cannot synch 1password between Mac and iPhone with wi-fi
Do you have a different method of sync enabled under 1P4 > Preferences > Sync? You can use only one sync method at any one time.
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No, I don't. It's only showing iCloud and Dropbox and Folder as options. It also reads "Please unlock 1Password to change sync preferences," but since I'm already in the app, I'm not sure what that means or how to do it?
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Hi @demaxwell,
You will need to have the main app unlocked in order to sync using Wi-Fi, or any other method. Please ensure that 1Password is unlocked and try accessing Wi-Fi sync again.
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OK - dumb (apparently) question - how do I unlock the main app? It's open on my desktop, so isn't it unlocked?
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figured it out - thanks for the help!
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I'm glad to hear that you were able to get it figured out. Please let us know if you have any other questions. We're always happy to help! :)
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I have the same problem, and I don't know how to unlock 1Password.
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This is a bit of an older thread, so I'd love to confirm a few details from you, just to be sure we're solving the right problem.
- What are the version numbers of 1Password and your operating system for all computers and devices running 1Password?
- When you look at the main 1Password, do you see a lock screen with a lock and a text entry field, or are you viewing the contents of your database?
The more detail you can provide, the more quickly we'll be able to get you sorted out! :)
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Sorry for late.
I have sorted out.
I used 1password on my iOS, so when I first launched 1password on Mac, I choose "I've used 1password before"(something like it), but what I should do is choose "I'm new ...".
Perhaps you should change the words.
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Hi @lyleAgilebits,
I'm glad to hear you've sorted it out! :)
If you have used 1Password for iOS, the "I've used 1Password before" option is what you should select on Mac.
Please let us know if you have any other questions. We're always happy to help!