have 1P 4.4.2 on 10.9 - no updates until upgrade to 10.10?

Community Member

Hi all,

i have 1Password 4.2.2 on Mavericks and App Store updates says 1P 5.1 is incompatible with 10.9.5. Is this configuration excluded to receive maintenance updates? May be the App Store rules prevent this.

Workaround? - if i click on the Link "1Password" in the section 1 incompatible update in the App Store, the update button is active. Is it safe to do it or do i need to upgrade to Yosemite before?

Thanks, Pepi


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Pepi,

    In order to make it free for 1Password 4 customers, 1Password 5 for Mac was released as an "update" to version 4, rather than being sold separately. They're essentially seen as the "same" app in the Mac App Store, so we can't release a different update to an older version.

    The Mac App Store won't allow you to install a version that is incompatible with your OS, so you don't need to worry about that. The last update for version 4 on the Mac App Store (before we released 5) was 4.4.1, and that's what it should install when you click that update button. So you can go ahead and do that, and it should update properly. If you have any trouble with that, please let us know! :)

  • Pepi
    Community Member

    Understand, but is it meaning that if a critical bug is discovered in 1P 4 there will be no chance to avoid Yosemite?

    I decided to purchase via App Store in the belief of the sandbox. Is it more secure than the agile bits store version?

    Thanks, Pepi 8-)

  • Hi @Pepi,

    If a critical bug were to be discovered in 1Password 4, we would very likely issue an update for it that is compatible with 10.9. That bugfix version would contain only the fix to the critical bug, and not anything else added since 1Password 5.

    Sandboxing is a good idea in general, but I wouldn't say that the Sandboxed version of 1Password is any more secure than the AgilebitsStore version. Being sandboxed means that if somehow the app were to become compromised by something external, that the damage that this compromise could do would be limited to what's within the sandbox. So the sandbox isn't about keeping things out, but instead keeping things in. An unsandboxed app on your Mac can look into the sandbox.

    I hope this clears things up.


  • Pepi
    Community Member

    Thank you for the good explanation. One other question about exporting. If i want to export data to txt or csv some text fields are more than one times listed. Is it an issue in using 1P from older versions?


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Pepi,

    Can you give us an example of what you mean? Are you referring to the field names shown in the Export dialog before saving the txt or csv file? Or is it something you're seeing in the txt/csv file after exporting?

  • Pepi
    Community Member

    Ok, please see the exported fields (all), i guess these are duplicates. It looks to me like some typos in the german localization.

    Bundesland / Kanton(state) = Bundesland/Kanton(state)
    Gültig ab(valid_from) = Gültig ab(validFrom) = Gültig bis(expires)
    Gültig bis(expiry_date) = Gültig bis(expiry)
    URL = URL(url) = Vollständiger Name(fullname) = Vollständiger Name(name)
    Website(publisher_website) = Website(website)


  • Hi @Pepi,

    I'm not seeing it in the CSV export for my software license item.

    Can you tell me if you can reproduce it in the demo vault? To test the demo vault:

    1. Open the main 1Password app, unlock, and go to the 1Password Menu > Create new Demo Vault if you haven't created one yet
    2. Try to export the demo items via CVS or text format.

    See if the problem exists there. If yes, can you share the demo export file with me via the private message here. To send me a private message, click on my name above my picture and click on Message on top right.


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