Sync with iCloud and Dropbox at the same time?

Community Member

Is there a way to sync with iCloud and Dropbox at the same time?
I prefer iCloud to sync between my macs since iCloud is a system process already running on the background.
But I also need Dropbox to get my passwords synced to Android.


  • Hi @wizbcn

    Currently each vault can only sync with one sync provider. Sorry for the inconvenience. We're always evaluating options for syncing 1Password and will take this use case into consideration moving forward. For the time being for this situation we'd recommend syncing everything with Dropbox.



  • wizbcn
    Community Member

    Hi @bwoodruff,

    I think I might found a solution.
    I switched the 1Password mac app to sync with Dropbox. Then I moved the folder created (~/Dropbox/1Password, that inside contains the 1Password.agilekeychain file) to the iCloud folder (~/Library/Mobile Documents) and I told 1Password mac app to sync using a folder (~/Library/Mobile Documents/1Password). The last step is to symlink Dropbox with iCloud (ln -s ~/Library/Mobile Documents/1Password ~/Dropbox/1Password). As long as Dropbox treats symlinks as real folders it should be just fine.

    For the moment everything seems to work and sync nice. Even from the Android app (with the beta version) :)

    Could there be any actual problem? The weirdest scenario I can think off would be, for example, having two macs (mac1, mac2) both on and with Dropbox and iCloud working. The moment you create a new login (or whatever item) in mac1 it will try to synchronise using both services to mac2. I guess it won't matter which service gets to do it first because they will realise there are the same files.

  • Hi @wizbcn

    Glad to hear you found a solution that works for you. We wouldn't be able to provide technical support for a setup like this, but if it works for you until there is a supported solution: great!



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