Website fields lost from Logins with 4.4 [moved to email]

Community Member
edited June 2014 in Mac

I am running 1Password on my iMac, MacBook Air, iPhone 5S, and 3rd-gen iPad. Ever since my iMac and MacBook Air updated to version 4.4, I have lost the "website" field from all of my Login entries. This is very, very bad (nearly catastrophic). Now I have lost the information that associates which web sites all of my passwords are for. While I can reconstruct some of the better know ones, there is no way I can figure that out for all 282 records. Please advise.


  • Hi @dhiebert,

    Sorry to hear about the trouble! We should be able to get this fixed by restoring from a backup.

    But first, we'd like to get a bit more information. Could you please email us a Diagnostics Report from your Mac, along with a link to this discussion, to:

    A brief comment here mentioning that you've sent the report would also be helpful. Thanks in advance!

  • dhiebert
    Community Member

    I have emailed 3 diagnostic reports: 1 each from my iMac, MacBook Air, and iPhone 5S.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2014

    We've received all three of your reports @dhiebert - thanks for sending those in! Our support team will be replying to you directly in email with more help resolving this problem with missing website fields.


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