Is iCloud sync truly any better than dropbox? And can I transfer a license to another person?
I just upgraded my license and just realized that I couldn't use iCloud sync.
I was wondering what, if any, are the distinct advantages of using iCloud over Dropbox?
(I am waiting for my iPhone 6 to come, and am running OS X Yosemite).
I am not going to ask for a refund just to get it on the App Store, but I am about to give my dad my old Macbook.
Is there any way that I can transfer my license, that I currently own, to him (and I would buy the mac store version of 1password 5)? (He uses some Norton vault thing, so he doesn't know what he is missing yet.)
Also, are there any plans to bring 1passwordanywhere to iCloud sync? (I have been using 1password for a couple of years now - since 3- and just found out about that bad ass feature!)
For many I believe it comes down to preference. They want to use method x (my observations are sync methods is like asking people if they're a cat or dog person - usually quite strong opinions and I'm no different).
As somebody that doesn't use either sync method and prefers Wi-Fi this is reasonably unbiased view of the two.
- iCloud sync is Apple only. If you imagine needing to sync cross platform devices outside of the OS X/iOS ecosphere then iCloud is out.
- Your iCloud sync data isn't visible like it is on Dropbox - so no 1PasswordAnywhere (sorry)
- Dropbox allows you to share folders between Dropbox users
- We currently only support secondary vaults on Dropbox. While that may change in the future you still won't be able to share those vaults with others on iCloud.
- The agilekeychain is an older format in contrast to opvault. The intention is to move Dropbox to this refined format at some point in the future once all platforms understand it. If you want I can rummage about and find a blog post about how the URLs of your Login items are in plaintext. Your passwords etc. are encrypted before I possibly scare you needlessly.
If I were to use a cloud sync solution I'd probably go with Dropbox, heck most of the people here at AgileBits use it themselves. For the immediate future though I'm going to be awkward and sync via Wi-Fi.
I don't foresee an issue if your father is using a fully licensed copy and you're using your own fully licensed copy. You've paid for two copies and you're adhering to the licence requirements. Very polite of you to ask :smile:
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I appreciate the unbiased look at the different cloud sync options. I think that I am going to stay with dropbox because of accessibility and for the 1passwordanywhere feature, which is pretty awesome. Just to pick your brain for a bit more information; is there any reason you choose to only do a wifi sync option? I am sure that you know that dropbox is not too secure from the NSA, according to Snowden ( Also, how do you back up for vault, since you only use wifi to sync?
Also, could you recommend Spideroak as a Dropbox alternative?
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I won't pretend to be some hardcore campaigner of privacy rights but I do take online privacy seriously. Events over the last few years have only compounded this. So wherever possible I like to retain total control over all my data.
- I don't use free email services.
- I was annoyed when Apple removed local sync for contacts and calendars in iTunes.
- Companies like Apple and Google can't be forced to hand over my data if they don't have any.
If law enforcement at any level want my data it had better be for good reason^ and done to procedure rather than me getting caught up in some broad dragging exercise because their not being held accountable.
^ and given I fully intend to give them no reason our passings should be limited. Obviously all the above was just my personal opinion, I haven't asked where my colleagues stand on this - it's a personal thing.
Official AgileBits hat back on
In regards to backups. 1Password backups up your vault on a routine basis each time the vault changes and it keeps up to ~50 of these backups. My entire machine is also backed up via Time Machine to my local NAS device so a set and forget situation where the laptop simply has to be on for it to work. Also, since 1Password 5 you can now synchronise attachments via Wi-Fi so my iPhone and my laptop share identical copies of my vault.
I've only peripherally heard of Spideroak I'm afraid so can't comment on it. I've seen others here desire its inclusion of built-in sync methods. One of the reasons why we offer Dropbox is they offer an API which I believe makes syncing easier while many solutions don't. I wasn't with AgileBits at the time but they did look into WebDAV for all those people that wanted the files on their own servers but I believe performance issues nixed that one. The only problem with Spideroak would be you wouldn't be able to sync your iPhone with that service, you'd be limited to Mac copies of 1Password as only they have the Folder Sync method.