Rotated keyboard on iPhone 6+
I tried to open 1Password on my 6+ when the phone's home screen was in landscape mode, the landscape keyboard came up, but in portrait orientation and positioned in the middle of the screen, to the left of the "Master Password" text field and on top of the keyhole. Only the left half of the keyboard was visible on the screen and since my password contains characters on the right, I was unable to get in. I hit the home button and put the home screen in Portrait mode and launched 1Password again, but the keyboard was still in landscape mode in the vertical middle of the screen and no matter how I rotated or flipped the phone, the keyboard would not re-orient so it was usable. I rebooted the phone and launched 1Password in portrait mode and it then gave me the portrait keyboard and I was able to get in. I do not have any custom keyboards installed. I have not been able to recreate this bug, but thought it worth mentioning. I am running version 5.2 on IOS version 8.1.3.