Dropdown Menus?

Community Member

What Happen to the dropdown menus!!!!!! I hate this new box thing that drops down it slow and it takes MORE CLICKS to find info or password!
Did I say I hate it! Yes I hate it! Bring back the older and quicker Dropdown Menus!!!!!!!

This is in the Mac OS and the Internet browser!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • acanton77
    Community Member

    I don't 'hate' the new interface but it is slower and somewhat more cumbersome. With the old system you could hover and drag to keep the password anchored to the screen. Now you have to click. It is not that big a deal. What I don't like is that the new dropdown box is fixed... I can't drag it somewhere so that it is not covering up something.

  • Sheza
    Community Member

    You can actually move it, but it’s very difficult and, as seen by your post, not intuitive.

    The ‘grab zone’ for dragging the mini box is at the top or bottom of the search field at the top of 1Password mini. It’s a few pixels tall so... good luck

  • acanton77
    Community Member

    @Sheza THANK YOU. I would not have found that in a zillion years!!!

  • lonestarrider
    Community Member

    You would be correct, it is slower and somewhat more cumbersome. Okay maybe Hate is to much, no wait! I still hate it! It is a big a deal! I don't like Apps to slow down my work flow!

  • KushMastaFresh
    Community Member

    You might want to consider adding you're complaints to this conversation which I learned about after starting a thread about the same thing:


    And then this is the thread I started which probably wouldn't hurt to add to as well:


    You guys aren't alone (actually far from it) with your dissatisfaction with the new 1Password Mini behavior!

  • Hi @lonestarrider! Just to make sure we're on the same page here, are you talking about 1Password mini? If so, what do you find slower about the new one?

  • lonestarrider
    Community Member

    I guess it's called Mini? I'm talking about the 1Password extension in the web browser Chrome & Safari and in the Menu Bar on my Mac OS (Latest Version).
    The big difference is the amount of clicks! It was easy and quick. Click, hover, & click and you were done. Not the new way, click, click, click, & click. 3 or 4 click is slower than 2 clicks. That’s my is issue!

    In the past I have seen developers that we're Mac only, then brought in their products to Windows. Then tried to make their software looking feel the same In both OS's. If this is what you are doing it's a big mistake!

  • Sheza
    Community Member

    Click, hover, & click

    I would just like to add that, since you are able to move the cursor while holding down a mouse button, it could actually be achieved by 'Click, Hover to desired item, Release' which is even smoother :chuffed:

  • lonestarrider
    Community Member

    @Sheza I like that!

  • Yup, it's a challenge keeping it mini and also functional. We also wanted to spice things up and give it a new design – the old one has been there for quite a while. :) I'm looking forward to its future evolution too.

  • lonestarrider
    Community Member

    @Jacob It’s nice to spice up things, but not at the expense of slowing down my work flow! I’m not happy at all with this update!

  • timbits
    Community Member

    The new colors are nice. But you still can't reorder the categories??? They aren't even alphabetical by default??? And the new 1PW Mini only gets in the way.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @lonestarrider - to be clear, we don't change things around and force users to alter their workflow just for the heck of it. We've got enough users at this point that almost no matter WHAT change we make, some subset of users will be upset with it ("bring back X!"). We definitely take these suggestions/pleas into account, and sometimes, we have reverted past decisions. But a lot more than just a desire to "spice things up" goes into the UI decisions and especially changes that you see which have made it into a released version. We intend to iterate on the new 1Password mini, based on both our own ideas and those of the wider community, so thank you for sharing your experiences with it so far.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @timbits - re-ordering categories is definitely something we have our our to-do list. We'll be looking into ways to keep that consistent across devices/platforms, so thanks for adding your voice to this request.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    "change for change's sake" is not a good philosophy.

    We agree! Fortunately, it's not our philosophy. :) And while "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" is an old standby as far as pithy aphorisms go, we reevaluate our work on a pretty consistent basis and ask: how can we make this better? Sometimes, that's driven by changes in the underlying technology, but more often than not it's driven by a desire to make 1Password the best it can be.

    We're glad you're taking the time to share your feedback on the new mini (or indeed any aspect of 1Password) with us. :)

  • lonestarrider
    Community Member

    @Lars "We intend to iterate on the new 1Password mini" I agree on making things better, but y'all released something that ain't better (my opinion) and should have waited till it was better! I'm not sure what has changed in the in the underlying technology? But on the Latest Mac OS Pull down menu are still alive and working well. I have not seen any of my current apps, ext, and bar menus use the type of box y'all are using? Maybe this is a windows OS thing? Or y'all are trying to make the "Mini" to be and/or do everything as when you launch the full 1Password App. It should not! The "Mini" should be simple quick and easy as it has been in the past!
    Thanks for listening from a frustrated users!

