How many Secondary Vaults are supported by 1Password?

Community Member


I've been a long time user of 1Password (for the Mac and iOS) and I've been using Secondary Vaults quite a bit and I'm very happy with how they work! So happy, in fact, that I'm considering bring 1Password into our corporate environment to replace out dated, inefficient FileMaker password database. Right now I current have 3 Secondary Vaults in addition to my Primary Vault and using 1Password for non-personal user will up add at least another 3–4 Secondary Vaults into the mix. So, before I jump in, I'm wondering if there's a suggested limit to the number of Secondary Vaults that can be used with 1Password? All vaults will be stored on/synced via Dropbox and will be running on Mac desktop (primary device) and iOS/Android (mobil devices) and possibly a few Windows desktops (for user's running the software at home). Any advice would be appreciated.



  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited September 2014


    I have had as many as 13 at one time with no issue. I have whittled it down to 10 now. All my vaults are synced via Dropbox Some are local (non shared) some are shared (thru Dropbox shared folders). My household is all iOS and OS X and OS X for those outside the household. I cant speak to the other OS's. If I recall correctly Windows is well suited and up to the task, I however do not have any clue about Android. :(

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  • theboyk
    Community Member

    Yea—all my current secondary vaults are shared (via Dropbox), so I'm confident in the workings of that/stability. Just wasn't sure if there was an "official" (or unofficial) ceiling to the number of secondary vaults supported by the app?

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    There is definitely no theoretical limit to the number of vaults, but we'd certainly love to know if you find a practical limit. So far, I think @thightower‌ has the most vaults I am personally aware of. :)

  • theboyk
    Community Member

    OK, I'll give it a shot!

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    I'm with @khad on this -- @thightower‌ likely holds the record for using the most vaults I'm aware of. :)

    What I sometimes do in 1Password for Mac is temporarily configure Folder Sync with a secondary vault to create an Agile Keychain vault for possible future use (or long term archival), then delete the vault in the local database. That helps keep me from piling up more active local vaults than I really need.

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