I bought 1Password and now I'm getting a "trial expired" notice!?!?

Community Member

I bought this application (not a "trial version") and now I'm getting a "trial expired" notice asking me to purchase the software. I'm a nervous that I'm going to get to my computer and not have access to 1Password - which will basically mean that I won't have access to anything (not even this forum). Seriously, what is happening here?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Please read the sticky at the top of the forum then let us know if you still have a problem.


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    I begin to wonder if all the forum posts about "trial expired" indicate that there is a bug in 1PW. Though it is also quite likely that people just do not understand the installation procedure.

    But one bit of good news is that you can continue to use 1PW even with an expired trial. You can't add new passwords, but still have access to the ones you already entered.

  • I begin to wonder if all the forum posts about "trial expired" indicate that there is a bug in 1PW. Though it is also quite likely that people just do not understand the installation procedure.

    The most common scenarios we've found are:

    • Folks did actually purchase a license but because 1P4 didn't nag much they never entered their license, and need to do so
    • Folks assume (becuase v4 didn't nag much) that they had purchased, but they have not actually done so
  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    My experience was not unique I believe. and in this context it seems germane. When I updated to version 5 after installing Yosemite, 1Password did not automatically move my license to the new version. I had to add it manually. This was about a month ago, and I expect that anyone who did't realize that the license didn't transfer is seeing a trial expired notice about now.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    I had exactly the same experience as you @hawkmoth‌.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @drgregmartin‌ Have you managed to resolve this yet based on the announcement Stephen_C linked you to? I you haven't please do let us know so we can try and assist.

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    @hawkmoth, is the issue about licenses not transferring something that usually happens? I ask because I moved to Yosemite and 1PW5 a couple of days ago, and my copy of 1PW definitely says that it is licensed.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited November 2014

    @danco - I don't know how common that was, but there were several of us who haunt the forums who discovered the problem right after Yosemite and version 5 arrived. I've looked for that thread, which I think I started, but I haven't found it again. It might well have been merged into another one. And maybe it's been fixed since then? I don't know, but if a licensed user is getting trial expired notices about 30 days after installing version 5, it's worth knowing that reinstalling the license file fixes the problem.

    The post @Stephen_C linked to in post #2 summarizes all the remedies.

  • laken
    Community Member

    I bought 1P v3 ages ago through Agilebits website, not Mac App Store. When 1P 4 came out I upgraded right away. Been using all the way through, accepting each update as the App asks to be updated.

    I've been on 1P 5 for some weeks, and now it started displaying 'Trial Expired'. Apparently I only have a 1P 3 license key, even though I'm certain I upgraded to 1P 4 - in fact there was a 9-month free upgrade window from 3 to 4 as stated here: (https://guides.agilebits.com/1password-mac-kb/4/en/topic/upgrading-from-1password-3)

    I've also purchased 1P at least twice on the iPhone (old 1P Pro, and now the current version).

    I believe I've diligently upgraded all along the way - any help here?

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    If you did pay to upgrade from version 3 to version 4, the update to version 5 is free. You can use your version 4 license file to register version 5.

  • Plutopowered
    Community Member
    edited November 2014

    I've read the sticky and followed the instruction but I can't seem to get the license. I can't find it on my computer. I bought 1PW4 through itunes (app store - I have the receipt) and not long after upgraded to 1PW5 and I still have the "trial expired" issue (which it says I shouldn't have since I bought 1PW via the app store).

  • drgregmartin
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables thanks for the message. No I haven't managed to resolve the problem. I am not sure where to find the licence. When I ask for the licence to be sent I get a message saying that I'm entering the wrong email address. To be honest, I don't ever remember getting a "license" in the first place. Outside of downloading and installing the software, I never went through a process of adding a license (that I know how). I'm pretty sure that I didn't just download a "trial" version. I paid for it. Similar to the experience of others in this conversation, I too have recently updated system software and upgraded to 1Password5

    The disappointing this here is this - when it comes to software like 1Password, we really do put out entire digital lives in the hands of one company (not in the sense that they can access our information or anything like that - I understand that everything is secure). Its quite a big leap - changing all of your passwords to some random password and trusting the software always give you access. Its a lot of trust. A lot of faith. With something as important as this, the expectation is that nothing will ever go wrong. Not even small things. Small problems make me nervous. It makes me wonder about the quality of software that I've place so much faith in.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @laken‌

    I've found a 1Password 3 licence registered to you but it was purchased late 2009, which would place you approximately 3 years outside of the free upgrade window - sorry about that. Now if there is a chance that you upgraded to to 1Password 4 using another email address we can investigate that for you. You would want to email us at support+licenses@agilebits.com and include as much detail as you can; name, list of all possible addresses and reference this thread along with your username here. Once you've done that it link it all up it would be great if you could post here that you've done so.

    Now if you believe you haven't paid for an upgrade from 1Password 3 to 1Password 4 then you can use your 1Password 3 licence key to purchase 1Password 4 at a discounted price. All you would do is use the upgrade licence option in our store. That would be the most cost effective way of licensing either 1Password 4 or 5.

    Unfortunately licences are per platform so purchases of 1Password for iOS don't confer a licence on OS X.

    If you still have questions or I've not explained something in enough detail please post here and we'll try and resolve that for you.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Plutopowered‌

    In referencing iTunes I'm wondering if you've purchased 1Password for iOS. Unfortunately licences are per platform as I mentioned in my other recent post to this thread. Now if I've misunderstood it's something we can try and assist with.

    So if you haven't explicitly purchased a licence for 1Password for Mac (either from Apple's Mac App Store or direct from our web store) then that would explain the Trial Expired message. If you would like to continue using 1Password (and we hope you do) you would simply need to purchase it from either store. Which is dependent on you - the main difference is iCloud Sync support in 1Password is now limited to the MAS version due to Apple restrictions.

    If you have purchased a licence for 1Password then to best help we will need to know where you purchased it from. Then we can sort you out with instructions tailored for you.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @drgregmartin‌

    Even with the Trial Expired message you should still be able to view your entire vault as it is. We do understand what the contents of a vault means to each person and we have no intention to hold you to ransom. If this is happening please do let us know as it most definitely would not be intentional.

    If you purchased directly from us, submitting the email address used in the form on this page https://agilebits.com/licenses/resend will yield an email containing all your licences registered to that address. It would contain links to download the software and either links for the licence file or key if you've purchased 1Password 3 in the past.

    If you purchased via Apple's Mac App Store then that won't work as Apple pass on no information and so we're simply not aware of your purchase. You should be able to install 1Password though via their App Store program which resides on all Macs.

    So the first thing to do is determine where you purchased it. Once you do that we can help you sort out getting the right, licensed version going and get you back on track.

  • Plutopowered
    Community Member


    I looked at the receipt from June and it was for the iOS for $17.99. Are you saying that I need to purchase the extra app for my computer (that I've been using since June) for an additional $34.99 to continue to be able to use it on my computer?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Plutopowered‌

    That is correct - sorry. To run 1Password on both iOS and OS X requires two separate licences. If you're positive you've only purchased the iOS version then you would need to purchase the Mac version too. Now if you do decide to do so now isn't a bad time as 1Password is on sale at the moment (I genuinely don't know when the sale finishes - sorry).

    Just to explain, this isn't a recent change to try and grab more money, the licensing has always been this way, it's just 1Password 4 wasn't very vocal about the trial period expiring. Hopefully you love the product enough to see it as a worthy investment. If we can help at all let us know.

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