not Provided
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OS Version: Not Provided



  • Dave_1P
    edited May 2022

    Hello @titanic1912! 👋

    1Password 8 doesn't currently support printing items and I've forwarded your request for this feature to our developers so that they can consider it for a future version. Out of curiosity, what was the reason for printing your passwords? In general, I don't recommend exporting or printing your passwords since that will remove them from the secure and encrypted environment of 1Password. Any exported or printed copy of your passwords will be in plain text and so will be readable by anyone who views it. And, if you change any of your passwords in the future the printed copy will become outdated.

    I look forward to hearing from you. 😊

    ref: dev/core/core#9570

  • titanic1912
    Community Member

    Hi Dave,

    I understand that it removes the secure and encrypted environment but I always fear losing my data due to a data breach, etc. I put the printed copy of my passwords in a safe where no one can access them. I am a bit old school at times. Please bring back this feature.

  • Hi @titanic1912,

    If you're worried about losing access to your data, I'd strongly recommend printing your Emergency Kit instead. It will have your email address and Secret Key already filled in, and there's space for you to write your account password.

    Also, it has some advantages over a printed copy of all your passwords:

    • If you change one password, you won't have to reprint a whole page to account for that change, or handwrite the change on the paper.
    • You wouldn't be able to use any two-factor authentication codes from the paper copy.
    • Using the Emergency Kit would give you back access to your actual live account, with your data still in place. Otherwise, you would have to start over with an empty account and manually enter all of your data again.
    • If someone used your printed passwords without your knowledge, you would have no idea. If someone successfully stole your Emergency Kit and signed in, you'd receive an email alerting you to that, allowing you to change your account password to keep them out.

    If you're worried about what would happen if disappeared, that's understandable. We securely store user data in multiple redundant locations to keep it safe. And even if for some reason wasn't reachable, your data would still be on your devices, just like if you went offline temporarily.

    We offer a $1 million USD bounty to anyone who can successfully breach 1Password's security and no one has managed it yet! We're also regularly independently audited for our security: Security audits of 1Password.

    While printing isn't available in 1Password 8, you can export your data from it to either 1PUX (1Password Unencrypted Export) or CSV format: How to export data from 1Password. You could then put that exported data somewhere safe if you want to, but we would typically advise against this in nearly all cases.

    I hope that helps!

    – Will

  • titanic1912
    Community Member

    Hello AG,

    Thank you for your feedback. I would still like the ability to print my passwords like before. Do you realistically think that will be a possibility in the future?

  • Tangible409
    Community Member

    I, too, need this feature. Removing it substitutes your judgement for that of your customers. I think it's a good idea for my lawyer to have a copy in his vault, as there's no way to say for sure that 1Password will be accessible to my executor and heirs after my death.

    If you want to recommend against this practice, that's fine. But disabling it is nannyism.

  • Dave_1P
    edited May 2022


    Thank you for the reply. While I can't promise anything, I've added your feedback to the feature request that we have open so that our developers are aware that you'd like to see printing added to 1Password 8.


    1Password 8 is a complete rewrite of 1Password for Mac so it would be more accurate to say that we haven't yet added the ability to print rather than to say that we've disabled something. I've added your comments to the feature request as well. Thank you for the suggestion and for providing details about why you find the ability to print useful! 😊

  • modakjay
    Community Member

    I also require print feature. My reason, apart from those mentioned above, is that I would like to keep hard copy for family members who are not tech savvy.

  • @modakjay

    Thank you for sharing your use case, I've added your vote to the feature request as well. 😊

  • This content has been removed.
  • wizdomonwheels
    Community Member

    I have many elderly clients who feel much more secure having a physical hard-copy of the passwords stored somewhere safe. It's not uncommon for them to forget their master password or to forget how to get back into 1Password periodically. I also like to save out my passwords every 6 months in the very unlikely occurrence that the server or a malicious actor wipes my data -- a client of mine lost their LastPass data that way so it's personally of concern.
    For novices, even if they choose to never print out the passwords, the idea that the feature exists helps bring some calm when I suggest they start learning and using 1Password.

    The printing feature on 7 was so fantastic as you could choose to print 2 pages per page and double sided to get things out in a visually appealing and simple to read method -- kudos to the devs who put together the print feature in the past.

