Cannot add email file to SW License
I am using Yosemite 10.10.2, and 1PW 5.1. I have never had any problem adding files to my SW license entries, but since these upgrades, I cannot now add email files. I tried a test with an rtf file with no problems, but the emails will not attach, although the little green plus circle implies that it will.
How can I get this fixed?
Hi @glwilson08,
Would it correct to say that you're using Apple's Mail program?
We're aware of this bug where in Yosemite it seems you can't drag emails directly from Mail to 1Password. I'm not a Mail user myself but my understanding from reading other posts is it isn't just 1Password that is affected by this. The workaround at the moment seems to be to drag the email to your Desktop first. Once it's saved as an .eml file you can attach it to a 1Password item.
I apologise it isn't a better solution at the moment. I hope that isn't too onerous though.