1Password 7 for Mac: How to get the Browser Extension working?



  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    I suspect there should be a small 1Password icon in the login fields on the webpage. Is that correct?

    No. You're thinking of the newer 1Password X, which works without a local app.

    Also: I still have a 1Password menu-item when I right-click the ole  Mouse.

    When you right-click it on what? Can you maybe take a screenshot of what you’re seeing, so I can better-identify it for you? Thanks. :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @epostme - please don't try to install it into multiple directories; 1Password 7 for Mac beta isn't designed to function like that, at this point.

  • epostme
    Community Member

    So, what should I do then? Do I have to copy the beta file to /Applications and install from there or delete from /users/username/applications and /applications.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @epostme - I'm really not sure, as we've not yet tested this particular setup. I'd try removing both versions by quitting 1Password for Mac completely (make sure there are no processes left running in Activity Monitor). Don't use any app cleaners or uninstallers to do this, as these programs can remove more data than we want them to. Just drag the 1Password app to your Mac's Trash, empty the Trash, then restart your Mac. After restart, please use the package installer (not the zip file) to install 1Password 7 for Mac beta 4 into your /Applications directory.

  • Ton55
    Community Member
    edited March 2018

    @Lars I meant right-click in the username field or the password field of the login form. See screenshot. So the options to fill-in the login data are the same as those of 1Password 6? That is: via the Menu Extra in the Mac menu bar, via the icon in the toolbar of the browser, via the right-click > 1Password option in one of the login formfields, or directly from the 1Password app (not right now, but in a later beta). Correct?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Ton55 - Yes. :)

  • Ton55
    Community Member

    @Lars Great! Loving the new 1Password so far, but the right-click option doesn't seem to be working. The other options do. Where do I file a bug? Or is this bug filed already?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Ton55 - glad to hear you're enjoying the new goodies overall. Your contextual menu looks like you're using Safari, yes? If that's the case, then no need to file anything. That's already in the works. If you'd like to see it actually work, try firing up Firefox, for example! Thanks for reporting. :)

  • Ton55
    Community Member

    @Lars Thanks! Glad it will be fixed. And yeah, it works fine in Firefox :) Now on to more testing...

  • Good deal. :)


  • Russell Fogg
    Russell Fogg
    Community Member

    @rudy thanks for the quick response...

    Ah makes sense...love the new look and looking forward to the beta journey.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Likewise, thanks for coming along on this adventure. :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @dtoub: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the confusion! I've moved you back to the Mac beta category of the forum as, naturally, the current Mac beta is...1Password 7! :chuffed:

    And, as mentioned in the announcements, 1Password is no longer using a separate extension for Safari. So don't install it. It won't work. Instead, it has a Safari app extension built right into itself. Remove whatever you've tried installing in Safari, restart the browser, and that should get you up and running. Let me know how it goes! :)

  • dtoub
    Community Member

    It was an AppTranslocation issue. All fixed. Thanks.

  • Thanks for the update, @dtoub. In an effort to keep things neat I’ve merged your thread with another on the same subject.


  • Aristide
    Community Member

    I have a problem (using 1pass 7 beta 4): Safari Extension is ok, but can't install beta7 extension for Chrome and Firefox (Mac OsX 10.13.4).
    Tried to uninstall and reinstall pkg, but extensions doesn't appear in Chrome and Firefox.
    Is there any possible extension download for beta 7 ?


  • @aristide,

    Chrome and Firefox extensions aren't part of the pkg install. You have to install those separately from https://agilebits.com/onepassword/extensions


  • Aristide
    Community Member

    I thought those extensions were for previous version (6) of 1password.

  • @Aristide,

    Nope, those are still correct and valid for Chrome and Firefox, which both had communication transitions last year to Native Messaging. Safari got its improved communication pathway to Safari App Extension with version 7.


  • Aristide
    Community Member

    Thanks a lot Rudy!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Aristide - they are. And they're also (on Chrome and Firefox and Opera) also still for 1Password 7 for Mac beta. Only Safari got the new extension, due to changes in how Safari handles these things.

  • evilpants
    Community Member

    Hi - I still don't have a working context menu Safari extension. The menu bar icon works to fill in passwords if I click on it directly, but I can't use the right-click option at all.

    I've searched to see if this has been resolved; forgive me if I've missed it. I've tried all sorts of things - a complete uninstall, different orders of install/reboot etc.

    As of now, this morning, I did another full removal/reinstall and now there's nothing when I right-click in Safari despite the extension being installed and switched on.

    Is this something you're still working through, or do you want a report about this? Thanks!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @evilpants: It is not possible to access 1Password in the right-click context menu using Safari app extension. I don't think that will change. Fortunately, as you alluded, there are a number of other ways to fill or access 1Password mini:

    • ⌘ \ to fill login
    • ⌘ ⌥ \ to open 1Password mini
    • Click 1Password toolbar icon
    • Click 1Password menu bar icon

    I am sorry for any confusion there though. Cheers! :)

  • evilpants
    Community Member

    Thanks for such a quick reply. Are you able to shed any light as to why this is? As in, is it a technical issue related to the way 1p7 is coded, and maybe it could change in the future? Or is something else happening? I don't want to take up your time on this with a big technical education session, it's more a curiousity cos this does seem like a really big regression from 1p6, and I'm curious as to what's happened. Thank you!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @evilpants: Sure thing! We don't view it as a regression since, as mentioned earlier, there are many other ways to access 1Password mini using both keyboard and mouse. The Safari app extension doesn't give us a lot of flexibility, so for now it's off the table. It's possible that could change in the future, but it's unlikely that we'd add a 1Password item to the context menu again because it cannot be context sensitive: it showed up any time you right-click, even when it isn't useful. A number of people have complained about that, and given there are 4 other ways to accomplish the same thing we think not having it there at all is probably a good compromise. I'm sorry that's not the news you're looking for, but hopefully that helps clarify.

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