New Product Request: 1Password for Linux [In Progress]



  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Yes @binaranomaly, I know that. My point was simply that the extension itself works fine in Chrome and Firefox on Linux. I know, I've tested them both.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Well, sure. But it's cool that such different platforms have a common heritage. At least I think so. Why can't we all just get along?

    Indeed @brenty. So when's 1Password for Linux due out? :-P

  • Touché.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    Do votes for this even count? Considering this thread is 5 years old :|

  • maara
    Community Member

    Basically being a Linux & 1Pass user, hurts my privacy pretty significantly..
    When I was using the Lastpass, I had my passwords accessible from any platform and so had no reason to remember a single password. Once moved to the 1Password, I tend to store the passwords in the browser again, so I don't have to dig them in that stupid javascript version and copy paste them like an idiot to the password field.
    Having no Linux version is nowadays nothing but a retrograde approach worth early 2000s, having no rational argument behind, but ignoring your customers.
    Why the hell the other companies can but you can't? Maybe they simply want to.....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    @maara If you're in a pinch and want to try another password manager, try Keeper Password & Digital Vault. Like all managers, there are pros and cons (the biggest con being, imo, the yearly subscription). You can use their standalone browser extension on any OS, and they also offer the Desktop client for Linux. Importing and exporting should be fairly simple as well. I just started using 1Password, I like it a lot so far, but there are many shortcomings, lack of Linux support being one of them.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Do votes for this even count? Considering this thread is 5 years old :|

    @lgreen_chi: Yes. Votes let us know who is interested; more detailed feedback tells us what in particular people are looking for; but neither guarantees that we have the resources at any given time to develop, document, and support an additional platform. :blush:

    Having no Linux version is nowadays nothing but a retrograde approach worth early 2000s, having no rational argument behind, but ignoring your customers.

    @maara: We're a small team, and our focus is to continue supporting our existing platforms. So the answer is still "not now". I'm sorry that this isn't the answer you're looking for, but that's the reality. You may not realize it, but you really wouldn't want us to do this if we're not in a position to do it right. Now that's rational. ;)

  • maara
    Community Member

    Yes but you are not in that position for many years... During that time, lots of eye candy features were introduced and when comparing them with introducing another os support, they were nothing but waste of time. Your small team is ignoring the fact that the world doesn't end with osx and windows for a quite long time what was sustainable few years ago, but not any longer... :-(
    Sorry brenty, but your applications are quite expensive and I don't believe you couldn't afford to growth your team and listen to your customer needs...

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @maara: Indeed, in addition to OS X and Windows we support iOS and Android. Only you can judge what is a waste of your time, and I thank you to let us make the same determination for ourselves. Incidentally, we have grown our team significantly. But of course we started with two. Cheers! :lol:

  • cade
    Community Member


    I would love to see 1password on linux!

  • binaranomaly
    Community Member


    There's not much magic involved nowadays supporting cross-platform desktop and also linux. Others Github (Atom), Microsoft (Visual Studio), ... show that it is possible, if there's a will.

  • dm206
    Community Member

    I'd love a Linux version

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @cade, @dm206: Thanks for your interest! I hope that we'll be able to expand the 1Password family to include Linux someday! :chuffed:

    @binaranomaly: I'm not sure that's the way we'd want to go, but that is pretty damn sexy! Definitely worth considering. :eh:

  • Vitalyk
    Community Member


  • askmurphy
    Community Member

    We would like to have an LINUX version for 1Password too !!!!

    Not too difficult for Agilebits because there is an Android version already (= Linux too)..

  • Rew
    Community Member

    I own the Mac version, I have purchased it for IOS, I use the fee version on my Android phone. I would love purchase another licence for my Debian based Linux laptop. I use LastPass there but since they got acquired I am looking around for something better.

  • magaretz
    Community Member

    +1 linux. Ubuntu in particular

  • Thank you all for your extra votes! We know that our Linux users are very passionate :)

  • AdamAnon
    Community Member

    Yes! Please! My love for Apple is fading and I completely dislike Windows 10. One of these days I may have to jump the ship and switch to Linux. I've been playing with various distros for years and one thing I will miss for sure in Linux would be 1Password. I'm willing to pay for separate Linux product. I don't expect it for free.

