Enhancement/Feature Request: Print in table
I have an enhancement request for the next release/update og 1Password:
The printing function today lists all passwords, with all related information, but it's in a kind of dump all fields mode. I would like to suggest that a table based form was added to the option of printing passwords.
Table printing option could look something like this
Homepage/Site Username/ID Password URL
1password.com memail@memail.dk zaq12wsx https://www.1password.com
Printing using the table view, should only contain the above information, maybe notes too, but all other information or fields would not be viewed here, therefore the existing printing form is still needed.
Hope you find this a valid Feature Enhancement Request, would really like to have this print option added :)
Thanks so much for letting us know that you're interested in something like this. It does sound like a handy idea. :)
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I've been a happy user since Version 1 -
I use to be able to print all my ( Title / Username / Password )
Can you still due this ???
It Made it easy to have a hard copy backupThank you - Dave
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Hi @dcliev,
I've merged your post with a similar discussion. Thanks for letting us know that you're interested in something like this. I'll pass along your feedback to the developers.
Thanks, @Telescopic! Your vote for this has been added as well. :)
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Table-style printing would be nice, but to be honest I'd just settle for more print options in general. I've noticed that by default, there really aren't any options and the font is quite large. This makes it difficult if you want to print and maintain a hard copy of your vault.
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Hi @vtvincent,
in general. I've noticed that by default, there really aren't any options and the font is quite large. This makes it difficult if you want to print and maintain a hard copy of your vault.
One way to reduce font size (and pages) in 1Password 4 print output is to increase the Pages per Sheet option in the print dialog, e.g.:
It can help to have a magnifier handy when it's close to the borderline of being illegibly tiny. :)
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Please add me to this request. As a web developer, I have to track and manage an insane amount of UN and PW's At the end of the project I like to give my customers a nicely formatted copy of UN and PW used for their project. I see this a a GREAT way to help me use my time effectively.
Thanks in Advance!
You Guys ROCK!
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Hi LaVern,
Thanks so much for the feedback here! I've added your vote to the existing request in our issue tracker. We think you rock too! :D
ref: OPM-1941
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LaVern has given a great reason for the feature, much better than "+1".
So, uh, +1 for LaVern's post.
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We've snuck in your vote for this, too, @Telescopic -- thanks! :)