    I'll stick with version 7 and advise those clients of mine who need the feature to stay on version 7 until 8 has it.
    Much appreciated for your work and I really hope the feature returns!

  • @wizdomonwheels

    Thank you for taking the time to describe how the ability to print is useful to you and your clients. I've forwarded your feedback to our product team so that they're aware and can consider incorporating the feature into 1Password 8 in the future.

    You mentioned that your clients are concerned about losing access to 1Password and I do have two suggestions that you might be able to pass along:

    1. Suggest that your clients download and print their Emergency Kit. Once the Emergency Kit is printed they can write down their account password onto the Kit and then store it somewhere secure like a personal safe.
    2. Suggest that your clients use 1Password Families together with a trusted family member. They can make that family member a family organizer who will have the ability to recover their account in case they forget their account password: About 1Password Families

    I also like to save out my passwords every 6 months in the very unlikely occurrence that the server or a malicious actor wipes my data -- a client of mine lost their LastPass data that way so it's personally of concern.

    Would an encrypted local backup be something that would be useful for you? Let me know and I can let our developers know. 😊

  • german640
    Community Member

    I also would like to have back the ability of printing passwords. There is information that is just too important to lose and a hard copy is better than fulfilling a lot of conditions like remembering my 1 password, having electricity, internet access, a device where I can open 1Password, etc. Having the ability to print was how I convinced my spouse (not tech savvy at all) to try 1Password in the beginning, and it also lets me feel that the information can pass the test of time and changing technologies.

  • @german640

    Thank you for posting details about your use case for a print feature. I've added your comments to the tracking item open for the feature request so that our developers are aware.


    ref: dev/core/core#9570

  • wavesound
    Community Member

    Yes, we need this for our clients. We can't migrate them from 1PW7 without this since they rely on printouts of their passwords...

  • pokryfka
    Community Member


  • @wavesound and @pokryfka

    Thank you for your comments! Can you tell me a little more about how you (or your clients) are using the printing feature? I would be happy to pass along your use cases to our product team. 🙂


  • benedickmiller
    Community Member

    Just wanted to print a secure note, at work. I really need this option. Use it all the time. If I want to print my data that is for me to decide. Please, please put back this useful missing feature. FYI normally I am just printing an individual item. Often secure notes, but need the ability to print anything.

  • benedickmiller
    Community Member

    ...continuation from above. Seeing your request for use case: Store SIM Card & other data in secure note (for example) need a collegue to do a smart phone migration for another collegue. Neither of them have access to 1password. I will print the secure note, now they can get on with the migration without me. These are trusted colleagues, they will shred or hand back the secure note after use. 2nd use case: in case of some catastrophic problem, with internet, or with 1password, it is policy to periodically create a backup paper copy of our sensitive data which is kept outside the business premises in a safe.

  • benedickmiller
    Community Member

    ...continuation: you can't stop me printing, you can simply make it easier for me. For now I have to make screenshots and print them, which is a really stupid way to print my own data!

  • Hi @benedickmiller,

    I appreciate your feedback about this and you make a great point. I've added a vote on your behalf to our internal feature request and will also share some notes with the rest of the team from you. 👍🏻

    Regarding the example you provided about sharing information with trusted colleagues who don't have 1Password accounts, I'd recommend trying some of the sharing features of 1Password 8: Securely share 1Password items with anyone

    I understand that's just one scenario though, so rest assured your feedback was still recorded. Let me know if you try out item sharing or if you have any questions. 🙂

    ref: IDEA-I-1475

  • TMueller
    Community Member

    Liebes 1Password Team, Grüße aus Deutschland, wo ich soeben entdeckt habe, dass 1Password 8 nicht mehr erlaubt die Passwörter über einen Druckvorgang auf Papier zu "sichern". Natürlich verlasse ich mich seit Jahren auf Euren Dienst, aber ich möchte jederzeit unabhängig von einem Passwortdienst-/programm sein können. Eine proprietäre und nicht angekündigte(!) Einschränkung bereits vorhandener Funktionen und damit eingeübter Praxis führt natürlich zu Irritationen und erschüttert nur das Vertrauen in Euer Produkt. Also bringt diese Funktion bitte unbedingt zurück!

