New Product Request: 1Password for Linux [In Progress]



  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Created account just to chime in here, since you seem to actually be tracking people's requests! [...] Thanks for the consideration anyway!

    @rcuddy: Absolutely, and indeed we are! It will be helpful to have all the requests in a single place as we evaluate Linux going forward. :chuffed:

    Wondering if the Android version could work as a codebase?

    It's certainly worth considering, but in all likelihood if we were to do a Linux app it would be native, as I think most of us prefer that experience. Thanks for your input! :)

  • llewellynvdm
    Community Member

    +1000 for Linux version, I have currently got 1Password installed via "PlayOnLinux" a wine helper application that really makes it easy to run windows apps in Linux. I also go the browser extension to work, but feel that much of the automation is missing. So to cut down on the complexity use "PlayOnLinux" to install the normal Windows 1Password on Ubuntu Linux. Here are some helpful links and

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for sharing that! :) :+1:

  • whollands
    Community Member
    edited September 2015

    +1 for Linux version, I would happily buy a license too :)

    I have 1Password for Windows currently running in wine, which seems to work fine - but it does have the occasional bug which can't really be fixed!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    1Password for Windows runs great on Windows, but the WINE folks have also generally been responsive when it comes to fixing bugs in their implementation. :chuffed:

  • Tommy Williams
    Tommy Williams
    Community Member

    I have enjoyed using your product, I was glad years ago to give you my money, but your non-action to calls for webdav/owncloud support in addition to native Linux support has driven me to one of your competitors. They have been in the space about as long as you were when I first purchased your product. Their product has native support across platforms (unless you are an edge case) and web browsers. They boast a feature set that is as good as yours (they are still actively developing and adding features). I feel that with their upcoming version 5 release they will surpass you in the product space. It is time to move my eggs into a basket that is easier for me to carry.

    I'm not saying you guys didn't make an awesome product, because you did. But for what ever reason, you failed to stay innovative in this space and have been usurped by someone who has listened to the call of desktop and mobile users for a truly cross platform solution. I wish you all the best in your endeavors and hope that one day I can flex my 1password license again because you saw the light and decided to listen to your users and commit to expanding the product.


  • niemalsnever
    Community Member

    Hey there,
    another +1 for a Linux Version, I'm currently using the Windows Version with WINE with occasional quirks when I want to update the installed version, also 1P for Windows still kinda looks like a Windows 98 application which is a real shame compared to the very awesome OS X and iOS-Versions.
    Though I know this isn't really your style, I'd also throw in my vote for a command-line companion application to provide basic access to 1Password using the browser extensions even if the main interaction would still have to be done in the real desktop applications, on either Mac or Windows, or using the latter through wine.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I wish you all the best in your endeavors and hope that one day I can flex my 1password license again because you saw the light and decided to listen to your users and commit to expanding the product.

    @Tommy Williams: Thank you for your support, and your candid and constructive criticism! It certainly isn't lost on us that there is room to expand, but we're simply not prepared to do that at this time. I do hope that it's something we'll be able to pursue in the future though, because, like Ariel, we "want to be where the people are". We love you guys, and I'm sorry that the answer is still "no" for the time being.

    Though I know this isn't really your style, I'd also throw in my vote for a command-line companion application to provide basic access to 1Password using the browser extensions even if the main interaction would still have to be done in the real desktop applications, on either Mac or Windows, or using the latter through wine.

    @niemalsnever: Frankly, anything is possible, so I wouldn't rule out CLI support. I like the idea, simply as a sort of 'platform feature', much like Touch ID on iOS or Secure Desktop on Windows. While the command line isn't flashy, it's really a big part of Linux culturally and historically, so we can certainly consider that if and when we were to decide to develop for the platform. And there would have to be penguins somehow... :lol:

  • Linuz
    Community Member

    +1 from me for Linux support

  • SusiBiker
    Community Member
    edited September 2015

    As someone who has finally jumped-ship from Windows, I have to admit I was really surprised to see that you do not currently support Linux.
    While I understand that the multitude of Linux Distros present a much harder prospect for success than the 'bottled-up' versions (OSX, Android, iOS), I really hope that you could find some way of making Linux an option in the future.
    I occasionally have to use the other OS's for various compatibility needs, I now no longer run other desktop OS's (Windows especially, since v10 'SnoopWare' and the Win7/8 back-porting of same SnoopWare) on a daily basis.
    It would certainly make my life so much easier if you were to include Linux in the future (especially if that were to be Debian-based [Ubuntu] ;) ).
    "WINE" helps, but it really is no substitute for a native executable.

    Anyway, a HUGE +1 from me for Linux support!
    Susi xxx

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Linuz: Thank you, VM, sir! :chuffed:

    While I understand that the multitude of Linux Distros present a much harder prospect for success than the 'bottled-up' versions (OSX, Android, iOS), I really hope that you could find some way of making Linux an option in the future.

    @SusiBiker: That's certainly one hurdle that would have to be overcome. Oddly enough, I'm surprised that more people don't plug their own distro of choice here. I suspect that most are using Ubuntu these days, but I could be totally wrong about that when it comes to the 1Password user base.

