
Community Member

Can't seem logon into golfnow

I tried manually and by logging into site and "save". The email and password save correctly.
Email gets entered, the password gets entered ***** but doesn't logon. the password gets highlighted in blue and the password gets removed no other warnings.
Sorry to be pest, but this is taking lots of time


  • Hi @safety1,

    You're not being anything, we do want to help you with anything you need help on.

    Strangely, I'm not able to reproduce this. Can you tell me which browser you're using, so I can try to reproduce this.

    From my testing, it did fill in both fields and submitted for me. I didn't see the password being removed.

  • safety1
    Community Member

    Odd I was able to set it up and logon in firefox, but still doesn't log me on safari on my desktop. works on iPhone.

  • safety1
    Community Member

    And now I just changed the the logon to never submit. If i manually hit sign in it works.

  • MikeT
    edited February 2015

    Hi @safety1,

    Thanks for the update, I'm glad you got it narrowed down to an auto-submit issue.

    Can you tell me where you bought 1Password from, Apple's Mac App Store or from our website? Both version handles the auto-submit feature differently.

  • safety1
    Community Member

    Bought at MAS

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @safety1,

    I don't know if it will make a difference or not but here's a link to an old discussion after auto-submit in AWS and MAS had to change as a result of the sandboxing for all MAS applications. The thread is Auto-submit not working in Mac App Store version of 1Password after 4.2 extension update and installing the very small and simple script may work for you. You also have discovered the other option though of leaving it as fill but do not submit to make it work.

    Let us know what you think.

  • safety1
    Community Member

    I installed it, changed back to always enable, and it worked.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Brilliant news @safety1 :smile:

This discussion has been closed.