Syncing between Mac (1password 4), Windows (1password 3)
Hi -
Whats the best way to sync between mac and windows? My problem is that I have 1password4 on my mac and I use the 1password 4 plugin in Chrome, but when I switch to my windows machine the chrome plugin wont work because it wants the older 1password plugin. The syncing works fine other than the plugin problem. Is the only way to disable plugin syncing?
I've signed up for the windows beta a while back but havnt got access yet, so it looks like I've got to get it working without the beta.
Hi Marcus ( @sprky ),
Unfortunately, until we get 1Password 4 for Windows released, you are going to see a conflict between the extensions. This is because Chrome doesn't provide a way for us to differentiate between the extensions. To get rid of this conflict, you'll have to disable extension sync in Chrome. Go to chrome://settings > Advanced Sync Settings and select 'Choose what to sync'. This will get rid of that annoying message.
I do apologize for the inconvenience, hopefully 1Password 4 for Windows gets polished up soon so this issue can be resolved properly!
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I have the same problem. When will 1Password 4 for windows be ready. If not soon a message/warning should be given to those purchasing 1Password for Windows that the same Chrome extension does not work in Windows as in Mac. I purchased 1 password thinking everything would work find and I could use it across platforms. If I would have know it was not working yet I would have waited to purchase the Windows version.
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Hi @wemiller,
I can't say when 1Password 4 for Windows will be released, but I can tell you that it is currently being beta tested. You're welcome to help us iron out the kinks:
I do apologize that this has been frustrating for you. Please note that your extension should behave properly if you follow my instructions above to disable extension sync in Chrome. I wish I had a better answer for you right now, but I do hope this helps :)