Move items from one vault to another [added in 4.3.BETA-2]
I have all of my passwords in one vault. I would like to move some of these items to a separate vault. Is this possible? Or do I have to manually recreate each item in my new vault?
Just figured it out. File/Export the items you want to move, then File/Import them into the new vault.
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That's not too convenient :(
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Hi guys.
This is a common request and, as @roustem mentioned:
Moving items and copying/moving multiple items between vaults is on our list.
Until then it's possible to export multiple items from one vault and import them into another, like @rovermachine3 did and suggested.
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I am using the 4.0.1 version. When I select an item in one vault, next to the favorite star near the item icon is an action icon similar to iOS action icon. If you click on that you can send the item via email or message, BUT you can ALSO copy it to any other vault you have.
This seems like a pretty easy way to at least copy items to another vault. However if you have lots of items to move, then export/import is more efficient.
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Hi, @zeromind.
Thanks for that tip for copying items between vaults using the share icon under an item's title in the details view. Easily overlooked where I'd also mentioned it. :)
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So why not add a "move" possibility to the "action" menu?
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The other problem is that "copy" only works for one item :(
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Hi @odysseus,
It is on our list, we just need more hours in a day or eliminate the sleep requirement for our human developers (believe me, we've looked into cloning and permanent Red Bulls IVs). We'll be improving this feature over several updates to come. We do want to let you bulk move items, we just need to make sure the UI is clear on this when we expand on this. Right now, the Share button is difficult to find, so we need to find a different way to handle the movement between vaults.
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Looking forward to being able to Move multiple items (vs copy one at a time)
Thanks for your hard work!
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You're welcome, @allenhancock. Enjoy your holidays, preferably without working! :)
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Awesome. Glad i found this thread. Thanks for the tips guys.
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Hi, Matthew.
If you export/import tip mentioned by @rovermachine3 in post #2 please be aware that 1PIF exports contain your 1Password data unencrypted so be sure to securely delete any copies after confirming they've been successfully imported.
And there's more help with item sharing and exporting/importing in @JasperP's post: here.
Cheers! :)
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Yeah, thanks. Was really easy to overlook, however. :)
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Yup, @iCoco, the Favorite star and Share icon under item titles in the details pane are subtle enough that it's easy to miss them or not realize they're clickable.
I've filed an improvement request to have them "sharpened" a bit and to display tooltip help when hovering over them.
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After having thought about it once more, I guess the placing under the "Actions" button is absolutely perfect. A smart hover-tooltip certainly might be a welcome improvement, however. :)
Moving or copying items between vaults is not a task everyone will be doing every day. So it might well be a good idea to have it available, but somehow not too prominent. All is good. ;)0 -
This is great stuff. I am sharing some login passwords with my wife in a common vault and I have been populating the common vault with the copy finction described herein. It would, however, be nice if the password in the common vault vould be updated if I am updating it in my private vault. (We both use different dropboxes for our private vaults, but the common vault is stored and shared on my dropbox.) The password maintenance would be easier this way.
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Hi, @polars710.
Being able to create "replicants" of an item in multiple vaults so that updating any of one of them would update all of them is something we'll consider. With a way to identify which are replicants vs. separate items, of course. :)
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HI I keep getting emails on this thread which have only a URL and not the thread's content. That's annoying, but worse: I don't see how to stop the emails on this thread.
I came here to see if it was possible to move (not copy) items from my main Vault to another.
For instance, I have ~50 items which belong to my mom and I want to put them in a vault I can share with her.
How can I move items and not have to search for which ones have, and haven't been moved?
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I love having multiple vaults, but I have discovered a couple of rather serious bugs/flaws when copying items between vaults which IMHO until fixed mean the current sharing feature should be removed or at least come with clear warnings.
Flaw #1 - copying an item from one vault to another silently overwrites data in the destination vault
To reproduce:-
- create a secure note and add some text to it
- copy that note to a separate vault
- switch to that second vault and edit the secure note you just copied
- switch back to original vault
- copy the same item back to the same vault
-> result, the changes you made to the item in the second vault are overwritten without warning and (as far as I can tell) with no way to retrieve them
Flaw #2 - 1PW claims to have copied an item to a second vault but hasn't
Unfortunately I haven't found exactly what to do to reproduce this, but I moved a number of items (logins, secure notes) to a second vault. In each case, 1PW asked if I wanted to copy and I did. After each copy I deleted the item in the original vault.
