Size matters!
With an ever-growing list of higher resolution monitors becoming more standard, it would be nice if we could select the size of text within the 1P application. In my particular case, I keep a slew of notes but on my Hi-Res 27-inch display the text is hard to read.
Maybe this is a bug?
I can change the font size while editing but the size isn't saved.
Look :)
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Yeah, that would do it and them some! Anyway, I still think it would be a useful option so maybe the powers to be may consider it.
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I would also like to reduce the size of the fonts in the iten list. Each item takes up much too much vertical space. The icons should also be able to be scaled or a smaller set of icons available
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Hi Megan, I never thought of that view option and it’s kind of cool. Unfortunately, on my 27-inch NEC graphics display it still appears close to 10-point text. It amazes me that after all this time; the folks at Agile haven't considered the readability of the application text. Oh well, maybe someday ~
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Hi Dan,
I'm testing it out on my own iMac right now, and you're right, that font does look pretty small on a larger screen. I'll encourage the developers to look into this :)
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