    Deepl-Übersetzung: Dear 1Password Team, Greetings from Germany, where I have just discovered that 1Password 8 no longer allows to "secure" the passwords via a printing process on paper. Of course I have been relying on your service for years, but I would like to be able to be independent of a password service/program at all times. A proprietary and not announced(!) Restriction of already existing functions and thus practiced leads naturally to irritations and shakes only the confidence in your product. So please bring back this function by all means!

  • Hallo @TMueller,

    ich habe diese Nachricht mit einem Übersetzer verfasst und bitte daher um Entschuldigung für etwaige grammatikalische Fehler.

    Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback zu diesem Thema. Ich habe Sie zu unserem internen Tracker zu diesem Thema hinzugefügt. Obwohl wir normalerweise davon abraten, 1Password-Daten auszudrucken, da die Art der in 1Password gespeicherten Informationen ziemlich dynamisch ist, verstehe ich, warum es nützlich sein könnte.

    Zur Klarstellung: Da 1Password eine lokale Kopie Ihrer Daten speichert, haben Sie immer Zugriff darauf, auch wenn Sie offline sind.

    Ich weiß es aber zu schätzen, dass Sie uns wissen lassen, dass diese Funktion für Sie wichtig ist, und danke Ihnen für Ihr anhaltendes Vertrauen in unsere Arbeit 🙂 .


    I'm using a translator for this message so apologies for any grammatical errors.

    Thanks for your feedback about this, I've added you to our internal tracker on the topic. While we typically recommend against printing 1Password data since the type of information stored in 1Password tends to be fairly dynamic, I understand why it would be useful.

    To clarify, because 1Password keeps a local copy of your data, you would always have access to it, even when offline.

    I do appreciate you letting us know this feature is important to you though and thank your continued confidence in what we do. 🙂

    ref: IDEA-I-1475

  • adg5098
    Community Member

    Hi - I used to print out 1PW and then save it as a pdf and password protect that pdf file as an extra back up. You have gone and removed that capability.

    I tried to export the data but your choices either didn't open or failed to show me 95% of my entries...

    I have been using 1 password since you started. If you don't restore my ability to print (what harm does it do to you???), then I will have to find another service that allows me to create a back up the way I want....thank you

  • adg5098
    Community Member

    Just curious - did some engineer on your team just decide to delete this functionality without seeing how many of your paying users cared?

  • @adg5098

    Thank you for the reply. With 1Password 8, your 1Password account acts as a backup of your data. If you accidentally delete an item you can always restore it from your 1Password account on View and restore previous versions of items

    1Password contains very strong encryption that uses both your account password and Secret Key to generate the private key that encrypts your items. We also implement various other sophisticated security features to protect your data. If you export your items from 1Password then they are no longer protected by 1Password's security features which surpass those of an encrypted ZIP folder.

    That all being said, our developers are looking into creating an encrypted export. Is that something that you might find useful as a replacement for the Print to PDF and then save in a ZIP folder workflow that you used previously? Let me know and I'll forward your comments to our product team. 🙂

    I tried to export the data but your choices either didn't open or failed to show me 95% of my entries...

    That's odd. Were you exporting to a 1PUX file using this guide: How to export data from 1Password. The 1PUX file will contain a complete and lossless copy of your 1Password account items. CSV exports support a limited set of fields from Login and Password items only.


  • rwhelden
    Community Member

    I too want the ability to print a hard copy of my data. I keep an emergency binder for my family if I am incapacitated or unable to access One Password. In my binder, I keep my emergency kit AND a hard copy of the contents of my vault. I realize that your programmers want to lock things up but in the end, licensed users should have control over their data. If we want to print a copy that should be our decision. Please add this feature back to One Password 8. Rich

  • @rwhelden

    Thank you for the feedback, I've forwarded your request to our product team. We're also working to create a solution for estate planning, stayed tuned for exciting news in the future! 🙂


    ref: IDEA-I-1458

  • waymar77
    Community Member

    Absolutely require printing for estate planning..A must have for my executor!!

  • @waymar77

    Thank you for the feedback, I've passed along your comment to our product team. 🙂

  • RossA
    Community Member

    I would also like to be able to print passwords. Usecase:

    I am currently Interim Headteacher until the return of the substantive Headteacher. I will need to leave a list of passwords (tagged appropriately) when I leave the organisation that I have set up. I will be deleting them from 1password as I will no longer need access to the accounts. Thanks.

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