  • lonestarrider
    Community Member

    @Lars "We'll be looking into ways to keep that consistent across devices/platforms"
    I have seen over and over software companies that tried to make thing look, act, and feel across different OS's and fail at the users expense! Mac, IOS, and Windows are not the same! I'm a FileMaker Pro Developer and about 10 years back they tried it with Mac & Windows and failed.
    This is just my opinion! Thanks for listening!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    I have seen over and over software companies that tried to make thing look, act, and feel across different OS's and fail at the users expense! Mac, IOS, and Windows are not the same!

    We agree. That's why we've taken the time to develop native applications across all four major platforms (Mac, Windows, iOS and Android), and why each one respects OS conventions of their particular platform. We haven't and won't attempt to create some Java-based monstrosity that attempts to impose its own style and usage directives identically wherever it's installed. And the new Mini wasn't designed nor conceived with the goal of doing anything like that.

    But there are indeed cross-platform considerations to be taken into account when implementing certain features, such as saved searches and sort order of categories and favorites. Most of our users use at least two platforms, and they expect changes/decisions made on one device to behave (within limits of the OS) the same way on other devices. Sorted favorites, for example, are stored differently across different OSes, and it's not always easy to come with a way to ensure a consistent experience while respecting the OS conventions and (frankly, often) quirks.

  • JulienLB
    Community Member

    Hello, just reviving this thread. I just upgraded to 1password 7 and... I hate the new Password Mini interface on Mac, and the browser extension on Windows 7/10. Choosing a login takes at least 3x the time it took in the previous versions. Please bring the dropdown menus back, or give us the choice of the interface.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @JulienLB! Thanks for weighing in.

  • ThisisStupid
    Community Member
    edited September 2018

    So we went from:
    goto website, click extension icon, pick relevant entry and be able to hover over it to see specific needs and copy them (like a password when dealing with apache logins where fill doesn't work)
    and now:
    goto website, click icon, click the little f'ing arrow on the choice I want, locate the field I need and copy it all while using an app in a new window instead of a dropdown.

    yay progress comrade!

    f-this let's make it more work to do things mantra. wtf happened to streamlining? Oh wait we made things so good now we have to screw them up for a few years just to feel like we're making things better again....

    Like I have enough hate in my life now I gotta find a new [redacted] workflow and juggle more [redacted] windows....

  • Hey @ThisisStupid,

    Welcome to the forum. Judging from your comment, your username, and the fact that this is your first comment on this forum... I'm gonna go ahead and guess that you aren't a big fan of this change.

    Firstly, I want to thank you for taking the time to voice your displeasure. It means a ton to us that you took the time out of your day to let us know what you don't like. We're constantly trying to improve things, but sometimes in the process of improving things for one workflow we end up hurting things for another workflow. It's a difficult balance to strike, but one that we've signed up for as developers of an app. I hope that we can come up with something that makes things better for you.

    Secondly, I'm going to invite you to please read our Forum Guidelines. I edited your post to remove some of the foul language. I personally don't mind foul language and drop f-bombs by the minute, but you aren't having a one-on-one conversation with me. This is a public forum and we try to keep it family friendly. Please keep that in mind in the future.


  • sp20kfs
    Community Member

    Have to say being a new user I'm quite surprised that there is no drop down in field, especially as I'm pretty sure that in very recent artwork on the sales end of the site it showed something that looked like this as a feature of the browser plugin.

    I do however think I see part of the reason why you've done it this way, it's linked back to the fact that you don't offer autofill by default (which is good, but could be an option rather than mandated), and also that by default you lock the vault on a regular basis. I came from LastPass where I hardly ever had to unlock my vault, I do find myself typing my master password more in 1P, but that is because I've left the vault lock settings on default - I actually think they are correct the way they are and LP is probably too lax in this respect.

    I still think the in field drop down would be useful, although I think I can see why 1P works in this way, it's still slower to have to either hit the key combination or click the icon, then have to select the site etc.

    One other thing - LP significantly improved notifications to let you know they'd captured new or changed passwords correctly, this is one thing that was always a problem in LP, it used to constantly miss password changes or capturing new ones. In 1P when I create a site, I hadn't clocked that it seems to automatically in the background capture that - just a little popup in the corner that says "I've captured this login" would be REALLY useful, same goes for password updates (I think once or twice it has poppoed up to ask if I want to update the record in 1P, but again a full popup isn't useful if I'm just trying to get into a site quickly and get something done.

    All in all I think it's a good product and I moved over for watchtower - but I do think there's more to do on the UI for me, put it this way, if LP implemented Watchtower or similar features I would move back because I found the UI experience slicker.

