3.8.21 not removed, now it and 4.4 both on OS X 10.9.3

Community Member

I'm new to the Mac world, am very experienced in the Windows world (please hold the boos).
I initially installed 1Password 3.8.21 when I first bought my Mac Mini; I forget with OS X that was on, but I bought the Mini new at the Apple store in August 2013.
When 1Password 4.4 came out, I upgraded. I forget what OS X was on at the time of the upgrade.

At the moment, I have OS X 10.9.3 and notice that my launcher shows both 1Password versions. The latest version is the one connected to my browser so I'm happy with that. I'd simply like to clean up my system, in case there's an interaction problem I'm unaware of.

I downloaded the 1PasswordUninstaller.zip for 1Password 3 but that didn't fix the problem. Clicking and holding the icon in Launcher does not present an uninstall "x", and it won't allow me to simply drag it to the Trash either.

Thoughts? Thanks in advance.


  • Hi @droy,

    To delete 1Password 3:

    • Go to the Applications folder.
    • Move the 1Password.app (quicklook on this file to confirm it is version 3) to the Trash, then empty the trash.
    • Restart your Mac, open 1Password 4 and everything should be good to go.

    Just in case, open Activity Monitor from your Applications > Utilities folder and search for 1Password Agent. If it is still running, do the following:

    • Open Finder, select the Go Menu > Go to Folder… and enter ~/Library/LaunchAgents, don't forget the beginning ~ character.
    • Delete the ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist file in that folder.
    • Now, go back to the Go Menu > Go to Folder… again and enter ~/Library/Application Support/1Password and delete the Agent folder there.
    • Restart your Mac, confirm with Activity Monitor that there is no more 1Password Agent running.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions. We're always happy to help! :)

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