Can't restore from backup [moved to email]

Community Member
edited March 2014 in Mac


I just finished reinstalling OSX on my MacBook and specifically do not want to restore from a TimeMachine backup and rather start anew. One of the first steps of course was reinstalling 1Password. Unfortunately though this brought up a few issues.

I was using Dropbox syncing of my database (mainly as a straight-forward backup besides the app-internal one and because I bought 1Password over your site as it wasn't available over the App Store at the time). After adding this database to 1Password I however now discovered that for whatever reason this data was outdated and newer logins I've since added are not available. This is of course unfortunate and I haven't a clue as to why something like this can happen, but I did also pull entire disk images with Carbon Copy Cloner before formatting my disk.

Looking through these backups I discovered the old app-internal backups in ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/Backups. Since the last modified file is from last night, this seemed to be more recent data, but 1Password will just not allow me to import this file in any way I can see. Why is this? Is this not the normal backup format? And if so, what can I do at this point?

Thanks in advance :)


  • kiliankoe
    Community Member

    No option to edit my post?

    After unzipping the last backup (.1pzip) and turning that directory into an .agilekeychain 1Password accepted it as my old data file. But for some reason this still isn't the most current version of it. So... yeah... No clue what happened to some of my data, but it seems to be gone. Awesome.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2014

    Hi @kiliankoe,

    I'm so sorry you're having trouble restoring your 1Password data from a backup. Which version of 1Password are you currently running? ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/Backups would contain backups from 1Password 3. Are you looking for 1Password 4 backups that don't appear when selecting File > Restore… from the main application menu?

    Thanks in advance for that information so we can better help you to locate and restore the 1Password you need.

    PS: Posts can be edited for up to an hour after they're submitted.

  • kiliankoe
    Community Member

    Hi @sjk,

    I only just downloaded the most recent version of 1Password 4.2.2 yesterday and I'm pretty sure I was fully updated before as well. I specifically made a point of manually backing up and backing up the database saved in my Dropbox as well, but both seemed to contain older versions of my data.
    I'm really not sure how something like this can happen and I was a little frustrated last night, but I've since started resetting passwords and getting into contact with the necessary folks to restore credentials (things like online banking are a pain...)
    I don't seem to be missing all too much so things aren't as grim as I previously thought.

    Sorry I can't offer much insight or info, but I just don't know what.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kiliankoe,

    Thanks for the additional background on the situation with your 1Password data. We'd sure like to help you recover what's still missing. So we can do that directly through email please send us a Diagnostics Report from your Mac, along with a link to this topic, to A brief comment here mentioning that you've sent the report would also be helpful. Thank you!

  • kiliankoe
    Community Member

    Hey @sjk, just sent the mail. Thanks in advance for any help!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kiliankoe‌,

    Thanks so much for sending the Report along! We've received it, and someone from the support team will be in touch with you soon. We'll follow-up directly via email to ensure that things don't get muddled up between here and there. :)

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