Upgraded to 1password 5 and it lost tons of passwords / info

Community Member

I just upgraded to Yosemite and 1password 5. 1p worked fine for a few hours then started giving me backup errors. I followed the forum directions to restart 1p mini and when I restarted it acted as if I'd just gotten it new and asked that I reconnect to the vault (on dropbox). I did that, restarted and noticed it looked different than it had a few minutes earlier. So I started digging around and several software licenses are gone, it's reverted credit card info to cards I changed months ago and who knows how many passwords are gone. It did backup though, just with old data. Anyway I can fix it? I'm not happy about this upgrade so far.


  • Chris Noden
    Chris Noden
    Community Member

    I too have suffered at the hands of 1Password v5. I've got a Mac, have done a fresh install with OS X 10.10 and sync'd the new 1P with my Dropbox sync file. My password (login) count has dropped from 161 to 33 - yet my iOS app still shows all the logins and is sync'd to the exact same file on Dropbox.

    Don't upgrade to 1P v5 - it's not stable. This has caused a lot of problems because I rely on 1P so much.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    For the benefit of anyone else reading this thread, your comment:

    Don't upgrade to 1P v5 - it's not stable

    is incorrect. I accept you have a problem which needs to be resolved, of course, but in my experience 1P5 is rock solid—with some really rather small bugs which in no way materially affect the overall functionality of the app.

    I do not for a moment belittle your own problem and am sure someone who uses Dropbox (I don't) will be along to help soon. However, your generalisation is a little unfair, at least based on my experience (admittedly using wifi sync).


  • milesdscott
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    I've been using dropbox with 1p forever and I've never had an issue. When I look at my dropbox folder it has a file called "1password.agilekeychain". That's what I thought I was supposed to select as my vault when I set it up. Like I said it worked fine, then asked to select a vault and when I did that's when the trouble started. It's like I reverted back to an old keychain. When I look at the dropbox folder on my phone though it has a whole other folder with the same name and in that are several other folders, one called data with tons of text files. I thought that was where the metadata was stored but I can't access it on my computer now. So is that link what's going wrong? Is there a way to disconnect and reconnect if I can restore that folder?

  • Ouch. Sounds like somehow the main database did not sync correctly with the agilekeychain. From what you've described, you've done exactly right.

    The first thing I would try is to simply go into Preferences > Sync, and disable Dropbox sync (do not choose the option to delete the data). I'd then re-enable it, and see if this gets things rolling again.

    The next thing to verify is that that you don't have more than one 1Password installed on your system. Simply search for "1Password" in Spotlight and see if multiple results are returned. Having more than one anywhere on the system can lead to issues. From what you've described, I doubt that this is the case, but let's just cover our bases here.

    If that doesn't work, I would try to remove 1Password's data files, and restart from scratch. To do that, you should follow these instructions:

    Please note this will permanently delete any data you have saved in 1Password (your data in Dropbox is safe though)

    In 1Password, choose 1Password > Preferences in the menu bar, select the General tab, and make sure the Always keep 1Password mini running option is disabled.

    Close the preferences pane, and press ^⌘Q to quit 1Password and 1Password mini.

    If you use the Mac App Store version:

    • Open a Finder window, and choose Go > Go to Folder (or press ⇧⌘G).
    • Copy the following text (including the leading “~”), paste it into the Go to Folder dialog, and click the Go button: ~/Library/Containers/
    • Locate the folder named 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper, and move it to the trash.
    • Empty the trash and restart your Mac.

    If you use the AgileBits store version:

    • Open a Finder window, and choose Go > Go to Folder (or press ⇧⌘G).
    • Copy the following text (including the leading “~”), paste it into the Go to Folder dialog, and click the Go button: ~/Library/Application Support/
    • Locate the folder named 1Password 4, and move it to the trash.
    • Still in Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder (or press ⇧⌘G) again.
    • Copy the following text (including the leading “~”), paste it into the Go to Folder dialog, and click the Go button: ~/Library/Preferences/
    • Locate the file named 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword4-helper.plist, and move it to the trash.
    • Locate the file named com.agilebits.onepassword4.plist, and move it to the trash.
    • Empty the trash and restart your Mac.

    When you then launch 1Password 5, it should detect that you've got data in Dropbox and offer to set things up automatically.

    I hope this helps. Let us know how it goes.

  • milesdscott
    Community Member

    Thanks for the replies, I ended up re-doing my passwords. I needed access to things so I just sat down and fixed it. It was probably time to change some passwords anyway. The only buggy thing that happened was once when I hit the key button at the top of the browser screen it gave me an error message that said I had to have 1P before using the button, it was like the software was gone. I ended up restarting and it acted like it was my first time and I reconnected the keychain. Fortunately it worked but I'm not sure what caused it to die in the first place. It's worked well since then. Anyway thanks for the tips though, if something goes wrong in the future I'll definitely refer back, though like I said, this is the first time.

  • Good to know you're back up and running, @milesdscott‌.

    The key button at the top of the browser will give that error if 1Password mini isn't running, or if for whatever reason it wasn't able to connect.

    If you followed those instructions I gave, then that would explain why it acted like it was the first time you used the app. They wipe any knowledge 1Password had of you, and will restart from scratch. Safe to do if you've got a trusted sync setup to recover from.

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