Significant Syncing Issues

Community Member

Here's what I have: iMac running 10.8/1Password 4 iCloud engaged, Macbook Pro running 10.9/1Password 4 iCloud engaged, iPhone 6 running iOS 8/1Password 5 iCloud Drive not engaged, iPad Air 2 running iOS 8/1Password 5 iCloud Drive not engaged. When I make a change in 1Password on the iMac (the main computer), no changes sync on any device noted above - not even on the Macbook Pro where iCloud is engaged. What do I need to do to fix this? Please don't tell me to just upgrade to OS 10.10 as the answer unless that's the ONLY answer. Thank you.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ThisIsSteve‌

    I have a couple of questions.

    1. When you first ran iOS 8 you would have been asked if you wanted to upgrade to iCloud Drive. Did you?
    2. How do you feel about Dropbox as an alternative?

    Regardless if you have upgraded to iCloud Drive or not, as you kind of are already aware, you can't sync all four of these devices using iCloud. To use iCloud Sync in 1Password 5 you have to upgrade to iCloud Drive and that means an environment consisting only of iOS 8 and Yosemite devices. If you haven't upgraded to iCloud Drive though the two Macs should still be syncing (hence question 1)

    Dropbox though will let you sync between all copies of 1Password 4 and 5 regardless of iOS or OS X version, that's why I ask how you feel about it.

  • ThisIsSteve
    Community Member

    Thanks for this response. Yes, when I upgraded to iOS 8 I was asked about upgrading to iCloud Drive and I did not do that. And you are right. The iMac and Macbook Pro are syncing 1Password despite being different OS's. The 1Password versions on the iMac and Macbook Pro are 4.0 by the way (not sure if that's important for you to know). Two questions: if I just engage iCloud Drive on the iOS devices, does this solve the problem (I am fine doing that)? Also, can you send me any links on using DropBox as I am unfamiliar doing that (I do use DropBox). If I went the DropBox route, would I have to make that change in a certain order (the iMac is the main computer and has the most recent changes). Thanks a lot for getting back with me and replying!!

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2014

    Hi @ThisIsSteve,

    Thanks for taking the time to write to us :smile:

    If you wish to use the new iCloud sync (CloudKit) on all of your devices, you first need to opt in for iCloud Drive, then update both your Macs to OS X Yosemite and finally make sure that you use 1Password 5 from the Mac App Store (not from our website).

    If you think that you can satisfy all of the conditions above, you can enable iCloud sync on your iMac (your main computer that has the most recent changes), wait a few moments and then enable iCloud on your other devices. Please perform a backup on each device beforehand to stay on the safe side.
    For more information, please make sure that you read our blog post about iCloud changes in 1Password 5.

    However, if you wish to use for Dropbox sync instead, and keep your Macs on the current OS X versions, please refer top this article from our Knowledgebase.

    It is best that you enable Dropbox on your iMac first as it contains the most recent changes. This will create a 1Password.agilekeychain file in your Dropbox directory. Then make sure that you select this 1Password.agilekeychain file when you enable Dropbox on your other syncing devices. Your local data will be merged with the data from Dropbox.

    Hope that this helps :smile:


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ThisIsSteve‌

    Sadly upgrading to iCloud Drive won't help. For iCloud you either need to be running 1Password 5 everywhere or 1Password 4 everywhere, you can't use a mixture.

    Your best would be Dropbox. It allows you to sync between all copies of 1Password 4 and 5 and even 1Password 3 for Mac. Thankfully Dropbox is pretty similar to using iCloud.

    Before we set up syncing via Dropbox though it would be prudent to gain an insight into the state of your different vaults given you've got four devices in total. Do you have changes or additions on all the vaults or have you been just altering the vault on your iMac? It's one of these things where you should be able to sync all the devices but given what your data represents you don't want to take any risks.

  • ThisIsSteve
    Community Member

    This is an easy answer. The 1Password used on the iMac has the most recent update of changes. It's the only one I've really ever altered.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ThisIsSteve,

    Great, that makes things a bit easier. You can basically just follow Rad's steps to setup Dropbox sync (from his message yesterday). You'll set up sync on your iMac first, allow it to complete the first sync with Dropbox, and then you can set up your other Mac and iOS devices to sync with the same file in Dropbox.

    Before doing anything else, you may want to make a new backup of the 1Password data on your iMac. Simply open the 1Password app and go to File > Backup. Then you can continue with the steps below, which is what Rad suggested, with a few more details:

    • Set up Dropbox sync on your iMac by following the steps here: Syncing using Dropbox
    • Allow Dropbox to completely sync your 1Password data (the Dropbox icon in the menubar should indicate when it's syncing, and when it's done)
    • Make sure Dropbox is installed on your MacBook Pro and your iOS devices.
    • On your MacBook Pro, set up Dropbox sync in 1Password, choosing the 1Password.agilekeychain file you created from your iMac.
    • You may be asked to merge your data, which is fine - enter your master password when prompted to do so.
    • Set up Dropbox sync on each iOS device. If you need help, follow the steps here.
    • Again, choose the 1Password.agilekeychain file from Dropbox (merge your data when prompted to do so).

    This should get everything back in sync again. If you have any questions about that, just let us know! :)

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