1Password 7 for Mac: How to get the Browser Extension working?



  • PBAdams
    Community Member

    @Ben Yep, that did it. I'll keep an eye out for Beta updates as I'm really rocking the new design. (sorry for the spam – I had an issue posting to the thread.)

  • @PBAdams

    No worries. :)


  • Aktariel
    Community Member
    edited March 2018

    I'm completely unable to get any of the 1Password extensions working in Chrome or Safari, and the shortcut to bring up 1Password does not work at all.

    Install/Troubleshooting steps (in Chrome) below:

    1) I quit 1Password 6 mini from the menu bar, made sure no processes were running.

    2) Downloaded, opened up 1Password 7. All good so far.

    3) Chrome dev (v67) had an update, so I did that.

    4) The 1Password extension was unable to connect to 1Password app.

    5) restart. The 1Password icon did not appear in the menu bar.

    6) trash 1Password 6. Restart. Same.

    7) Completely remove all extensions from all profiles of Chrome, quit and then delete 1Password 7. Trashed all folders and plist files pertaining to 1P6 and 1P7 that I could find, including in ~/Library/Containers. Restarted.

    8) redownloaded 1P7-beta, installed the beta extension in all Chrome profiles. When attempting to connect to the app, the 1Password 7 app opens, but the browser extension page gives an error.

    9) notice that the 1Password icon is not present in the browser after a reboot until the main 1Password app is opened for the first time.

    10) download the 1Password Troubleshooter, reset permissions

    11) reboot, notice the helper is still not running

    12) search the forums. find this thread.

    13) ???

    14) Cry.

    (troubleshooting report submitted to support+forum@agilebits.com)

  • mwdiers
    Community Member
    edited March 2018

    This is happening because the initial link on the Beta announcement post on the Blog was to a .ZIP file containing only the 1Password 7 app, rather than the .pkg installer.

    They have updated the link now, and after running the .pkg installer, all browser extensions started working.

  • cortig
    Community Member

    Interesting. I installed from the zip and didn't have this issue.
    I looked at the .pkg and all it does is to install the app in /Applications.
    I wonder whether people who have issues with the extension installed in locations other than /Applications.


  • balupton
    Community Member

    How do I get the v7 beta safari extension? When I go to the download page, click use the beta version, it just downloads https://d13itkw33a7sus.cloudfront.net/dist/1P/ext/1Password-4.7.1.b2.safariextz

  • Aktariel
    Community Member

    Thanks. Confirmed working on this end.

  • balupton
    Community Member

    Ok the trick seems to be to uninstall all the extensions, then quit safari. Then when you open safari it will have the beta extension installed.

  • PBAdams
    Community Member

    Installed the PKG version, browser extension now working in Safari. :)

  • randian
    Community Member
    edited March 2018

    "I wonder whether people who have issues with the extension installed in locations other than /Applications."

    I installed mine in ~/Applications.

    Here's the support ID: LWD-41973-171

    I just tried deleting 1Password 7 (which was originally installed from a PKG) and reinstalling in /Applications rather than ~/Applications. It seems to be working now. I thought Mac application bundles were relocatable so it shouldn't matter where they are in the filesystem.

  • bed
    Community Member

    Just wanted to say that I too had the same issue with the broken safari extension - but I had also downloaded the beta as a zip file this morning. Reinstalling via the installer has resolved this issue!

  • GeekOut_de
    Community Member
    edited March 2018

    I'm having the exact same issues. Been tinkering around for 4 hours now. Tiring. I'm unable to get the Safari 7 Beta's safari extension working. Bought a license today but had to uninstall 1P7 completely to get rid of its [removed] Safari extension.

    Glad I managed to re-install 1P6 with its older extension. Now everything is back up.

    Guys, take your time to sort things out. Just let us all know when 1P7 is ready for use. Thanks.

  • Ben
    edited March 2018

    Hi folks,

    1Password 7 must be installed to /Applications to function properly. The installer will do this for you.


    The special pricing available currently is there to help incentivize people to help us beta test 1Password 7. The whole purpose is to help us find issues like this. If you aren’t interested in doing that then I’d recommend sticking with 1Password 6 stable until 1Password 7 is released. Also, these are family friendly forums and profanity is not allowed. Thank you for understanding.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    Chrome dev (v67) had an update, so I did that.

    This may have been a significant chunk of the start of the problem, as Chrome's updates change the code signature, so 1Password cannot connect after this until you restart Chrome at least, and possibly 1Password as well. From there, it's hard to say what might have gone wrong, since I can't see what you removed when you went on your deleting binge. I had a quick look through our support email inbox but couldn't find anything from this email address. If you created a diagnostic report and sent it in, you should've received an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number in the Subject/Title.  Please post that number here so we can track down the diagnostics and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly. :) Hold tight, help is on the way.

