Feature Request: An easy manual conversion of an Item to a different Category

Community Member

I'm working in the main 1P4 application and I've selected an Item for which I want to change the Category.... say Secure Note to Login. (I've noticed that this topic shows up in these discussion forums a number of times.)

How it might work...
I'm imagining a new item on the drop down menu for "Item" which says "Convert to" and has a sub menu of all the different Categories that are offered in 1P4. When one of those categories is selected, a new panel for that Category type appears in the 1P4 main app window to the right of the Item. The new panel is already in Edit mode. Now that the app is is a dual-panel mode I'm then able to drag & drop or cut & paste from the original Item (Secure Note in this example) to the new edit panel (Login). It's an easy way to manually convert an Item type without having to retype the contents.

Who would want this?
1) Lots of newbies (like me) who are importing records into 1P4 and find that many of our Items show up as Secure Notes in freeform text. I get it that it's appropriate to have the default 1P4 import be to a Secure Note since converting databases is a non-trivial task. [been there, done that]. So now I find that I've got almost 100 imported Secure Notes to convert. But... with this Feature Request of a dual panel allowing drag & drop or cut & paste it would be quite friendly to manually convert the Secure Note to something more appropriate like the Login.

2) Seasoned users (like you) who, when the folks at Agilebits respond to your desires and create a new Category type, will want to quickly and accurately convert an Item from the Category in which you had previously stored the data.

We could then use this dual panel "Convert To" mode to evolve our Items in an easy and accurate way at our convenience... an Item at a time as we need to, or a whole bunch at a time if we were bored :-)

I've drafted a mockup and attached it as a PDF.
Thoughts? Opinions?
Thanks for considering this... Jay


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JayEnjay,

    Thanks so much for taking the time to write up such a detailed feature request! That's not a bad mockup. Now, you're certainly not the first user to request such a feature here. The tricky thing here is that each 1Password category has been designed with certain default categories, some of which need to be filled in on websites, so moving between categories is not quite a simple thing to implement.

    That being said, it is on our list of requested features, and I'm happy to add your vote. Thanks again for the feedback :)

  • Leaddog
    Community Member

    Megan, I understand your comments and "bucket list" of features, but there are many categories which should be added, many of which have consistent default items for the websites plus many other individual items...but I would ask / suggest you start with the biggies (airlines, hotels, rental cars, travel sites, etc.), and incorporate these as soon as possible. Other password security programs have long had this option. Thanks, Leaddog

  • Hi @Leaddog,

    Thanks for your feedback, it's appreciated!

    I'm not aware of any plans to add any new specific categories (everyone requests different ones), but custom user defined categories are something we'd like to do in the future. Unfortunately, it's not a trivial change, and I don't have a timeframe on when you might see this.

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