Eliminate duplicates?

Community Member

For many web sites, I have several logon entries, representing successive iterations where I changed passwords or some other detail. Is there I way i can get 1password for MAC to identify and trash all the old ones for each web site?


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    There is a feature to allow you to eliminate duplicates, but I don't think you are describing duplicates, are you? You say you have multiple records, each of which is different from the other. Those won't show up as duplicates.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @bobgoldstein1passwrd,

    hawkmoth is correct, if you've saved new Login items then each new item has it's own UUID (the two Us stand for Universally Unique). As such they won't be regarded as representing the item. If this is the case it would a matter of manually working through your vault. The default of sorting by title should at least allow you to scan the list to discover websites where you have multiple entries.

    Can I ask, did you intentionally create multiple entries or were you using the automated save new login prompt and maybe weren't aware that you can update a Login rather than create a new one? Just incase, here are three images that might help understand possibly an overlooked feature.

    If you have any follow up questions do please ask.

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