1Password5, Yosemite and folder sync using iCloud drive

Community Member

I installed the Yosemite OS, updated to 1Password5 from the Agilebits website and got the "iCloud sync disabled" message. Since it appears that iCloud sync now requires the Apple App Store version of 1Password, I set up a folder in the Yosemite iCloud drive (~Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud Drive) and now I use that folder to sync my primary vault for 1Password. This seems to work fine with my other computers that run Yosemite.

Is there some kind of security problem with this arrangement? What advantages are there in purchasing the App Store version of 1Password5 if no IOS devices are involved in the sync processes?


  • Hi @RPayne‌

    The only difficulty with this arrangement is that we can't support it (e.x. If there is a problem, we'll only be able to help in switching to an officially supported sync method).



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