Data recovery

Community Member

I had a system problem. Thinking all I had to do was restore my system and files, etc thru time machine.
Prior to the backup restore, the program had to erase my hard drive.
After many hours of waiting for the backup to complete. A message came stating the backup failed.
My Seagate external hard drive which contained all my files had an unrepairable disk problem.
I am able to find and copy files. I am hoping to find 1password files and copy them to the proper spot for password to use.
I am running a Macbook Air, Yosemite 10.10.1, 1password 5.0.2 from Agile web site.
I do not know what the files are called or where they reside.
Please help


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Jmano,

    I'm so sorry to hear that you've been having trouble with your computer - that's never fun!

    There are two locations you'll want to get your data from, if possible.

    1. Your datafile (SQLite)
    • Mac App Store: ~/Library/Containers/
    • Webstore: ~/Library/Application Support/1Password\ 4/Data/OnePassword.sqlite
    1. Backups
    • Mac App Store: ~/Library/Containers/
    • Webstore: ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/Backups

    I hope this helps, but please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns!

  • Jmano
    Community Member

    Dear Megan
    I went into my Seagate drive & entered SQLITE in the find box & only got some Sqlite documents. No files.
    Your recommendations are above my pay scale.
    I have tried every which way I could think of to find the files to no avail.
    The files must be there somewhere???
    All my other files for my other apps were there.
    Could you provide more detail as to where exactly I should go & what exactly should I be inserting in the find box.
    Thank you

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Jmano‌

    So a I to understand correctly that you've wiped the machine and all you have is a failed backup on your Seagate drive which you now need to manually extract files from? This backup, was it meant to be a complete backup of the entire drive prior to wiping?

    Megan is correct that you should hopefully be able to find a file called OnePassword.sqlite. If you can find that then you've located the 1Password 4 folder it resides in. In the 1Password 4 folder there should be one called Backups and you'd want the latest backup file.

    Assuming your Seagate drive is a backup of the entire drive prior to wiping I would expect the following structure.

    1. In the root of the drive there should be a folder called Users
    2. In that folder you should find a folder titled with your previous username e.g. Jmano
    3. In that folder there should be a folder called Library
    4. In that folder there should be a folder called Application Support
    5. In that folder there should be a folder called 1Password 4
    6. In that folder there should be a folder called Backups and you'd want the latest backup file.

    When you start 1Password for the first time on the new computer you can specify that you're an existing user and select the backup file to use, more on this can be found on our Restore from backup page.

    If that description of where to look didn't help it might be worth showing us what you're looking at. If you don't want to include such a screenshot here let us know and we can move this to email if you prefer. Hopefully though you manage to locate what you need to get you up and running again.

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