How Sync my Phone 1P app to my Windows account?
I am CONFUSED. I have a 1 Password for Windows account, I have my Secret KEY. My vault is in Dropbox. I downloaded 1P for Android v6.6.1 and Dropbox on my Samsung phone, it will not sync with changes I make to my Windows account. I get an error message when I give it the Dropbox menu path, "Vault is EMPTY." When I try to enter my account info in the phone app, it tells me I have an "invalid sign in address." I notice that address is ".1Password" (no quotes), what is that decimal point doing there? But I cannot edit that address. HELP!
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Dropbox
Hi there @crbavs :)
Sorry for the confusion. I need to clarify some things in order to help you, though. You say you have a 1Password account, yet you also say you sync via Dropbox. If you have a 1Password account, syncing it separately is not necessary as one of the benefits of an account is automatic syncing. So which one is it? Do you have a 1Password account subscription, the one you pay for monthly/annually that has both the master password and secret key? Or do you have a license which you bought once and that's it?0 -
I purchased a "1 Password 4 for Windows (single license)." Does this help?
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Yes, so you don't have an account, you have a license. Okay then. Have you tried looking through the steps in this article? They may help solve your issues.
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Dropbox syncs fine with 1P on my WIndows PC. I could still have these issues with Dropbox sync'ing to my phone app? If YES, will need to do this later and get back to you. THANKS!
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Sometimes Dropbox can mess up a little, I'd take a look through and see if any of it helps. :)
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Sounds good! We're here if you have any other questions. :)
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Seems a 95% full dropbox was the problem. Deleted a bunch of old pictures and sync works now. No alerts from dropbox about being full, but full enough to cause problems to 1P.
Irritating question: I have had to reset my Agile Forum password EVERY TIME I have logged on over last two days. It is rated an OK password. Password not saved unless it is a GOOD password?
THANKS for the support, the Dropbox document was very detailed and very well organized.0 -
Same problem across three different devices. No worries, just an irritant, you all helped me with my REAL problem! Thanks again.
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Using a link, but it takes me to the forum logon screen. I type in my email address and password, I either get message saying I do not have permission or to try again, I try again and same error. So then I request a password reset.