Importing from msecure [see MrC's mSecure Converter for 1Password 4]

Community Member
edited May 2014 in Mac


I'm trying to switch to 1password from msecure but are having no luck with the CSV importer..
I'll have my company switch to your app but to do so we need to be able to import all our synced passwords from msecure..

I've read the forum threads about importing and I've read the instructions here:
as well as the "official" instructions.

However it seems msecures csv export is too different from whats required and there is no way I can sit and modify around 2000 entries manually in excel/numbers.

Is there any way that you could add a specific importer from msecure to your roadmap? I think it would be a fair request considering it's one of your biggest competitors for mac (from my understanding). :)


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited May 2014

    I took a look at their export format. While the data is CSV, if you export all records, the columns differ depending upon the item's type. Therefore, conversion is a larger job then simply moving columns around.

    If you are going to switch, I'll write you a converter which will consume your exported CSV file directly, and output the (up to) four files containing the types that 1P4 supports. You'll import these four files into 1P4. Everything that is not a Login, Credit Card, or Software License will go into Secure Notes.

    Note: I don't work for AgileBits.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    I'll write you a converter which will consume your exported CSV file directly...

    That's incredibly generous, @MrC

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Here's your script w/instructions:
  • Hi @MrC,

    Huge thanks!

    @jonathandejong‌, did MrC's script help?

  • jonathandejong
    Community Member

    Hi fellas,

    Thank you @MrC‌ for that! I've forwarded the threadlink to my boss.
    I showed him 1password this friday and we took the decision to migrate our entire mSecure db to 1password manually in order to also remove tons of unnecessary/redundant data. So we'll be doing a manual dash of about 1000 entries! ;)

    But I see from your thread that it was well received by many more ppl so time well spent none the less!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @jonathandejong - just in case you are interested in testing out the msecure converter, I just finished a major update that imports with better fidelity than the previous version. See this comment, and if you're interested, let me know, and I'll provide more instructions. It would be interesting to see how your data set converts.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2014

    Hi @jonathandejong,

    Since that other topic is actively devoted to @MrC's mSecure converter script, including his recent comment, I'll close this discussion now. If there's anything else you'd like to follow up with please feel free to do it over there so we can keep all these related eggs in one basket! :)

This discussion has been closed.