wont sync...

Community Member

I have latest iP 4.2.x
and ios devices

the dropbox got screwed up somehow... (it is spinning on cant open some ipassword file...)
so changed to icloud sync.

the ios devices sync ok... but the DTop version siame "syncing primary value w iclouse... and then says "never synced"

cannot figure how to force the sync.

I tried adding an item but that did not work

open/ close : ditto..

would be nice to get these things working again!



  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mhbx,

    I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with 1Password! Unfortunately, there is no way to force a sync here, as iCloud sync happens on Apple's schedule. There are a few things you need to check first:

    • Ensure that your are signed in to the same iCloud account on all computers and devices.
    • Ensure that 'Documents and Data' is enabled on all devices.

    If all looks well there, we'll simply need to reset sync to get things behaving:

    • On your iOS devices, open 1Password 4 for iOS, tap Settings > Sync, and toggle iCloud to OFF.

    • On the Mac, open 1Password 4 for Mac, and click the 1Password menu, then Preferences. Click Sync, and click Change syncing.

    • Check the box to remove the data from iCloud and confirm that you want to disable sync.

    • Restart the Mac and iOS devices.

    • On the Mac, go back to the Sync preferences, and enable iCloud.

    • Wait about 20 minutes to give iCloud time to run the initial sync to all devices.

    • Go back into the iOS app and re-enable iCloud sync. It should work this time.

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