I got prompt that a passord had a problem, SEND REPORT? I clicked send report. Secure?

Community Member

I was editing some passwords and a window came up that said something about a problem password, send report? I clicked "send report" now I am afraid all of my passwords have been compromised. Another prompt said "1Password Unexpectedly Quit" Send report.

Is this a hack or is this legitimate?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb-search:send report request, kb:privacy-what-we-know, kb:diagnostics


  • Hi @danav,

    Not to worry, this is legitimate. 1Password did crash though. When you relaunch 1Password following a crash, it will offer to send the crash report. We use those to help track down and fix bugs that cause crashes. The crash reports are sent securely over SSL, and, most importantly, never contain your 1Password data. The reports might contain the time you edited an item, or filled in a login on a web page, but the contents of the items or web page data are never written to the crash report. If this happens again, you can click to show the details of the report and see what is sent.

    I hope that addresses your concerns. If you have any further questions, feel free to reply.


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