I can't use iCloud sync. The iCloud sync option appears for less than 1 second then disappears

Community Member
edited December 2014 in Mac

I have two Mac desktops, 1 laptop, 1 iPad, 1iphone that I want to synch with for this one account.
3 macs are 10.10.1.
iphone & iPad are IOS 8.1.2
I have ipw5 ver 5.0.2

I had used the dropbox in the past. I forgot my master password and started over yesterday.
I want to use iCloud to sync. I have deleted the data from the Macs successfully. To give me a clean slate. I don't know how to delete old vaults from dropbox.

I got my work desktop functioning and added many logins to 1pw. 1pw is working great on my work desktop.

When I start up the 1pw on my home mac it starts out fine. I tell it that I have used 1pw before. The iCloud sync is an option for less than 1 second but quickly disappears. I have followed your guide to make sure iCloud is enabled. It is checked. I then went to your iCloud troubleshooting checklist. I went to 1pw preferences on the mac. I can not unlock the master vault. Inside preferences, on the sync tab, it tells me to "unlock 1pw to change system preferences".

When I try to use it on the iPhone, I get the persistent "existing data not found"

I deleted the app and re-installed it on the iPhone. I have turned off then turned on iCloud sharing on the iPhone 2 different times. I went under iCloud drive to make sure it is on. It is. 1pw is under there and it is turned on. I have turned it off and rebooted the iPhone. Then turned it back on. still to no avail!

Ipad has the 5.1.2 and it has the same result as my iPhone.

My laptop is the same as my home desktop.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @BrandonW7‌

    So first the easy part. Removal of old vaults in Dropbox is as simple as deleting the agilekeychain folders (if viewed from Dropbox's website). Delete those and the vaults are gone.

    So the first thing to confirm is if iCloud Sync is actually working on your work Mac. If you're running 1Password 5 that means you need to have upgraded to iCloud Drive and on your work Mac you will have to have iCloud Drive enabled (System Preferences > iCloud) and if you were to click on the Options... button to the right of iCloud Drive you should have 1Password mini ticked as being able to as an App that can store data in iCloud. Still on your Mac, in 1Password's preferences, if you switch to the Sync tab what does it show? If you're syncing with iCloud it should say so and there should be a button titled Change Syncing... (to indicate that Sync is already set up).

    If that is all correct, what do you see if you return to System Preferences > iCloud and click on the Manage... button? Do you see an entry for 1Password in the list on the left?

    If you do that does indeed sound like iCloud Sync is working.

    If you then move to one of your other Macs how does it compare? Does iCloud in System Preferences seem to be set up the same way? Even with the vault locked you can still enter and view the 1Password preferences, what does it say in the Sync tab?

    If I had to guess at this early stage I'd go with the issue being something to do with your work Mac simply because all other devices aren't working. With the responses to the questions above though we can start to work out what the issue is.

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