    "WINE" helps, but it really is no substitute for a native executable.
    Anyway, a HUGE +1 from me for Linux support!

    Absolutely. Native is (almost) always a much better experience! Thanks for your interest, and detailed feedback. It certainly is helpful to know where folks are coming from, both philosophically and technologically, should we go this route in the future. Cheers! :pirate:

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Distro isn't so important. That's just a matter of packaging.

    The bigger distinction for a gui is GTK vs Qt. That said, it's not a huge issue since there are adapters to allow Gnome window managers to run Qt apps and for KDE to run GTK apps so Agilebits would just have to choose the one that suited them best.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2015

    Distro isn't so important. That's just a matter of packaging.
    The bigger distinction for a gui is GTK vs Qt. That said, it's not a huge issue since there are adapters to allow Gnome window managers to run Qt apps and for KDE to run GTK apps so Agilebits would just have to choose the one that suited them best.

    @RichardPayne: Point taken. But with a particular distro in mind, you can target its default desktop environment, packaging, and specific frameworks (much the way we can rely on those native to OS X or Windows).

    Of course, that won't stop enterprising users from using wrappers and the like, but it's helpful to have a well-defined target platform from a development and support standpoint.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    of course, and Debian bases (Gnome, apt-get, etc) would be the obvious choice for a desktop app. Debian, Ubuntu and Mint make up the bulk of the desktop users. The other large block is Arch, but they're crazy enough to hack it together regardless. ;)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @RichardPayne: You may be onto something there! :lol:

  • amjames2
    Community Member

    just send me the osx source code and I will do if for you :chuffed: , but really this is necessary until there is a Linux client or at least browser integration on Linux this project is considered "very promising but not a viable platform yet" when I am asked for advice on the issue

  • amjames2
    Community Member

    you could also add the functionality to add/remove entries through the 1PasswordAnywhere interface

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    @amjames2 browser integration works.

  • niemalsnever
    Community Member

    @RichardPayne Does it? How and in which Browser? Using Chrome and having no luck getting it to work.

  • amjames2
    Community Member

    @RichardPayne Reallly!? Could you provide some help installing the browser extension for any browser? If all I had to do was use a different browser for 1Password that wouldn't be too bad.

    @niemalsnever same here no luck with Firefox, and chromium.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    @niemalsnever Chrome definitely work and I'm pretty such that Firefox works too. Start the program and use the Help > Restart 1Password Helper menu option. You should then get the systray padlock.

    The other thing you need to do is:

  • amjames2
    Community Member

    @RichardPayne I am not sure what you mean by "start the progam" do you mean the one that doesn't exist on linux? I am talking about browser integration in linux, I know that it already exists for windows/OSX

  • niemalsnever
    Community Member

    @amjames2 You need to have 1Password running in Wine. Tested both Firefox and Chrome, it works beautifully, no keyboard shortcut though.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    @amjames2 the browser integration is not native to the browsers. They require the Windows or OSX native app to be installed. Obviously neither exist on Linux which is why the browser plugins don't work.

    As @niemalsnever said, you can install the Windows version using WINE and the browser plugins will work with it.

  • jesusalvarez
    Community Member
    edited October 2015

    Created an account just to make this post.

    I have been wanting to use 1password since I first saw my coworkers using it on Mac OSX, but the lack of Linux support is just a major turn off.

    Now that lastpass is selling out, this is more important than ever. There is a real opportunity here to increase the user base of 1password.

    I am looking to move myself, and 1password is in the top 5, but I need linux support.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I have been wanting to use 1password since I first saw my coworkers using it on Mac OSX, but the lack of Linux support is just a major turn off.

    @jesusalvarez: First, thanks for considering 1Password! I'm sorry to hear that you're looking for a Linux version that we haven't developed. It's definitely on our radar, but I can't say if or when we might have a solution for that platform. But thank you for letting us know that Linux is important to you, and that you want to use 1Password there too! :)

  • bwitt
    Community Member

    I would love to start using 1password but cannot due to lack of a Linux version.

  • 92FLHTCU
    Community Member

    Please, please, please give us a Linux solution. With the resent sell out of LastPass to LogMeIn, there will be a TON of Linux users looking for a native solution that works across multiple platforms.

  • daff
    Community Member

    Also created an account just to comment here. I am a Linux user like many others who have been disheartened by the news of LogMeIn buying LastPass and am now looking for alternatives. I got 1Password to work in Wine but it is just not the same as a native Linux version.

    So just to add one more voice to the same sentiment: I'd buy a 1Password license immediately if it were available for Linux. You could probably substantially increase your client base if 1Password treated Linux as a first-class citizen, especially now that LastPass started its descent.

  • LanceHaverkamp
    Community Member

    Linux users are who everyone else asks for vendor recommendations. LastPass's support for Linux (and o/s independence in general) is why they grew so much faster than you did...because we, the few Linux users told everyone else to go with LastPass. Now's your chance to make-up for that mistake, don't blow it.

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