Some time later I went looking for some of those items and found they were missing in both the second and the original vault. Fortunately they were still in the trash of the original vault, but now I have a mess of things to sort through as (with flaw #1) I can't just recopy them all because some will have changed. Note that a number of items copied over fine, but many (maybe 75%?) did not.
Sorry I can't reproduce specifically, and it may be I was just going cross eyed in the process of trying to move 50 or more items to another vault. However, even if it was human error, it's far too easy an error to make.
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Hi, @allenhancock.
I keep getting emails on this thread which have only a URL and not the thread's content. That's annoying, but worse: I don't see how to stop the emails on this thread.
To stop those emails (the content can't be changed) try checking/adjusting your forum notifications:
Go to your Profile, select Edit Profile in the menu around the top right corner:
Or use this direct Edit Profile link. Then select Notification Preferences in the left sidebar. Make changes and click
at the bottom of the page.I came here to see if it was possible to move (not copy) items from my main Vault to another.
To move an item between vaults it (still) has to be manually deleted from the original vault after it's shared (copied) to another vault.
How can I move items and not have to search for which ones have, and haven't been moved?
After an item is "moved" (copied, then deleted) it no longer exists in the original vault so it can't be searched for there. :)
At the moment tags and/or folders can be used to keep track of which items have been copied (and not deleted) from vaults.
We appreciate your questions, which can also be implied ideas and suggestions for ways to improve inter-vault item management. Thanks!
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Hi, @rowatt.
Thanks for reporting these issues with copying items between vaults. I'm sorry for the inconvenience both have caused you.
Flaw #1 - copying an item from one vault to another silently overwrites data in the destination vault
I've easily verified that and filed it in our system as a bug. Any time an item will be overwritten it makes sense to have a warning/confirmation before doing it and/or be able to easily identify and recover the overwritten item.
Flaw #2 - 1PW claims to have copied an item to a second vault but hasn't
That's a puzzler and we haven't heard other reports of it. While I'm doubtful, here's a possible explanation for what may be happening:
You're selecting multiple items to share (copy), yet only one of them is actually copied when you anticipate all of them will be. For example, with these four items selected the item details for just one are displayed:
Then when running Item > Share > VaultName only that single item will copied (if confirmed):
If that's not the case then please send us a Diagnostics Report, along with a link to this topic and your forum username, to support+forum at agilebits dot com. A brief comment here mentioning that you've sent the report would also be helpful. Hopefully it'll give us insight into what this problem is. Thanks in advance!
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Thanks @sjk.
Regarding the second flaw, it definitely happened, but in the days between when I did the move and found that items were missing, I forgot the detail of what I did. I'm aware that you have to do the moves one by one, and was using the 'share' button on each record. It's not impossible that I was day dreaming at some point and reverted to trying to select multiple items like you showed above, but I don't think that's what I did. I figured out after the first attempt that you can't copy multiple items at once.
Sorry I can't be more specific, and if no-one else has reported this perhaps it was just human error... in which case hopefully this will serve to help you prioritise to get the copy/move between vaults process and UI improved :-)
Re. Flaw #1 thanks for getting that on the bug list. I also just noticed that the same thing happens when exporting/importing - if I export and then import items which were previously exported/imported (or possibly just copied) then the same silent overwriting happens.
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The solution to the email was to un-bookmark this thread, which I'm doing as it doesn't seem to be leading to a resolution to my problem.
I will look forward to a version of 1Password that can MOVE items for me, not require copying & deleting.
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Thanks for your detailed feedback on this, @rowatt.
I've added your flaw #1 followup about exporting/importing also silently overwriting items to our tracker.
For everyone's sake let's hope flaw #2 was an unrepeatable fluke. If you do catch it happening again sending the Diagnostics Report as soon as possible would be appreciated.
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Glad you could simply unbookmark this topic to stop notifications, @allenhancock. Sorry I didn't mention that in my original reply.
I've added your vote to our request for moving items between vaults, Especially with multiple items it and copying are something a lot of us are eager for.
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I would like to give a vote for "Move item to another vault//other vaults".
Warnings are always annoying - but as it turns out (own experience and nothing to do with 1P) occasionally lifesavers.
It is not a present need but also like the idea of the "alias" kind of sharing between vaults.
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Hi @iamamonster,
From 4.3.BETA-2 1Password 4 for Mac Release Notes:
- Added the ability to move items from one vault to another.
Since there's no reason to vote for that anymore I'll use yours for item "aliases" instead. :)
Any issues specific to the 1Password 4 beta application and/or its extensions can be reported in the Mac Beta subforum.