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Importing keychain file into subscription account

Community Member

I am running Version 3.8.21, build 32009 on a Mac running OSX 10.10.5, syncing via Dropbox to an iPhone and iPad. I know, I's way outdated, but it does what I need to do. I would like to try a family account with the intent of sharing passwords with my wife, who uses a PC, and iPhone, and an iPad. I have been unable to find an explanation of how to transfer my data from the app to an account. Everything I've seen describes data stored in Vaults, but my data is in a Keychain file in Dropbox. Am I able to move the data without upgrading to the current version of the app?

1Password Version: Version 3.8.21 (build 32009)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.10.5
Sync Type: Dropbox


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