Problem Report window pops up overtime i switch to 1Password 5

Community Member

Everytime I switch to 1Password 5 app (from any other app) I get a 'problem report for 1password 5' dialog box saying that 1Password 5 unexpectedly quit.... But nothing seems to have quit and other than annoyance of seeing the dialog box and having to dismiss it, nothing seems to be wrong. How can I stop this report from popping up every time?

1Password 5.0.2 form agile web store.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @chefmitch,

    I'm sorry that 1Password is being a bit annoying right now. I'd love to confirm a few details here: after you dismiss that dialogue box, is 1Password locked? If so, it might be 1Password mini that's doing the crashing.

    The next time this dialogue box pops up, please include your name and email address in the crash report, send it off and then follow up with us here. Including those details will allow us to track the report down and determine where things are getting tangled up.

  • chefmitch
    Community Member

    Problem seems to have gone away on its own. If it comes back, I'll follow your instructions. Thanks.

  • Thanks for the update!

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