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Need help with signing into 1Password account

This discussion was created from comments split from: Asks me for Secret Key every time I sign in via browser.


  • learning curve
    learning curve
    Community Member

    I've just signed up . I use the latest version of
    safari and don't have cookies blocked. But I can't sign in without the secret key and I don't know where it's hidden. Also the login won't accept my sign-in address. I am sristrated by these and other confusion that I'm ready to quit the web version and go back to my nice, easy standalone version.

  • darrenNZ
    Community Member

    @learning curve your Secret Key is in the emergency kit that was generated when you signed up for 1Password.

    You'll only have a Secret Key if you're a subscription customer. If you're a standalone customer then you won't have access to the web version.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2017

    @learning curve: Indeed, with a account, you'll find your account credentials not only in your Emergency Kit (which we recommend storing in a secure location like a safe deposit box), but also in any authorized browser (on your account's Profile page), or in the 1Password app on an authored device (under Preferences/Settings > Accounts). But again, you will only have any of this if you've already signed up for a membership. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

    ref: TED-28486-317, AQY-66924-153

This discussion has been closed.