Doesn't Automatically Log into US Airways Account [Resolved: disable auto-submit for the entry]

Community Member
edited March 2015 in Mac

1PW doesn't log into US Airways automatically. It enters the User Name correctly and fills the Password field with dots but then just cycles back with the User name filled in, but the Password field is empty. It only works if I manually paste the password in. I am using version 5.1.


  • tapa
    Community Member

    I want to add to my original post. 1PW DOES correctly log into my US Airways account from my iPhone and iPad. So it is must be something about how 1PW interacts with the US Airways login process on my iMac. I am running Mac Yosemite OS 10.10.2.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2015

    Hi @tapa,

    Can you click on the show web form details of your US Airways Login item for me please and then hold down the alt key to reveal the passwords. Does the password in the web from details section match the one in the normally visible password field at the top of the Login item?

    My suspicion would be they differ and that your iOS devices aren't using the web form details.

    If that's the cause then editing the item should be enough. If that isn't the case does a new Login item created using our Saving a Login Manually guide behave the same as the current Login item?

    Thank you for letting us know the results of those two.

    Oh and I assume I've been testing the right page?

  • tapa
    Community Member

    Thanks for your help. Yes you have the URL for the login window correct. The passwords were both the same. I also saved the login manually as you suggested, but this didn't work either. But here is another clue to this behavior. If I use 1PW to fill the username and password (and while it is filling the fields) I quickly click on the 1PW window which is in the background the password fills into the password field but does not log in. I then select Login and it successfully logs into the website. It seems that there is a timing issue that prevents the password from filling and the login command being issued.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tapa,

    In this instance you might find it less troublesome if you set this particular Login item to not submit after filling. If you edit the Login item from within the main 1Password window you should see a submit field whose default setting is Submit when enabled. If you change that setting to Never submit it will mean you have to click the log in button but by the sounds of it that works. How does that sound as a solution for this case?

  • tapa
    Community Member

    This will work. Now I know what to do if any other websites act this way. Since US Air will be merging soon with American Airlines, I imagine that the US Air website will go away and the American website will be used. 1PW works well on American website. Thanks for your great help!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tapa,

    I'm so glad to hear that littlebobbytables was able to help get you sorted out here!

    Since this particular issue is resolved, I'll close this thread, but if you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to open a new thread, or email us directly at - we're here for you. :)

This discussion has been closed.