Buy Once or Buy Twice
You do need the Mac App Store version of 1P5 if you want to sync via iCloud. See the AgileBits iCloud FAQ for all the gory details. :)
If you bought the AgileBits store version of 1P within the past 30 days you can ask for a refund to enable you to buy the Mac App Store version. Please tell us if that's the case and someone will tell you how to apply for the refund.
Of course you can still use either Dropbox or local wifi to sync your 1P data with the version you have.
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Megan, I appreciate you reaching out. While I believe that Stephen has quoted the company line on this, it is an extremely unfortunate and non-customer centric policy. I read your website. I read reviews. I wanted the best, comprehensive solution that I could use on my iPhone, iPad, and MacBook Pro. What I read talked about iCloud compatibility, the ability to Sync across devices, and mentioned nothing about having to go to another store (the Mac App Store) to buy another version to get the stated functionality.
Really, what is the purpose for having a separate Mac App Store version from the one bought through your site? You would think that buying the full package directly from the vendor, directly from the vendor's own website would provide their customer all of the stated functionality. I spent the money to buy all of the versions that I needed directly from you and that was not enough.
Has it been more than 30 days since I spent the money to buy all of my versions directly from AgileBits? Yes. Call me an early adopter, but it took Apple more than 30 days to get iCould working correctly across all of their operating systems.A paying customer should not have to buy a product twice to get advertised functionality. Sure, I could use Dropbox, but I choose not to. I have a large IT department who's responsibility is protection of thousands of clients' private information. They've clearly told me as well as the 1,800 plus users that they support that Dropbox is not as secure as iCloud,, and other services. In addition, I do't want to install yet another service on my machines.
I have to ask, why can this functionality only be offered through the Mac App Store? Why can it not be included in the full package sold through your own website? Why can that functionality not be included in a software update for versions sold directly from AgileBits?
For customers that have spent their money in good faith with you, expecting the advertised and offered functionality, AgileBits could simply offer a Redemptioncode that could be redeemed in the Mac App Store, if for some reason that is the only possible delivery method for that functionality.
As I said, I think that Stephen was stating the company policy, that does not mean that the policy is right for the customers that spend their money with that company. This is an unfortunate policy and a company centric, not customer centric, way of doing business.
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While I believe that Stephen has quoted the company line on this, it is an extremely unfortunate and non-customer centric policy.
@DadzBoyz: I agree, and I am sorry that this situation has caused you grief! Unfortunately AgileBits is not able to set policy when it comes to iCloud, as it is Apple's service. This is why we also support Dropbox and Wi-Fi Sync. Apple does not permit non-MAS apps to use iCloud at all, so we cannot include that functionality in 1Password except when it is purchased from the Mac App Store. :unamused:
If they change their mind about this in the future, well...we would gladly include this functionality in the version we distribute independently through our own website. After all, we already have it working in the MAS version and it would be trivial for us to implement it in the other as well! :pirate:
Really, what is the purpose for having a separate Mac App Store version from the one bought through your site?
Many customers prefer to purchase, download, and install software directly from the publisher, as it was on the Mac since the beginning, rather than being limited to what is approved for sale in Apple's Store; conversely, many others prefer the convenience of getting all of their apps and OS X updates through a single source. It's a matter of personal choice and we're happy to accommodate both camps wherever possible. :chuffed:
They've clearly told me as well as the 1,800 plus users that they support that Dropbox is not as secure as iCloud,, and other services. In addition, I do't want to install yet another service on my machines.
I absolutely respect your choice. Dropbox is a great service with a proven track record, but ultimately it's your decision. And I can relate to not wanting so many things running on my Mac (although this is a battle I am clearly not winning!) But more importantly, whether you sync using iCloud or Dropbox, 1Password doesn't rely on these services for its security. If it did, we would all be in trouble, because each of us is the weakest link for our account security, since we can fall prey to phishing attacks or social engineering. Nobody's perfect. With that in mind, your 1Password data is encrypted before it ever leaves your Mac. We always hope for the best, but plan for the worst.
This is an unfortunate policy and a company centric, not customer centric, way of doing business.
Since Apple sets policy with regard to iCloud, the alternative would be for us to only offer 1Password through the Mac App Store (and therefore guarantee iCloud support), but this isn't something we (and our customers) necessarily want us to do.
That said, please contact us support+forums at agilebits dot com if you have further questions, and we will see what we can do to help. Just be sure to include a link to this forum thread and your username in the email so we can 'connect the dots'. Thanks for your support and considered feedback! :)
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I appreciate your quick response. What is not addressed is the idea that AgileBits could offer their clients that have already purchased the product through their websites a Redemptioncode that could be used in the Mac App Store.
Another option, waving the 30 day return policy for these cases.
Provide a refund to those purchasers that can show that they purchased the Program a second time through the Mac App Store.The possible ways to support the customer are plenty.
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Redemption code does not work. Again, this is Apple's policy, Agile are not permitted to issue the number of codes that would be needed.
Refund would be technically possible, but I understand it would be a book-keeping nightmare. Also, a firm making a large number of refunds can get into trouble with the credit card companies. I still wonder if there is a practical solution, though.
And the need for the App Store version if one wants iCloud sync is clearly stated on the purchasing page. It seems that many people miss this, and I think Agile need to change their site to make the information even more prominent. But I do think that those who miss the information are guilty of careless reading.
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The possible ways to support the customer are plenty.
Which is why I recommended contacting our email support staff. There isn't a thing that can be done without any purchase information, and this isn't something we want posted on a public forum! ;)
But I do think that those who miss the information are guilty of careless reading.
Hey, I think we've all been guilty of that at one time or another. This is why we offer the 30-day money-back guarantee. No matter how great a product is, there is always the risk of buyer's remorse or an honest mistake. We're only human! :)