    Just my feedback FWIW, I hope to see the product improve over time.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @sp20kfs - and to 1Password!

    I'm quite surprised that there is no drop down in field, especially as I'm pretty sure that in very recent artwork on the sales end of the site it showed something that looked like this as a feature of the browser plugin.

    Sounds as if you're referring to 1Password X; could that be the case? 1Password X is our newest browser extension, which works only with 1password.com accounts. Or were you referring to the previous version of 1Password mini that dropped down from the menubar when you clicked the icon?

    ...it's linked back to the fact that you don't offer autofill by default (which is good, but could be an option rather than mandated)

    I think you're referring to what we've called "automatic autofill" (as opposed to manual auto-fill). You can read more about our thoughts on the matter (and why we'll never offer automatic autofill, even as an option, in this post from our Chief Defender Against the Dark Arts, Jeffrey Goldberg.

    I do find myself typing my master password more in 1P, but that is because I've left the vault lock settings on default - I actually think they are correct the way they are and LP is probably too lax in this respect.

    Your mileage may vary, and that's precisely why we allow pretty broad latitude for users in setting their lock conditions/timeouts. Here again, we're never going to allow you to never have to enter your Master Password, for two reasons: 1) it is the Master Password which derives the actual AES256 encryption key which en/decrypts your data, and 2) experience has shown that if any of us fallible humans go too long without being forced to remember something, we tend to forget it, especially if it's a long and complicated password. We don't want people locked out of their data through forgotten Master Passwords.

    ...just a little popup in the corner that says "I've captured this login" would be REALLY useful

    The default is that if you create a new password using the strong password generator in 1Password, it will ALWAYS be captured, for safety/redundancy. You can click the Passwords category in the sidebar of 1Password's main window, and set the sort order at the top of the item list to "Date Modified," and you'll see every password you generated, and the URL you generated it for. The only exception to this is if you immediately use that password to create a login item for the same site (which is often the case), then the password item is removed because it's redundant. Can you say a little more about what you mean regarding a pop-up for actions where you're "just trying to get into a site quickly?" If you're signing into a site, 1Password doesn't pop-up anything because that's its intended purpose, and you can see it filling your data so no additional notification is needed (at least in our opinion). Did you mean something else?

  • sp20kfs
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply @Lars

    WRT 1Password X - I hadn't clocked the difference to be honest! I'm a mac user who tends to use Safari a lot more than Chrome, so I installed via the methods I was lead to by the Safari extension site, and then found the extension for Chrome on the equivalent. 1PX looks more like the user experience I'd like to have in Safari, I'll install in Chrome and give it a go. Are there plans for it to be ported over to Safari?

    WRT "Just trying to get into a site quickly" - I think it's linked to the above really, it just feels (as a user) that it's more clicks and I felt unsure if 1P was storing password changes when I generated a new one, in fact I think there was an example of it NOT doing this, but I happened to check, and used the copy I'd put on the clipboard to update it. Adding it all up now, what you are saying I think is newly generated passwords get saved as separate entries altogether, again this is probably just be adjusting ways of working, in LP this is shown under the same record under the "previous passwords" option.

    I'm good with the master password prompts, all good reasons and thinking behind it, just need to change my behaviour.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    Are there plans for it to be ported over to Safari?

    Not currently, because of the ways in which Safari is different from Chrome and Firefox. Long story short: the landscape with regard to extensions in Safari is very different currently, and I'm not sure when such a thing might be feasible there.

    1Password also has a Previously Used Passwords section in each record. If there have been no password changes to the item in 1Password, you won't see this field, but if there have been, you'll see a list of previous passwords and the dates at which they were changed in each record.

    You will occasionally notice 1Password on a small number of sites being unable for one reason or another to properly offer to save a Login item for you. There are a near-infinite number of ways websites can structure their sign-in pages, and while 1Password's saving/filling logic does a good job the majority of the time, there will occasionally be times when it won't work (which is why generated passwords are ALWAYS saved as their own separate item; in case 1Password fails to offer a chance to save as a Login). When that happens, definitely feel free to let us know either here in the Saving and Filing in Browsers category here at the forums, or by Twitter or via email at support@1password.com -- we want to investigate and, where we can, address any such issues. There will always be a tiny minority of password-manager-hostile sites (usually banks, unfortunately) that actively try to incorporate measures in their sign-in pages to defeat the use of password managers, which 1Password may never be able to work with...but fortunately these are few and far between. Let us know what you think as you get accustomed to some of the differences, especially if you have difficulties or something's not working the way you understand it's supposed to. Cheers! :)

This discussion has been closed.