Problems syncing with iPhone [moved to email]
Some days ago I bought and installed 1Password 4.3.2 to my iPhone 4S (v 7.1).
On my computer (iMac with OS 10.8.5 Mountain Lion) I already had 1Password 3. Syncing between computer and iPhone via Dropbox without problems.
Then I installed 1Password 4 (30 days trial) on my iMac and the problems started.
I have removed the extensions in Safari, Firefox and Chrome and I can use 1Password 4 in my computer but the syncing with my iPhone does not work.
If I go to 1Password in my iPhone and choose ’Settings’, ’Sync Now’ it seems to sync but nothing has happened if I go back to ’Categories’ and look there. Changes I had done in 1Password 4 has not been changed in my iPhone.
Then I went to Dropbox and throw the file 1Password.agilekeychain (in the folder 1Password) away. I thought this file was a 1Password 3 – file. Then I created a new one, but the problem was not solved. I got a message (translated from swedish): ”1Password found existing data in Dropbox. They will go together with your present vault”.
When I tried that I got everything duplicated in my vault. Everything I had in 1Password 3 and in 1Password 4 had gone thogether. Before this I had, by hand, written all items in 1Password 4.
I had also created another vault (called ’Det egna valvet’ (swedish)) trying to solve the problem. But not. In this vault I had put one item just to test. I can’t see this vault in my iPhone. If I go to Dropbox and look in the folder 1Password I can find to files:
1/ 1Password.agilekeychain and
2/ Det egna valvet.agilekeychain
In the first folder I can find a file named ’1Password.html’ and one folder ’Data’ which contains one folder ’default’ with 120 files. Most of them with the ending .password. Two have the ending .keys , one .hint and two is named ’contents.js’ and ’encryptionKey.js’.
In the second vault (Det egna valvet) there are one file ’1Password.html’ and one folder ’Data’. Inside this folder is the folder ’default’ and inside this six files. One .hint , two .keys , one .1password and two .js.
Can this information give you some clue?
Then I tried this: In my iPhone, in 1Password I choosed ’Settings’ , ’Advanced’ , ’Troubleshooting’ and ’Log settings’.
There I found (e.g.) ’Agile Keychaine (1P3)’ , ’Cloud Keychain (1P4)’ , ’Keychain’ , ’Database’ , ’Dropbox’ and eleven other names. None of them were checked. Can I do something with these?
If I change some item in 1Password 4 and then look into ’Sync History’ and ’Dropbox’ I can see that syncing has been done 35 seconds ago but ’no changes’.
This was a long story. How can I solve my problems? I need help, please!
(excuse my defective english)
Kjell Reinedahl
Hi Kjell ( @kjellrei )
I'm so sorry to hear about the problems getting synced up with 1Password 4 for Mac. Let's see if we can't get this properly sorted out!
It sounds to me like your 1Password 4 for iOS and 1Password 4 for Mac might have been syncing to different locations. We can simply get this sorted, but I'd like to take a closer look at your system first. Could you please send us a Diagnostics Report?
Then attach the entire file to an email to us: support+forum@ agilebits .com
Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.
Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!