No upgrade from Version 6?



  • MacKopes
    Community Member

    @MrRooni : On that note...
    I've been a long time standalone customer and love the product. I have both Windows and Mac and I'm 'considering' switching to the subscription for v7 (as I looks like even if I go beta, it would cost about $80 for me to upgrade ($39 per platform)..
    I see lots of documentation on converting from Standalone Vaults to account vaults.. Do you have documentation to do the opposite? (e.g. I go subscription for a year or so, but for 1 reason or another, I change my mind and decide I want to go back to standalone.. can I easily get my data 'out' and convert it back to a standalone vault?)

    @brenty : Another question I have on subscriptions as a 'minor' concern. You were talking about backups and protection etc earlier.. Is there a way for me to take a 'local' version/backup of a subscription? e.g. today, I backup my local vaults with Crashplan/TimeMachine etc. if AgileBits were to go 'poof' for some reason, I feel I could still get at my data pretty easy as WELL as all of my version backups... in the case of the 1Password subscription, if your servers/infrastructure were to go 'poof'... is there a way for me to still have my own backups/versions and still access my data.. e.g. does the local application do any server-side checking that would cause an issue for me? (yes, I know, a bit paranoid, but just trying to understand all the edge cases...)

    Thanks again guys!

  • raffi
    Community Member

    Thanks @MrRooni ! can you please confirm this will not affect 1password6 installation ?

  • Hi @raffi, that’s correct, your 1Password 7 information is stored separately from your 1Password 6 information.

  • raffi
    Community Member

    @MrRooni thanks ! worked as expected by deleting folder.
    Now I need to understand :
    if I buy a licence I will be able to install on 2 different MacOs computers ?
    1password7 will allow me to manage my database backup as usual (iCloud) ?
    1password6 will continue to work as before unless I delete it ?

  • Hi again @raffi :chuffed: You can install and use 1Password 7 on as many of your computers as you like with a license purchase. You will still be able to set up and use iCloud as you did before and manage your own backups.

    1Password 6 will continue to work just fine, though for the best results with 1Password 7 I'd recommend deleting it. You can reinstall it any time. (Be wary of deleting 1Password 6 if you are using any "cleaner" apps like CleanMyMac or Hazel, though. You want to keep 1Password 6's supporting files around for now).

  • raffi
    Community Member

    Great thanks for your reply @MrRooni !
    Both applications have their own database, correct ?
    Does 1password7 will propose settings for display option ? (I prefer UP/DOWN information, rather than left/right)
    Will the 1password7 window position/size will be fixed (it's always reseted)
    Thanks again and again.

  • Yes indeed, @raffi , 1Password 7 and 1Password 6 use their own database (though the two will stay up to date with each other using iCloud in your case).

    There is no longer an option to use the top view in 1Password 7, the layout is all left->right.

    We are working on fixing that window positioning issue.


  • raffi
    Community Member

    Thanks again @MrRooni Once 1password7 installed, how can I proceed to have the same database shared with my iphone ? Is there a version specialy for ios ?

  • raffi
    Community Member

    (On multiple items, 1password6 top view was incredibly nice with all the dates and possibility to order by date)

  • @raffi 1Password 7 syncs with 1Password on your iPhone the same way 1Password 6 did. In your case I believe that's via iCloud. My apologies for the lack of top view in 1Password 7.

  • raffi
    Community Member

    @MrRooni it's ok, I just find that down the main filter I can order result per date ;)
    You mean iphone won't see any changes ? :chuffed:

  • @raffi How were you syncing your information when you were using 1Password 6 for Mac?

  • raffi
    Community Member

    @MrRooni all device watching icloud :)

  • raffi
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    I just bought my licence ! :) :)
    browser extension stays same ?
    What the cleanest way to remove 1password6 ?
    ( / CleanMyMac ok ?)

  • @raffi

    1Password 7 will continue to sync via iCloud just the same as 1Password 6 does.


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member


    What the cleanest way to remove 1password6 ?
    ( / CleanMyMac ok ?)

    No! Don't use any app cleaner because they have a tendency over-enthusiastically to remove files you should retain. Just drag the 1Password 6 app to the trash.


  • raffi
    Community Member

    @Stephen_C haha that's why I was asking ! :) ok thanks !

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2018

    @Stephen_C: Thank you!! :) :+1:

    @raffi: It sounds like you should be all set, but we're here if you have any other questions, comments, or feedback on the beta. Thanks for your participation! :chuffed:

  • jens_w
    Community Member


    how can I get the discounted price (39.99$)? If I try to buy it a license I get 52.99 EUR (German price) or 49.99 $ (US price).
    I thought the offer would be available till May 25th 2018.

    Thanks and best regards

  • Good morning @jens_w. With 1Password 7 launching today we are done with the beta pricing and have moved on to the special launch price of $49.99.

This discussion has been closed.