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Family account initiated by mistake

Community Member

I recently signed up for a 1P personal account but, for some reason I can't remember, when I started the process, I initiated a family account and entered a family name. I then realized my mistake and went back and created a personal account. Now, I'm receiving mail asking me to verify the account that I didn't finish setting up. Since the new personal account works fine, I figure I should just ignore these messages but I would prefer deleting whatever stub I created by mistake. How can I do this?

1Password Version: 7.0.7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @EllenH: If you never finished setting up the account (you would have had to confirm your email address and create a Master Password) and didn't setup billing for it, there's nothing else you need to do; strictly speaking, you won' have any account. So you can safely ignore the reminder email you received. If you did setup the account though, be sure to email us at from the email address you used to register so we can help you get that sorted out. If you'll post the Support ID you receive here I'll be happy to look into it. Either way, have a great weekend! :)

  • EllenH
    Community Member

    No, I did not finish setting up the account, so I'll just ignore the reminder. It's just that I dislike leaving cruft behind me. Thanks.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    No worries. If you didn't setup the account and save something there, there won't be any data or account to save it in. Cheers! :)

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