Start up from download folder

Community Member

I'm getting the following error message "you are starting from /downloads/ loginitems. Please check to see if you have another copy of the application. It should start "Applications/1Password ... I can't figure out how to remove the downloads version


  • thightower
    Community Member


    Have you tried a restart and or a log out and back in ?

    Looks like you or the system is trying to launch the Mini app inside 1Password instead of the actual application as you mentioned. I would try the restart and if you have any login items set for 1Password in System Preferences then I would remove them for now.

  • Hi @donf214,

    Go to your Downloads folder in Finder, make sure there is no copy of 1Password in there. If there isn't, try rebooting your Mac as thightower suggests and see if it'll work.

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