  • David_CF
    Community Member

    Another vote for Linux support.

    I currently am Ubuntu LTS at work and home, with Windows and Mac as side things only. I am effectively forced to use LastPass as there are no alternatives for native linux and Android whilst also supporting Windows and Mac.

    The moment 1Password support for Linux is available myself and my colleagues will be able to ditch LastPass and migrate over.

  • I am currently using a 17" MacBook Pro Late 2011. Since I don't expect anything in the near future that can replace it, regarding screen size and upgradeability/reparability, I am thinking about switching to Linux.

    The first thing what came into my mind was looking on your website if there is a Linux client of 1Password.

    So I found this thread and in this thread an alternative, that nearly looks and works very similar like 1Password on OS X.
    It's also available as App Store and website version, has browser extensions, iOS and Android apps, more sync options and everything of that is for free.

    So please hurry up before I have to switch to Linux and your competitors! :p I really love 1Password and want to stay with you... :'(

  • Your votes are all being added! We appreciate the passion and support for 1Password :)

  • ferthalangur
    Community Member

    +1 on a Linux port.

    Don't worry yourselves about the plethora of distributions. Pick the two or three big families to support (e.g., Debian/Ubuntu, RedHat/Centos/Fedora) as a packaged solution, and then offer the binaries for download for someone who has a different distro to install at their own risk unsupported.

    For the company to grow, you need a bigger customer base. Linux on the desktop is becoming a more frequent reality, especially with with the hard-core "techy" users -- many of whom are the people who will be making the evaluation decisions for a product for their user base. Reading through the forums this morning I saw someone asking about licensing for a 250-seat call center. Universities like mine (10,000+ staff) are starting to look at large-scale licensing of password managers for their staff to improve their security posture. Corporations are doing the same. They are going to be looking at things like which desktop platforms are supported. Investing in a dedicated developer to work on this now will pay for itself in a year or two. IMHO.


  • rbrs
    Community Member

    Hey, I've been using 1password on a iOS device and would love to be able to use it on my desktop (Linux Mint) as well!

  • StephenOrr
    Community Member

    Lack of a Linux version is likely to prevent my company from adopting 1Password for Teams.

    Some of our team use Linux on the desktop because they need a level of accessibility that neither OS X nor Windows currently offer - they're basically unable to use a mouse (or trackpad, for that matter) at all, and have to do everything via the keyboard.

    Although it's possible for them to use 1Password for Windows via a VM, this isn't ideal and still requires them to use a system which more or less requires a mouse - so is a complete non-starter for them.

    The rest of the team would be fine, but we can't exclude these people.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2015

    The rest of the team would be fine, but we can't exclude these people.

    @StephenOrr: You're absolutely right! Accessibility is something that needs to be considered, much more than simply the 'convenience' of a native app.

    While we don't have a native Linux version of 1Password, what we do have is a web interface in addition to 1Password for Teams support in the native apps. While it it's too early to say for certain, perhaps this can be expanded with keyboard support similar to something like Gmail, which could make it more accessible and also more useful for those of us regularly spreading our work across multiple computers where we don't necessarily even have the luxury of installing an app. Thanks for bringing this up! :)

    ref: OPB-640

  • mindgam3s
    Community Member

    +1 for Linux (espacially Ubuntu) version of 1Password
    I am using it in WINE atm and the browser extension key shortcut does not work even though I disabled the BrowserCheck

  • weberwithoneb
    Community Member

    +1 for Linux (Ubuntu).

  • snakyjake
    Community Member

    +1 for platform portability. I want to have the freedom to choose my OS without having to change my password tool.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @snakyjake, @mindgam3s, @weberwithoneb: Thanks for your votes! We don't currently have a native Linux app, but depending on your needs you might be interested in 1Password for Teams.

    It's currently in beta, so right now the web client is read-only; but we're looking forward to adding editing and other features there as development progresses. Cheers! :)

This discussion has been closed.