Feature Request: Printing Enhancement

Community Member

It's nice to have the thorough print output as is (especially for one-offs), but there really needs to be a feature to compress this down and make it way more efficient. If you could essentially take the "Item List Layout -> Top" and make that printable (but with a "passwords" column as well), that might be fairly easy to implement and would go a long way and reduce the printout to something manageable.

The next "easy" level of enhancement could be "Printing" under Preferences, where you could toggle between "full" and "list" view, and then have an array of check boxes so you could choose exactly what fields to include as columns. I suppose the challenge there is figuring out if all the selected fields will fit. Perhaps Landscape could be the default for List View printing.

To be really nifty, I'd like to see something implemented within the Print window. You see the document preview, and to the right you'd have a "1Password" option in the popup menu. Here you have radio buttons for "Full View" and "List View." Either way, you would also have an array of check boxes to toggle each available field/column on or off. As you check or uncheck them, the preview changes dynamically. The more columns you add, the more space is filled, or the print shrinks to make room. In the same pane you'd have a convenience selection for Portrait/Landscape. Click Landscape, and the available space increases, the text gets bigger if it is smaller than say a 12-point default. Another checkbox would allow truncating URLs to the first slash or perhaps to truncate the URL column to some fixed number of characters. You could also have checkboxes for what Categories to print, and so on.


  • srbharrison
    Community Member

    I agree. I am hesitant to commit all my secrets to a computer database until I can print a concise copy to save in a sealed enveloped in a locked safe in a secure environment as a 'legacy document' I can update every few months.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @SAMIAM and @srbharrison,

    Thanks so much for the feedback! We're always looking for ways to make 1Password as user-friendly and intuitive as possible, so I'm happy to pass this along to our developers :)

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    I wouldn't worry about being trapped into this database format. You can export a .PIF format, which while not as pretty as a spreadsheet, is just a text file that contains all the readable data you need. For an emergency, it would suffice, and a converter to a CSV file format could be written for you w/out much trouble. They main thing is, you can see all your data in the .PIF export.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi there,

    1PIF exporting is currently an option, like @MrC mentioned. Support for CSV and Text exporting are in our request tracker. Plus your suggestions for printing enhancement that @Megan acknowledged. :)

  • misterbiscuit
    Community Member

    Glad to hear that printing enhancement is in the request tracker; that's something I'd like to see as well. I got quite a shock when I fired up the existing print feature and saw how many pages were going to come out. :-)

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2014

    Hi, @misterbiscuit.

    One way to reduce pages in 1Password 4 print output is to increase the Pages per Sheet option in the print dialog, e.g.:

    Just keep a magnifying glass handy if it gets too tiny to read. :)

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