    Once we see the diagnostics we'll be able to better assist you. Thanks very much!

  • GeekOut_de
    Community Member

    @Ben: Didn't want to sound harsh, sorry. I know it's Beta and happily bought the license anyway.
    And I'm patiently waiting for a solution :-)

    Thing is, even in Beta, I expect that at least the basic functions are up and running.
    Without a working browser extension, however, it's just half the fun ;-)

  • @GeekOut_de

    Understood. Thanks for following up. :) The browser extension should work properly if:

    • 1Password 6 is completely uninstalled (or at least not running at all)
    • 1Password 7 is installed in /Applications
    • The only version of the extension installed is the v7 one (the Safari extension is bundled in the 1Password 7 app — no need to go to the website to install it)


  • GeekOut_de
    Community Member

    @Ben: I followed your suggestions and this time it worked out fine :-)

    I think the problem was that I didn't quit safari after uninstalling the old extension and before installing the 1P7b package. Thanks for hint @balupton.

    I really like the new version. 1P7 is packed with dozens of improvements, big and small. I'm happy I bought it right away.

  • That is great to hear @GeekOut_de. Thanks!


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2018

    @balupton - Glad you were able to get things figured out with regard to the Safari App Extension. Chrome, Firefox and Opera are unchanged, but Safari got not just a makeover, but an entirely new mechanism for its extension and yes, it's part of the app itself now, which is why it's not downloadable on its own. To be clear: if you visit our extensions page in Safari, you will be able to download an extension for Safari, but it will be the current version for 1Password 6 for Mac and earlier -- not 1Password 7 for Mac. In other words, if you're running 1Password 7 for Mac beta, these are not the extensions you're looking for. :)

  • dtoub
    Community Member

    (relocated this from Mac Beta as I suspect that's an old forum).
    I've reinstalled the beta Safari extension, restarted Safari multiple times but nothing happens. Thoughts? Thanks.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Sync Type: Not Provided

  • Aktariel
    Community Member

    Support ID: [#SFN-32285-288]

    though, the issue has been resolved. When I initially downloaded the beta, it was just the app and nothing worked; after the helpful comment above, I re-downloaded the beta, got the PKG file, installed that, and the browser extensions are working.

  • randian
    Community Member

    Why doesn't it work from ~/Applications? It's one of the choices in the installer (install only for yourself) when you open the PKG. If 1Password cannot be a relocatable package then the installer shouldn't offer an alternate location.

  • Russell Fogg
    Russell Fogg
    Community Member
    edited March 2018


    DL'ed the .pkg and purchased B4 this morning and cannot get the browser extension to work in Safari, been through this post a couple of times and tried uninstalling, rebooting etc etc but the extension will not redirect me to the website I want to login to, but if I am on the login page of that website it will populate my credentials.


  • epostme
    Community Member


    I download beta 4 today and still cant't use Safari extensions. I am running on latest MacOS. So far I have tried:
    1. Reinstall beta - no joy
    2. Rebooted - no joy
    3. Downloaded og reinstalled beta - no joy
    4. No joy

  • @Russell Fogg

    This is correct, "open and fill" is not currently part of the extension implementation. It did not get finished in time for the betas thus far. It is slated to arrive in a future beta.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2018

    @epostme - Where did you install 1Password 7 for Mac beta? Onto what kind of setup/OS? When you say you "can't use" the extension, what specifically do you mean? Is is greyed out? Does a certain feature not work? Under what conditions? Your post was a little light on specifics we'll need to help you troubleshoot. :)

  • epostme
    Community Member

    I don't know what you mean by"where", but in /Users/username/Applications. My OS is 10.13.4 og 1P7 beta 4.

  • Ton55
    Community Member


    I'd like to know how things are supposed to work in 1Password 7 in Safari. As it is now I have a 1Password 7 button in the toolbar. The button functions as it should, I think - allowing me to auto fill-in the login data of the page I'm visiting. So that's okay. Question is: as I've seen somewhere (though not in the screenshots in the Agilebits 1Password 7 beta blog entry) I suspect there should be a small 1Password icon in the login fields on the webpage. Is that correct? My login fields are empty. Also: I still have a 1Password menu-item when I right-click the ole  Mouse. I'm not quite sure if that's a leftover from 1Password 6 or if it's still supposed to be there for extra convenience in 1Password 7.

    / Ton

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    in /Users/username/Applications

    That'll (likely) be the reason; 1Password 7 for Mac beta needs to be installed into /Applications in order to function correctly, as artemysd points out in a subsequent reply.

  • epostme
    Community Member

    Well, It's also installed in /Applications folder

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