On some sites, the 1Password autofills the wrong password (even though correct password is stored)
On some sites, I have noticed that 1Password’s autofill doesn’t work. Even though the password stored in 1Password is correct, when 1Password autofills, something else goes in the password field (for instance the number of bullets is longer than the password) and the login fails. If I then open 1Password mini, copy the password, and paste it in the site’s password field manually, the login works. The site I had a problem with this on today was my.viewranger.com (and it is always a problem on this site). If 1Password autofills, some incorrect password is entered; if I copy and paste the password from 1Password manually, the login works. Any idea what causes this and how I can fix it? Thanks!
A common reason why autofill does not work and copy and paste does work is that the password you created was longer than the site would accept.
Many sites do not tell the user what the maximum length is. If, for instance, you try to create a 22-character password when the site's maximum is 20, then 1PW will record all 22, the site will accept the first 20 characters as the password. Due to different logic between copy and paste and autofill, one then works and the other does not.
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That's helpful to know, thanks. On Viewranger the problem seems to be the reverse -- my password is shorter than the maximum (my password is 16 characters, 20 is the max) and so 1Password seems to be padding the password to 20 characters when using autofill. I have another account on the same site and that account uses a 20 character password and there's no problem with autofill. Do you know why autofill is padding the 'short' password. I'd prefer not to change the 16 character password as it is shared with some other people and so is a bit of a hassle to change.
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That certainly should not happen, so the problem may be somewhere else. If you can give the URL of the site where you are having trouble, the AgileBits people (I am just an interested user) will look further into the problem.
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Hi @Jolin Warren ,
I'm glad to see that @danco has been helping you out here, and he's been giving you some pretty good advice here with respect to some websites' hidden limits on password length.
Do you know why autofill is padding the 'short' password.
Could you tell me a bit more about why you suspect that 1Password is 'padding' the password? If you're simply going based on the number of bullets that you see in the password field, some sites simply use a default number of bullets, regardless of the number of digits you actually use.
Is filling on this site not working properly? If so, please try Saving a New Login Manually. This often works to teach 1Password which fields it needs to fill on that particular website.
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Hi Megan,
Many thanks for your response. The URL of the site is http://my.viewranger.com/user/routes/myroutes. The reason I suspected 1Password was 'padding' the password is because when I manually pasted the password in, it showed the correct number of bullets. I followed your suggestion to manually save a new login and it now works as expected with the auto-fill. Curious, I went back to the old login entry and inspected the web form details it had stored (I'm not sure why I didn't think to do this earlier) and can see what the problem was. For some reason when 1Password stored the initial details, it stored two different passwords against two web form fields both labelled 'password'. I don't remember the circumstances of creating this login so can't say what behaviour of mine might have led to this.
In the web form details, the top password field contains the incorrect, longer, password. The bottom password field contains the correct, shorter, password and is tagged as the password field, so this is the password that shows directly under the username at the top of the 1Password display. However it seems that when autofilling the login, 1Password was using the longer, incorrect, password which comes first in the web form details but is not tagged with the password (key) icon. I'm not sure how common it is to find two web form password fields containing different passwords, but I would think in this case 1Password should use the one tagged as the password (and shown under the username in 1Password mini, etc.). Maybe an edge case that hasn't come up before?
Thanks again for your help and also to @danco.
Jolin0 -
Hi @Jolin Warren ,
Thanks so much for letting us know the details of what you found in the old Login item! The screenshot was especially helpful. After looking at the web form details in that screenshot, I suspect the old Login item was created from the "Sign Up" page of that site (or possibly from a form on that site to change your password). That's not a problem for some sites, but on other sites, the internal field names used for the registration form are very different from the internal field names used for the login form. So in other words, if you save the old Login from a different form than the regular "Log in" form, or if there have been some significant changes to that login form, that might explain why the old Login isn't working. Manually saving a new Login item from the regular login page usually solves issues like that.
I'm glad the new Login item you saved is working correctly! Hopefully my information above helps to give an idea of what might have been causing the problem with the old Login. If you have more questions about that, please let us know - we're always happy to help! :)