Password Failure
On the login page 1Password 4 is unable to properly distinguish between the login-password and the new-account-password :
The new-account-password field has a span-id, and the login-password field does not.
Presently the user-name field is filled out for the login and the password-field is filled out for the new-user (configuration auto-created by 1P on first log-in).
Is there any way to force 1Password to recognize the log-in password-field over the other one?
Hi @ccstone,
I'm sorry that this website is giving you trouble right now. Thanks so much for including the URL in your original post, it makes it so much easier to test things out on our end. Unfortunately, I'm seeing the same thing as you are. You're right, the problem is in the id. 1Password sees that on the sign-up side and thinks that is where the password needs to be filled. So, unless the code gets updated, this is going to be a site where you'll have to copy and paste your information in.
I do apologize for the inconvenience here - I wish I had a better answer for you!
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Many sites have "alternative" login pages. Sometimes they are what you get to after you have signed into a site, and then sign out: you're presented with a login-only page. Other times I've seen these when you fail during a login: you're sent to a login-only page for a second try. Without creating an account on that site myself I cannot fully test this idea for this instance but it's certainly worth looking around for.
Alternatively, you might want to send a message to the site maintainer and ask if they have such a page.